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preaching, his various other services, and his truly Christian example. The date of his death was November 11th, 1872, in the sixty-third year of his age. It may be added that Mr. Sutcliffe was interred beside his wife in the parochial burying ground, amidst many demonstrations of respect on the part of the inhabitants of the village generally. The clergyman who officiated on the occasion delivered a short address expressive of his own personal esteem and appreciation of the character of the deceased, while Sir Percival Heywood and his lady came purposely to the funeral service to testify their regard for him as one whom they had known intimately and valued highly. The lady brought a wreath of immortelles to place upon the coffin. His funeral sermon was preached by the Rev. J. M. Hodgson, M.A., Independent minister, of Uttoxeter, to a crowded congregation.

It will behove us, dear reader, to derive from the upright life and sudden death of this good man those lessons which it is so well fitted to teach. Let us reflect that in reference to him it may be said, "Many die as sudden, not as safe." "Be ye therefore also ready, for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh." RICHARD KENNEY.


It is quite fair to say that although Mr. Miall's motion has been brought before the House of Commons and rejected by a large majority, it has not had so much as the breath of debate upon it. Summarily, and impetuously, the impatient Establishmentarians cast it out as ill-timed, impracticable, and offensive. With his usual moderation, fairness, and force, the junior member for Bradford stated the case of religious equality, laid bare the "hopeless helplessness" of the state-fettered church, and urged the necessity, in the interests of religion itself, of the speedy separation of Church and State. Mr. Maclaren followed, showing that the propositions embodied in the motion lacked neither force nor truthfulness as applied to the country beyond the Tweed.

But not a word fell from the lips of Mr. Gladstone to show that "the establishment by law of the churches of England and Scotland" does not "involve a violation of religious equality." That was not touched. The injustice was virtually admitted. Not a line of argument in defence of the utter helplessness of the Church was advanced, beyond a quotation (which sounds in English ears more like a satire) eulogistic of the unity of the English Church as shown at the Nottingham Congress from the writings of Dr. Döellinger. The sheer incapacity of Parliament to legislate for the Church was allowed; and indeed had been too well illustrated in the discussions on the Occasional Sermons Bill a day or two before to be questioned. What, then, remains in the Premier's eloquent oration? First and mainly, the statement that the propositions are brought forward too soon; that in fact the majority of the people are at present disinclined to perform this act of justice. It may be a future question. It is not a present one. It is probable that such is the case. If England were polled tomorrow the vote might go against us. But that does not invalidate Mr. Miall's position, or convict him of imprudence for seeking to prepare the people to perform an act that is just and right, and fraught with highest good.

Next there came the assertion that the majority of the people are bound by ties of some kind or other to the National Church; an assertion largely based on the marriage returns. Doubtless: but not necessarily to it qua State-endowed Church. We admit the immense power of sentiment, and know the difficulty of moving it with the ice of logic. But if the strength of the Church Defence Association is in the attachment of the people married at churches, Samson will soon lose his locks. Many go there as they go to a post-office with a letter. On the other hand it is only recently that some English folk have really learnt that a marriage is as valid at a registrar's office or a dissenting chapel, as at the parish church: and even now anxious spirits are not altogether sure about it. If this is the majority Mr. Gladstone trusts to we give it him gladly.

But this is not all. "Take the Church of England out of the history of England, and the history of England becomes a chaos without order, without life, and without meaning." But again we ask, has this order, life, and meaning been put into English history because of the connexion of the Church with the State? Unhesi-. tatingly we say, and could cite pages of evidence without end to support the assertion, that had that union been severed, the "order" would have been more perfect, the "life" richer and fuller, and the "meaning" more sublime than it is.

The Mode of Baptism and Criticism.


Finally, the overwhelming argument against Mr. Miall is the tremendous difficulty of dealing with the sum of £90,000,000 sterling. Doubtless this is a formidable task, but the very magnitude of the sum makes it all the more urgent that a way should be found of dealing with it on principles fair and equitable to the entire nation. Is it not an additional reason for disestablishment? Why should the faith of a portion of the nation be weighted in this way? Is it right, is it just? If difficulty is to prevent the realization of justice then where is British pluck, what has become of British daring?

We do not bate a jot of heart or hope in our just cause. The truth is great and must prevail. EDITOR.


