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"I remember the first time I looked beyond me as a grain of the vilest dust, in comparison To me, too, it seemed as if the blade of the rathe dark vista of my troubles, and saw, as it with the riches of the east. zor had buried itself in my neck; and that I were, my grave opening its arms to me as a "My resolution was confirmed. But, oh! had not power to draw it out. Of my indisresting-place. The world had frowned upon what a sickness of the heart came over me, in tinct recollections, the most vivid are, my fallmy hopes, and blighted them. I was in sore spite of myself, the moment I felt assured there ing from my chair-as I fell, flashes of fire tribulation, hemmed round with perplexities, was no to-morrow for me. It chanced, that as darting from my eyes-a sense of weight on and sick even to death with long suffering. It I returned home that night, I met a friend, the top of my head, as if my skull were crushwas then that as I stood by the margin of a whose cordial greeting smote my spirit like a ing in upon my brain with ponderous bulkquiet lake, I looked upon its smooth calm sur-malignant mockery; his smile seemed the cold the warm pool of my own blood, in which I lay face, and thought how peaceful all beneath was! malice of a fiend, taunting me in laughter with-and a noise that sounded in my ears like the I cast a stone upon the waters-it sunk-and his better fortune; and his careless 'good booming of far off heavy guns. There was a the eye could scarcely discern where it had night,' when we parted, pronounced as men faint glimmering of consciousness pervading sunk, so quickly all was smooth and undisturb- bid good night, who look to meet again, fell my mind of what I had done, not unmixed with ed again. Oh, God! how I wished I were be- upon my ear like a voice from the tomb, pro-shuddering anticipations of what was so soon side that stone! And how I pondered upon the claiming that I had done with time, for this to follow."

"I continued to breathe-but it was no

Spirit of Contemporary Prints.


one little step from where I stood-the plunge was my last night! It was suited to the chaos "The rest was a blank! The grave itself -the moment's strong buffetting with the of my mind, for I fancied he ought to have could not have been more so. But it is no wave, and then the quiet sinking to the bottom, known what was about to happen, and have idle form of words to say, that language has lifeless and at rest! A dark, turbid, rolling ri- spared me such derision. no expression, no combination of phrases, which ver could not have whispered such a purpose "When I closed the door of my chamber could even faintly shadow forth the marvellous to my heart. It would have been too much and bolted it-when I took from my pocket images of two states of being, of death perfectthe image of what I was myself, to allure me two loaded pistols, and laid them gently on the ly remembered of returning life dimly comto its troubled home. But this gentle, trans-table-and when I seated myself beside that prehended-which reared themselves before parent lake, spread out in the solitude like an table, calmly and quietly-yes!-calmly and my imagination as reviving consciousness slowasylum for the wretched, seemed to woo me to quietly!-for though each artery in my frame ly unfolded itself. The doubts of what I wasits bosom. Religion had no share in holding beat wildly, and though my brain seemed as if of where I was-and the mingling, but undeme back. I resisted the strong temptation on- it were clasped in iron, and my blood-shot eyes fined, terrors of remorse and guilt, as I obscurely by the influence of that stronger principle, burned in their sockets-there was not one ly recalled the past, and yielded to the sugges the mysterious love of life, which makes us un- tremulous pulse at my heart-when, I say, I thus tions of the present-awakened emotions of willing to die, even when the chain that binds sat, and gazed upon those little instruments of such deep and thrilling awe within me, that us to life is reduced to the solitary link of our death which I had prepared-such visions grew the memory of them, even at this distant peprerogative to breathe. upon my fancy as throng only about the dark riod, comes over my spirit like a fearful vision confines of a future world. Do you ask their of another world!”'~ more. I clung to a world which incessantly framed to tell, what man himself can never nature The language of man was never shook me off at each convulsive grasp. I was like a mariner who sees his bark drifting upon which he does, the moment he vanquishes the know, till he has put off his mortal attributes; the rocks, by the force of a current he cannot fear of death, and stands ready to welcome him. stem. The hours of his safety are numbered; "Of chance or change, oh! let no man complain, Else he shall never cease to wail!" and he knows he must perish. It is well for I speak not of that victory over death which plucks out his sting, by holy preparation for his We have often been reminded of the truth of them that lie upon beds of ivory, and stretch themselves on their couches, and eat the lambs coming, whensoever he may come; but of that this sentiment of Beattie. The chances and out of the flock, and the calves out of the midst harder victory over ourselves, which must pre- changes of life are as unaccountable as they are of the stall,' to tell the forlorn of their race that cede a purpose such as mine was, deliberately wonderful. The revolutions effected by time meditated and deliberately fulfilled, wherein in mind, character and circumstances, would they may work, and eat, and live. To work the intention is equivalent to the act, in all the seem incredible in picture, but when actually and eat, and live, are not the conditions of existence which will satisfy the desires of every mysterious operations upon the soul. coming beneath our observation are passed by heart. MAN has his place in society as the "Lord God! what an utter oblivion of the with scarce a comment. Every day's experipast and of the present there was, as I placed ence shows us in still more striking colours the trees of the earth have theirs; and the towering the muzzle of one of the pistols in my mouth, weakness of human nature. From childhood to cedar of the mountain will not flourish in the valley, where the lowly shrub and rank weed clenching it involuntarily with my teeth, as if old age, it is still the same paradox of inconsisthrive. I felt I had my place, which I had for- to steady its aim! My finger was on the trig-tencies. Our passions usurp the reins of judgfeited by no act of dishonour, and my exclusion ger-and in my left hand I grasped the other. ment, and are frequently more painful than igI cannot tell how long I paused: it might be a norance in producing misfortune and unhap from it, therefore, was dishonour. minute, or an hour; for time was already anni-piness. Often are we compelled to turn away "I am giving you the picture of what I was; hilated in my mind. I only knew, that even in with disgust from the conduct of our seniors, unveiling the thoughts and feelings of a period such a moment there came over me the dread often are we compelled to look with the eye of of life when youthful hopes, and the aspirings of hideous mutilation, the possible shattering pity upon the actions of our contemporaries. of young ambition, quicken the ardent pulses of my head and face, without death, without None can pass through life without coming in of generous enterprise; when what we aim at the physical energy afterwards to complete my contact with unworthiness of character as well is that which we teach ourselves to call our destruction, and the image of a life saved, with as imbecility of mind, and few can wander right; and when less than all we seek is too a form loathsome to myself and horrible to through the briar paths of this world unaffected little to content our proud reckoning of the fu- others. I can well remember, too, when this and unharmed. But of the changes of life who ture. It is not what I am. I have now learn- thought possessed me, with what an agony of shall speak. Let the aged look back upon the ed to look upon the world as upon a crowded caution I withdrew the weapon, lest mere ac- buoyant hours of youth, when the heart was theatre, where he who has not had his place cident should realize the thing I feared; but untried in the tempest of the world, and the secured must take the best he can find; or, as that danger past, I had no other fear. My fancy painted futurity with a rainbow pencil. a much frequented thoroughfare, where all get nerves were strung for the shock itself; I had Let them seek out for the deep sources of along, because every one, in his turn, makes strained, as it were, my sinews, to bear the affection from the free well springs of delight, way for others. sudden blow: and it called for no renewed ef that then gave tone and character to the whole

