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Sec. 3. The trustees of said school district shall receive and canvass and make return to the' clerk of the board of county commissioners of all the votes cast at such election, who shall lay the same before the board of county commissioners for the purposes contemplated in this act.

SEC. 4. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.

APPROVED January 31, 1846.

AN ACT to amend an act entitled "an act to provide for the selection of certain lands reserved by act of Congress for the use and support of a University in the Territory of Wisconsin."

BE IT ENACTED by the Council and House of Representatives of the Territory of Wisconsin:

SECTION 1. Nathaniel F. Hyer is hereby authorized to select all the (the) lands authorized to be set apart and reserved from sale by virtue of an act of Congress approved June 12th, 1833, entitled "an act concerning a seminary of learning in the Territory of Wisconsin," which have not been set apart and reserved from sale by the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States for the purposes aforesaid: Provided, that no improved land or lands claimed by actual occupants shall be selected for the purposes aforesaid.

SEC. 2. That upon the selection being completed it shall be the duty of the person so appointed to report to the Governor a description of the lands by him selected to be by him transmitted. to the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States with a request that the several lands so selected may be set apart and reserved from sale for the purposes mentioned, in said act of Congress.

SEC. 3. That the agent be, and he is hereby instructed to ens

ter upon the duties of his office immediately on the passage of this act and to close the same as soon thereafter as possible.

SEC. 4. That the person so appointed shall receive for the services herein required to be performed, such compensation to [be] paid out of the territorial Treasury as the Legislative Assembly may deem proper.

APPROVED February 3rd, 1846.

AN ACT relating to certain streets in the city of Milwaukee,

BE IT ENACTED by the Council and House of Representatives of the Territory of Wisconsin:

SECTION 1. The president and board of trustees of the town of Milwaukee, or the aldermen of the third ward of the city of Milwaukee, are hereby authorized and empowered to levy a special tax on the lots fronting each side of Main Street, between Huron Street and the Milwaukee river, for the purpose of grading said street, and the special tax so levied shall not exceed twothirds of the costs of said improvement, and may be collected at the same time, and in the same manner as the general tax of said town or city.

SEC. 2. The president and the board of trustees of the town of Milwaukee, or the aldermen of the fifth ward of the city of Milwaukee, are hereby authorized and empowered to extend and grade South Water Street, and levy a special tax on the real es tate benefitted thereby; and the special tax so levied shall not exceed three-fourths of the costs of said improvement, and may be collected at the same time and in the same manner as the gen eral tax of said town or city.

APPROVED February 2, 1846.

AN ACT to authorize school district No. one in the town of Rochester to levy a tax.

BE IT ENACTED by the Council and House of Representatives of the Territory of Wisconsin:

SECTION 1. That the trustees of school district number one, in the town of Rochester, may, and are hereby authorized to levy and collect a tax of a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, on the taxable property of said district, for the purpose of paying the debts and arrearages thereof, and that the said tax be levied and collected as is now provided by law for collecting taxes to build school houses in the several towns under the township govern


APPROVED January 31st, 1816,

AN ACT to authorize school district No. one, in Sheboygan county to levy a tax for building a school house.

Be it enacted by the Council and House of Representatives of the Territory of Wisconsin:

SECTION 1. That it shall and may be lawful for the trustees of school district No. one, in the county of Sheboygan to levy a tax on the taxble property of said district for the purpose of raising a sum not to exceed four hundred dollars for erecting and finishing a school house in said district.

SEC. 2. The said tax shall be collected and returned in the same manner that is now provided by law for the collection of taxes.

APPROVED January 29, 1816.

May cons

AN ACT to authorize Jemison Hamilton to build a bridge across the Pecatonica river at New Bedford.

BE IT ENACTED by the Council and House of Representatives of the Territory of Wisconsin;

SECTION 1. That Jemison Hamilton, his heirs or assigns shall truct a bridge. have, and hereby is granted the privilege to erect a bridge across the Pecatonica at or near the dwelling house of the said Hamil ton, in the town known as New Bedford, the said bridge to be at least sixteen feet wide and so constructed as to leave a clear space between the two piers on either side of the channel of said river at least fifty feet wide and twenty feet high above the common high water in said stream for the passage of boats, rafts, canoes or other crafts passing up or down said river.

When to be commenced.

SEC. 2. The bridge shall be commenced within six months and completed within twelve months from the time of the passage of this act, and when said bridge is completed according to the provisions of this act, the said Hamilton, his heirs or assigns shall have the privilege of collecting toll from passengers, animals and carriages crossing said bridge at the rates not exceeding the following, to wit: For a man and horse, five cents; for one horse pleasure carriage, ten cents; for two horse pleasure carriage, fifteen cents; for four horse pleasure carriage, twentwenty-five cents; for two horses or oxen and wagon loaded, fifteen cents; unloaded, ten cents; for four horse wagon loaded, twenty-five conts; unloaded, fifteen cents, and for every additional horse, five cents; for four or five yoke of oxen loaded, thirty-five cents; unloaded, twenty cents; for all animals in droves of not more than fifty, one cent per head, and for all over fifty, one half cent per head.

SEC. 3. Any person who shall do any damage to the said bridge Persons liable shall be liable to the owner thereof for the amount of such damfor damage. age, to be recovered in any court of competent jurisdiction, and if any injury to said bridge shall be wilfully or meliciously committed, the person committing such injury shall be liable to prosecu

tion and punishment in conviction according to the provisions of the thirty-fifths section of an act entitled "an act to provide for the punishment of offences against private property."

SEC. 4. The county commissioners of the county of Iowa, or


at any time hereafter the county commissioners of any new counCommissionty that may be formed out of that part of Iowa county in which ers to pursaid bridge is located may at any time after the completion of said bridge purchase the same at a price not exceeding the original cost and ten per centum per annum thereon.

SEC. 5. It shall be the duty of the owners of said bridge to keep the same in repair, and upon tender of the rates herein established to pass any passenger, animal or carriage without any unnecessary delay at all hours of the day and night, and in default thereof they shall forfeit to the injured person five times the amount of the toll with costs to be recovered in an action of debt before any justice of the peace of the county in which such bridge is situated.

What privil

eges to cease.


SEC. 6. The privileges sccured by this act shall cease and be To be kept in determined if the said bridge is not completed within the period hereinbefore mentioned, or the payment of the amount of the cost of building said bridge and ten per cent. as aforesaid, otherwise shall remain and continue in the grantee hercin named for the period of ten years.

SEC. 7. The Legislature may at any time repeal, alter or amend this ac!.

SEC. 8. This act to take effect and be in force from and after its passage.

APPROVED February 2, 1846.

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