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Erish Jurist

No. 1- VOL. I.

NOVEMBER 4, 1848.


The Names of the Gentlemen who favour THE IRISH JURIST with Reports in the several Courts of Law and Equity in Ireland, are as follows:

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no established medium for the interchange of legal ideas!


We think it necessary to lay before our readers the reasons and purposes for which this journal has been established, and to give an outline of the matter and subjects which it is intended its columns shall contain. It may be, that we shall not offer a bill of fare which may tempt the imagination, or stimulate the passions; but we hope to present one that will be substantial, without being heavy, and of solid usefulness, not only to the legal profession, but also to the country gentleman, and every person connected with the administration of justice, or in-tage of being too compressed, and being a single terested in the improvement and transfer of property—subjects which the recent and contemplated changes in the law render of paramount importance. There is no journal in Ireland exclusively devoted to law reports, and law intelligence, and it cannot be doubted that there ought to be such a journal, and that the professional Irish law world should not be without a recognised organ, and medium to convey its sentiments, communicate in-arly alive to the difficulty of altering laws under telligence, and discuss calmly and temperately changes in the law, whether accomplished or intended, and which affect not only the interests of the profession, but the whole fabric of society.

If illustration were required to prove the utility of possessing such a medium, it is presented in the instance of the Irish Law Society. That very useful body, which has frequently interfered with mischievous or crude legislation, publish annually success to prevent or postpone the passing of either a condensed summary of the measures of the preceding year which they have opposed or procured, disapproved or promoted; but though this epitome be ably compiled, it labours under the disadvan

repetition to produce effect, but also the power of publication, it not only wants the force of frequent discussing each separate matter, as the necessity arises; and dealing with the past or the future does not act upon the present with sufficient force.

It is unjust to suppose that lawyers are opposed the subject, and of mankind, render them peculito amendments in the law; but their knowledge of

which rights and complicated relations have been created, and whilst they are willing and anxious that well considered improvements should be introduced, they wish to see them the result of that skill and caution their importance demands. Can it be denied that the temperate discussion by lawyers of law reform, would be conducive to the public good? Every important change, if based on sound principles, can with advantage be tested, probed, and examined. The interest of the lawyer and the legislator are not in antagonism.

The necessity for such a law newspaper, which has always existed, has never, perhaps, been greater than at present; for it must be conceded that a revolution in the laws relating to real property in Ireland is rapidly taking place. The effect of this on the well-being of the country, cannot be estimated, but unquestionably each step should be canvassed, weighed, and matured, before it be taken; JURIST, is not confined to the discussion merely of But the utility of such a publication as the there are nulla vestigia retrorsum. It is not pre-contemplated acts of Parliament; it becomes more sumption to suppose that by no class should every change connected with the jurisprudence of the country be discussed with more practical benefit, than by legal men-their trained habits of thought, and familiarity with the subject pre-eminently fit them for the task; but yet hitherto there has been

practically useful when those measures are being carried into actual operation, for then it is the intelligencer of the mode in which they are worked, it conveys with speed and authenticity the decisions made on them, and can indicate the consequences

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