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"Among other (books) here is 'The Obedyence of a Chrysten Man, by W. Tyndale.-Prynted at Malborowe, in the lande of Hesse, by Hans Luft. The viii. day of Maye. Anno MDVIII.' Remark this one sentence, folio lxxvi. 'Baptym. The plungynge into the water sygnifieth that we dye, and are buryed with Chryst as concernynge the olde lyfe of synne which is Adam. And the pullynge out agayn sygnyfyeth that we ryse agayne with Christe in a newe lyfe.' This is one of the many proofs beyond all contradiction which I have of the fact, that immersion in ordinary baptism was the invariable practice of the English till the Reformation. This is dated 1528, and by the man who translated the Bible. I have now received thirty-four volumes. Several are old farthing tracts, and one hath forty-seven of these jewels in it.I was speaking of Sykes. I think him an incomparable writer, and therefore I suppose his piece on the innocence of error is excellent, but I do not affirm that it is, for I never saw it. This writer, and numbers more, the first in learning, piety and critical taste, lie wholly unknown to most of our ministers. Why? They have mistaken their true and real characters, and instead of considering themselves disciples of truth set up for defenders of faith. Hence it is, you may ride a black horse white among that class of men, and not find a single critic. I do not call a snarling pickthank a critic. I call him so who hath the talents and the temper which constitute critical abilities. One is not a critic: he hath no brains. Another is not: he is too idle, he will not labour. A third is not: he is

too poor he cannot procure books and tutors. Another durst not be one: he is so afraid of his reputation. A very great fund of both folly and vice is at the bottom of all such cases, except the first; for if a man have no natural talents, if he be nothing but a bundle of sheer boobyism, blubber for orthodoxy he may, but criticise a sentence he cannot; and if his temper were as soft as his brain, I should hold him innocent.

It is the critical study of the New Testament, not of single words and phrases, but of the whole in connection with geography, chronology, eastern customs, languages, &c., that I think is the peculiar business of a disciple of truth. It is easy to make of boys defenders of faith. It is not easy to make even men sound critics. A man who affixes guilt to any mode of thinking must not so much as suspect some popular notions which are called fundamental to be false, or only true in part. He must not even be known to buy or read heretical books. He must never examine more than one side; that is to say, he must renounce all pretentions to that perfect liberty in which his Lord placed him by his gospel, and he must declare for some species of tyranny. You hold general redemption: another particular: you hold one another guilty, so you begin in coolness and end in enmity. I hold you both innocent in regard to me as long as you differ only in thinking of this subject, and whether either of you be guilty, or which of the two, or in what degree, I leave to the great Judge to determine. Both innocent in my eye, I admit you to all Christian privileges, baptism, the Lord's Supper, the alms, and the offices of the church. The moment you break the King's peace by any unjust action one to the other on account of your different sentiments, I hold you both guilty, not of believing error but of overt acts which disturb society. A man, the other day, a man of God too, and more than either, a Londoner, wrote us word he was not sure he understood Robinson's Notion of the

Innocence of Error, but he and his brethren condemned it. Now is not this abominable, friend T.? This genius doubted whether he understood what he had heard of, but he did not hesitate to censure it!

I beg your pardon for scribbling on at this rate. It snows very fast. I query whether I have any company to day. It is a popish festival, but I being a protestant leave the pope to countenance his own frenzies. I will not disgrace myself by stooping to preach to them, who would not hear if they had anything else to do. However, I do not mean to persecute you all day by writing. As to what I have written, pray don't answer till you do so in this room, and then I should think a week well spent in proving that where a man doth not affix immoral consequences to his modes of thinking, he ought by

us to be held innocent, think what he will.

Last week I had the happiness of seeing six of my children received on their own profession of faith into this church. I baptized them, not in the church baptistry, but in my family bath at the bottom of my garden: for I had a mind to try the primitive eastern mode of immersing. I led one down the steps, turned her about, and set her face toward the steps, placed myself on her left side transversely, and putting my right hand on the back of her head, bowed her forward into the water, and effected a perfect immersion, while I pronounced the baptismal words. We are all so satisfied with this mode, (for the rest followed the first, one ascending, another descending) that I think I shall never use any other in future."


I. OUR ASSOCIATION.-The out look is full of interest. Reports of church work will be full of cheering signs of progress. The good gift of God to our Foreign Mission will gladden all hearts. The prospect of sending speedy help to our weakened staff in Orissa will be hailed with delight. The increased additions to our churches, and the improvement of our machinery-chapels, schools, &c., will, it is hoped, be manifest. Business of great importance will require devout and vigorous attention. Let us pray before we meet. Let us meet in large numbers, and all in the spirit of prayer, and of intense desire for the glory of Christ, and as before, so again, we shall find it good to

be there.

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II. The Baptist Union can scarcely be said to have had a very fruitful session. Not a "paper" was read, though we were promised Papers on several subjects." Not many grave questions affecting the spiritual life and usefulness of the churches discussed. The constitution "blocks the way." Sir James Macintosh said, "Constitutions are not made; they grow." The Baptist Union will find that Sir James is right. What is needed is to state in as clear words as possible what the constitution has grown to now, and leave the future to take care of itself. Moreover, is not the Baptist Union getting too big for deliberative purposes, It should have its deliberation done for it, done so wisely and so comprehensively that the session will have little to do besides endorse and execute.