"I had been worn down by self-created dis- fort to change the manner of receiving it. chain of thought and existence. They will find appointments, when I made my last throw in "It is not to inspire you with any false no- the bitter passages of life have also embittered the game of life. I lost it! Inquire not the tions of my heroism, or of the stoical apathy of the early currents of feeling-they will find stake for which I played It matters not now. my character, that I mention the fact of my se- that a calculating and untiring influence has I lost it; and my resolution was taken; in no lecting from a case, containing several razors, deadened the early delicacies of character, that paroxysm of passion, in no frenzy of despair; the one which I considered best adapted for the mildew of trial has palsied all pure impulses, but upon what I would then have called a calm my purpose. I did do so; and I did so without and that time has thrown a shadow over the philosophical estimate of the value of life in re- perturbation. What followed, was one grim soul, which has fettered it down among the lation to its utility to myself and others. I vision of blood and horror! All I distinctly re-grosser things of earth. placed before my mind every argument which collect is, the pain of the first incision, and the Of hope as it once dawned upon the imagiit was at that moment capable of perceiving in desperate gash with which I frantically follow-nation, and drew landscapes of beauty and favour of a further struggle, and every argu- ed it up, from a desire to abridge my sufferings, peace upon the bright world of futurity, they ment against it; but the former appeared to and from a consciousness that I must go on. give dark pictures-call her a deceitful syren,

lulling the understanding with strains of hea- the prudent friend, and the faithful wife. Colours London. Three plain carriages, each withven, when you totter upon the precipice of ruin. artfully spread upon canvass, may entertain the out coronet or show, accompanied the poet's "Believe not the voice of the deceiver," they eye, but not affect the heart; and she who bier, and even of these one was occupied by exclaim," she will lead you away into ponds takes no care to add to the natural graces of the undertaker; and a small band of literary and quagmires, and there suffer you to perish. the person any excellent qualities, may be al- men, Moore, Campbell, and two or three others, Have no faith in her counsel, place no reliance lowed still to amuse as a picture, but not to tri-with the addition of Mr. Hobhouse, were the upon her word. We are among those who umph as a beauty. only mourners.

took her to our bosoms in worship, and she When Adam was introduced by Milton de- "Their celebrity, however, compensated for wrecked us upon the rocks of disappointment scribing Eve in Paradise, and relating to the an- the smallness of their numbers; and I said to and despair." Ask them of love, and they will gel the impression he felt upon seeing her at myself, these at least are worthy to accompa tell you it is but a phantom, a dream that dis- her first creation, he does not represent her ny Byron on his last journey; but what was solves in the lapse of years, when the fire of like a Grecian Venus, by her shape or features, my surprise to find that at the first inn on the childhood shall become extinguished, and the but by the lustre of her mind, which shone in new road, where you change horses, the poets charms of youth shall be withered by time. them, and gave them the power of charming. "But not upon an altar," say they," so frail and mutable as does your tenement of happiness, for when disease shall steal over the features of your idol, and deformity usurp the place of beauty, the dream will dissolve like mists of the morning, and the heart turn away sick at the change, and sick at the weakness of human nature and its own inconsistency. Or if the bloom on the cheeks of the charmer ripens, if the bud of her loveliness continues to expand as into richer bloom, if the dream still continues to kindle and afford bliss, death shall step in and rifle love of its companion, or treachery or change steal away the heart of its idolater, and the joy from his soul.

