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To dissolve the marriage contract between Edwin B. Tenney and his wife Harriet A. Tenney.

Be it enacted by the Council and House of Representatives of the Territory of Wisconsin:

SECTION 1. That the marriage contract heretofore exist ing between Edwin B. Tenney and his wife Harriet A. Tenney, be, and the same is hereby dissolved, and the said par ties are hereby restored to all the rights and privileges of unmarried persons.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.

APPROVED, March 11, 1848.

President of the Council.



To amend an act entitled "an act to provide for levying a tax in Waterville joint school district in the county of Waukesha."

Be it enacted by the Council and House of Representatives of the Territory of Wisconsin :

SECTION 1. That so much of an act entitled "an act to

provide for levying a tax on Waterville joint school district, in the county of Waukesha, approved February 10, 1847, as relates to the description of said district by sections and towns, be, and the same is hereby repealed.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.

APPROVED March 11, 1848.


President of the Council.


Authorizing the construction of electric telegraph lines in Wisconsin.

Be it enacted by the Council and House of Representatives of the Territory of Wisconsin :


SECTION 1. That any person or persons, and their suc- Telegraph cessors, who may have the legal right so to do under the laws may be con of congress, and patents issued in pursuance thereof, may be, and they are hereby authorized to contract [construct] and maintain lines of electric telegraph, together with all necessary fixtures appurtenant thereto, from point to point, upon and along any of the public roads, or highways, or across any of the waters or bridges within the limits of this territory or state, or upon the land of any individual, the owners of the land through which said telegraph lines may pass having first given their consent: Provided, that the same shall not in any instance be so constructed as to incommode the public in the use of roads or highways and bridges, or en

In what man

cations transmitted.

danger or injuriously interrupt the navigation of said waters. SEC. 2. At any telegraph office established for the pur Her communi- pose of communicating intelligence on any of the lines constructed by virtue of the provisions contained in the foregoing section, communications received for the transmission of intelligence upon any of said lines shall have precedence in the order in which they are received, and any violation of the provisions of this section by any officer, person or persons having charge of, or employed in conducting, or transacting the business of said office, shall be punished by fine not less than fifty dollars nor exceeding one hundred dollars, at the discretion of the court having cognizance of the same.

What tax paid.

May be sold for taxes.

Penalty for

SEC. 3. The owner or owners of any telegraphic line constructed under the provisions of this act, shall pay to the ter ritory or state, an annual tax of twenty-five cents upon every mile in length so constructed, in lieu of all other taxes, which shall be paid in the last week in January in each year, to the territorial or state freasury.

SEC. 4. The territory or state shall have a lien upon any line, constructed as aforesaid, and its appurtenances, for all taxes which may accrue thereon to the territory or state. by virtue of the provisions of the foregoing section, and in case the tax, or any part thereof, shall remain unpaid at the time herein before provided for its payment, the territorial or state treasurer shall have power, and it is hereby made his duty to advertise such line for sale, for the amount of each tax re-. maining unpaid, in some newspaper published at the seat of government, by giving three weeks previous notice, and to sell the same accordingly for the amount of tax and interest and charges of sale: Provided, the same shall not be paid before the time of sale. And the surplus money, if any, shall be paid to the owner or owners of said line.

Sec. 5. Any person or persons who shall knowingly or willal injury, wilfully injure, molest, or destroy any of said lines or appurtenances belonging thereto, and any person who shall counsel or advise the injury, molestation or destruction of any of said lines or appurtenances thereto belonging, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and be punished by fine not ex

ceeding one hundred dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding one year, or both, at the discretion of the court having cognizance thereof.

SEс. 6. The legislature of the territory or state may at any time alter, modify or repeal this act, and the same shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.

[blocks in formation]

Be it enacted by the Council and House of Representatives of the Territory of Wisconsin:

trict created.

SECTION 1. That sections thirty-five and thirty-six, in School dis township number one north, of range twelve east, in Rock county, may be constituted one school district by the commissioners of common schools of the town of Beloit.

SEC. 2. That when thus constituted and trustees elected, Money may the trustees of said school district are hereby authorized to be borrowed. borrow any sum of money not exceeding five thousand dollars, for the purpose of building a school house in said school district, and to secure the payment thereof may execute any promissory note, bond or other instrument in writing, obligatory upon themselves and their successors in office.

Tax levied to pay loan.

SEC. 3. Said trustees shall also have power to raise any portion, not exceeding one-fifth of said sum of five thousand dollars, by tax upon such school district the present year, and the balance thereof to meet said loan at any time or times hereafter.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.

APPROVED, March 11, 1848.

President of the Council.



To legalize the act of the trustees of the village of Beloit in vacating certain streets therein.

Be it enacted by the Council and House of Representatives of the Territory of Wisconsin:

SECTION 1. That the official act of James Wadsworth, Thomas McElhenny, Alfred L. Field and Thomas Tuttle, while trustees of the village of Beloit, in Rock county, and territory of Wisconsin, in vacating all of Pleasant street ly ing between blocks thirty-five and thirty-three, and blocks thirty-six and thirty-three; all that part of Prospect streetlying north of lots five in blocks thirty-three and twelve in twenty-nine, and up to the north line of lot eleven in block thirty, and near to the north line of block thirty-seven; and all of Second street lying between blocks twenty-nine and thirty and between blocks thirty-three and thirty-six; and in

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