III. SACRAMENTAL CONFESSION IN THE ENGLISH CHURCH.-There is no manner of doubt that the practice of Sacramental Confession is the most distinctive feature of

the Roman Catholic Church, and furnishes the principal instrument used by its priesthood for leading captive the minds of "silly women" of both sexes. Without this terrible machinery Romanism would be comparatively ineffective. And yet the spectacle has lately been afforded us of 480 "priests of the Church of England" petitioning the Bishops in Convocation to legalise, as far as convocation can, the revival of this phase of sacramentarianism in the English Church. Archbishop Canterbury, and most of the right reverend prelates, denounced the practice. But what does this fact mean? 480 priests daring enough to ask the episcopal parliament to sanction this intensely Romish rite. It means that it is practised, that it is spreading, and that national property, our property, who abhor Popery with all our soul and strength, is used directly, openly, and flagrantly for its introduction. How long shall these things be? Let the Papists preach and teach and work with the utmost freedom: but not with the property of a nation that is Protestant at heart. Dr. Tait said the other day that the Church of Rome is the only one that will gain by disestablishment. Can she gain more, or at a speedier rate, than she is doing now?

IV. JOHN STUART MILL.-Though not ranked amongst the foremost friends of Christianity, yet we venture to say that few scientific men have exhibited, with more distinctiveness, some of the finer qualities of the Christian character. Those who were fortunate enough to know him appreciated his goodness quite as much as they admired his greatness. He was ardent



and self-denying in his devotion to truth, and conquered personal vanity in a degree that is not common amongst men of science. He was forward to confess a mistake. He laboured hard to expose the snares and pitfalls of error. He widened the domain of science, and sought to apply its methods to all human interests. His Logic," "Political Economy," 66 Representative Government," are our text books on the sciences of evidence, wealth, and politics. His attitude to the Christian religion often appeared to be that of an enemy; but apart from a few passages in his books on "Liberty," "Auguste Comte," &c., and the "Materialism" of his philosophy, his work has been that of a friend; for though not "following with us," he has helped, more than many, to cast out the "demons of error and selfishness that stop our way.

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V. TRUST DEEDS.-The Rev. D. Loxton, of Sheffield, speaking at a meeting of the Congregational Union of Yorkshire, made this doubly significant admission; significant of the progress of theological opinion and Christian unity; and both significant and suggestive as to the future action of the church with regard to trust deeds. One generation cannot fully determine the forms in which its successors will seek to mould and shape its convictions of the light that breaks forth from God's Holy Word. "The old Calvinistic dogmas of our fathers remain in our title deeds, but it is very questionable whether there are not more Arminians than Calvinists amongst our church members. And the Calvinism which still exists amongst us is of that modified and softened nature which results from the union of Calvinism and Arminianism in the same church and in the same doctrinal system."


BIBLICAL MUSEUM. By J. C. Gray. Vol. V., Hebrews to Revelations. Stock.

Ir affords us great pleasure to record the completion of this valuable commentary upon the New Testament. We have so often stated its method and spirit, and characterized its prominent features, that our readers will only need to know that the work, so far as the New Testament is concerned, is finished. Two new features not characteristic of commentaries are added: an index of the subjects more fully expounded, and of the anecdotal illustrations given. This increases its usefulness immensely. It gives it the value of a double dictionary-one of pithy, pertinent, and striking anecdotes; and a second of Biblical subjects, geographical, botanical, theological, ethical, and spiritual.

We are glad to learn that the skilful author intends to expound and illustrate the Old Testament in the same way.


ton, M.A., F.L.S. Religious Tract Society. Now boys, June is here again, and nature offers, under sunny skies, and in pleasant fields, and by the water's edge, ten thousand "wonders" for those who will use their eyes.

But every "wonder" has its question or scores of questions, and you cannot always find the answer so soon as you would. Get this book of Mr. Houghton's, and you will see more than you saw before; and what you saw then, and will see by its aid, will 'all be explained to you. This is a capital boys' summer book: a book for the fields

and streams and ponds. The science is all given in a very pleasant way, and is as reliable and accurate as it is pleasuregiving.


A WORD of "strong consolation" that will fall on the chafed and jaded spirit like strains of sweet music, and give more than a momentary cheerfulness, even an abiding courage and a calm yet quickening joy. It is a genuine Barnabas. God speed it to many wounded hearts.


Is the Church of England State-supported? By Charles Williams. (Liberation Society.) This is a question constantly cropping up in private conversation and in public discussion. Mr. Williams deals with it in a fresh and forcible, fair and logical way; basing his arguments on facts and authorities beyond dispute. It would be a timely and valuable service to give a copy to each of our church members.

Disestablishment; what good will it do? By Dr. Mellor. (Liberation Society.) Canon Ryle's enquiry is treated with trenchant and searching reasoning; and the whole question is put on a solid and practical basis. We heartily commend it.

The Principles and Practice of Baptist Nonconformists. By W. Jarrom. (Marlborough.) Price 2d. This address, delivered by the senior pastor of the Barton church on the ordination of the Rev. H.

Wood, is marked by a clear scriptural exposition of the New Testament church, and pertinent replies to recent objectors to our faith and order. It is well adapted for circulation amongst the younger members of our churches.

The Phrenological Characteristics of the Rev. C. H. Spurgeon. By Nicolas Morgan. (Passmore and Alabaster.) For threepence you have a portrait of Mr. Spurgeon, a phrenological measurement of his head, and the relative size of forty-two "bumps" or "organs," the circumference of his chest, with much more of the same kind; all


capped by an explanation of his success as a preacher. Notwithstanding callipers and tape lines," and the like, there is some good sense in this pamphlet.

Catholic Sermons, (Curtice, 12, Catherine St., Strand,) is a new penny monthly, and contains characteristic sermons by Newman Hall, Arthur Mursell, A. G. Brown, etc.

Sixpenny Coloured Picture Books. (Religious Tract Society.) One packet is for Sunday, and another for week-days. The subjects are well chosen, and the pictures are bright and numerous: just "the thing" for the little ones.

Church Register.


I. HOW TO GET THERE.—Mr. Allen says: It has been suggested that I should furnish information to intending visitors as to the best routes to Burnley. I do not know why, unless it is imagined that Burnley is the fag-end of the world. However, for the help of those who have a horror of the bewildering mazes of "Bradshaw," let me say there are two ways of arriving at Burnley, either of which will be convenient for friends from Lincolnshire and the Midland districts. The first is by way of Manchester; in which case travellers will have to cross Manchester from London Road to Victoria stations, and thence by train to Burnley via Todmorden, or if preferred (though the route is not so direct from Victoria station), via Bury and Accrington to Burnley.

The other way is by Walton Junction (Wakefield) and Halifax to Todmorden, and thence to Burnley. There are several fast trains from Leicester and the Midland districts advertised by this route, and our Lincolnshire friends may have the choice of either Great Northern or Midland Company's trains by either road-Manchester or Halifax. The Lancashire watering places-Blackpool, Lytham, Southport, &c., are within easy reach of Burnley, and may be comfortably visited by the delegates. I need hardly remind travellers that all trains now carry third class passengers. By whatever route our guests may come, we will do our best to give them a hearty welcome.

Our friend J. Roper, of Leicester, kindly forwards the following information:-It may be that some of your many friends will be a little puzzled to know which of the routes is the best by which they can reach Burnley early in the afternoon of Monday, June 23rd. For the information of those who need it, let me tell intending visitors from the Midland district that they

should go via Derby and Manchester as the best, as well as the most interesting route. Those from the London district may travel either by Midland, Great Northern, or London and North Western Railways, but all should go via Manchester. The Lincolnshire General Baptists also should go through Manchester, although they have the option of going via Leeds, the distance being much the same. For all, at Manchester, there will be a change of stations, distance from each other about an Irish mile cab fare 1s. 4d. Passengers must leave adjacent places to meet the trains leaving Leicester 9 a.m. or 12.21 noon; Loughborough, 9.27, 11.57; Nottingham, 9.25 or 12.35; Derby 10.20 or 1.20, arriving in Manchester 12.30 and 3 p.m., Peterborough 8.20 or 11.48 will also be in time to leave the Victoria station, Manchester, 2.15 or 5 p.m. via Todmorden, where they will change for Burnley, arriving there at 3.35 and 6.35 respectively. In all cases book to Manchester, and re-book there for Burnley.

II. SLEEPING ARRANGEMENTS.-Mr.Needham writes-Friends wishing to be accommodated with beds at the Association, will please apply (not later than June 12th) to Mr. Councillor Whittaker, No. 6, Elizabeth Street, Burnley, Lancashire.

III. The Association Secretary writes :I believe I have forwarded a Schedule in which to insert Report and Statistics for the Burnley Association to every church. Should I have overlooked any, or should any have missed their destination, a line to me will be enough to cause one to be sent immediately. Returns are to be made not later than June 12; as much earlier as possible; and all Cases should be in my hands before Wednesday the 18th June. May I ask that each report may have one or two signatures; it so facilities correspondence hereafter, especially where there is no stated minister. S. S. ALLSOP.

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