"Whilst yet you may, oh, youth! clasp fleeting bliss;
For soon, too soon, its glories will depart,-
For where we once in rapture found a kiss,
Despair may find the ruins of a heart."

The changes of life, as they pass before our

abandoned the remains of their illustrious Grace was in all her steps, heav'n in her eye, brother, to go to dine and regale comfortably in town. From London to Newstead, the reIn all her gestures dignity and love. mains of Byron travelled, without a friend, Without this irradiating power, the proudest save his faithful valet; they were abandoned fair one ought to know, whatever her glass to the mercenary care of those who had been may tell her to the contrary, that her most per- hired for such ceremonies. Hobhouse alone fect features are uninformed and dead. came to Nottingham by the coach; he arrived Ben Johnson gives an epitaph with a spirit in time to see the remains of his friend united that nothing could inspire but such an object to those of his ancestors. The day was warm, we have been describing:—

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Underneath this stone doth lie,

As much virtue as could die;
Which when alive did vigour give,
To as much beauty as could live.

the roads suffocating with dust; the peasantry crowded to see the last of their feudal lords; but the Byron's vassals showed no sign of gratitude or attachment. His Lordship's father was a harsh, capricious, unamiable man; Byron himself enjoyed his income far indicted at York assizes for feloniously taking out stranger. No voice, accordingly, saluted him, A probable case!-George Beal, labourer, was from his chateau, and sold his domains to a of a stable at Upton, a bay mare, the property of no one cried God bless him (as Shakspeare says Joseph Clarkson. When called upon for his de- of Richard III.) One of the greatest geniuses

fence, he delivered the following curious narrative:

He said "I had a glass of beer, a pennoth of tobac- of modern times went to his grave almost withgaze, should be immensely productive of pre-co, and four pennoth of gin and warter, and haveing out a friend, or a single tear. cept. However inscrutable may be the will of nothing to eat all day I was very tired, haveing tra- "The vault was opened; the coffin was lowered velled a great way, an scarce of work and could not in. There was no place left unoccupied in the the Deity, there is a natural course of events, over which the moral and considerate may ex-tired, and very sleepy, and foot sore, and I did not himself had remarked that the circumstance get any, and was very hungry indeed, and very ill last narrow burying place of the Byrons; he ercise somewhat of control. We should en-know where to lig down; I wantered about, at last I deavour to exercise the faculties of our mind, came to a stable, it was very dark, and I very drunk, was prophetic, and presaged the extinction of not only for the purpose of rendering the pre- the stable door I fell ower upon something which I place the remains of the poet above the cofnot haveing any thing to eat all day, and on opening his race. They were accordingly obliged to pleasures, but that the future should also myself very comfortable and fell fast asleep, for this last had become rotten from time, and felt was very warm; it was a very cold night, I felt fin which contained those of his mother; but be fruitful of satisfaction, and that life might wanted sleep very much, and to my very great sur

sent moment subservient to our felicities and


LONDON POLICE. LAMBETH-STREET.-An Irishman, known by the familiar cognomen of "Jerry," whose visage for the last 10 years has been hebdominally presented to the

Police Office, was charged with an assault. Jerry is a perfect specimen of that compound of bone and mus cle, an Irish labourer. Broad and brawny as an X, with a mixture of knavery and simplicity his

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glide away in one unruffled stream. In nothing prise did not wake till the mare had carried me to a was unable to support the heavy leaden coffin can wisdom effect more benefit than in re- very great distance, I did not wake until I came to which was laid above it. A crash was heard, straining the redundance of our passions, and the toll-gate, and the man asked me for the toll: but one coffin smashed the other, and the remains in plucking out the tares of disposition, which sweep and a woman, and when I awoke I did not while on the mare, and asleep, I think I passed by a of Byron were united to those of his mother." have grown up either by nature or education. know where I was, I therefore naterfully thought The change that a man may effect in his own the mare was my own, haveing carried me so far character and habits, by exercising over them without my knowledge or consent. Gentlemen of all the powers of his judgment, is not less re- the matter." The jury, after a few minutes' con-notice of the Magistrates, either at this or the Thames the Jury and my Lord Judge that is all I know about markable than the manifold changes of life. sultation, found the prisoner guilty. The bitterest and most intractable dispositions can be sweetened and curbed, and the most disgusting and debasing habits may ultimately be counteracted. The world is perpetually In the Moniteur of the 19th, we find the fol- countenance which invariably brings him through changing in forms and customs; the hopes, pas-lowing. We do not remember to have seen the manifold scrapes he gets into from irresistisions, and affections of men are constantly new the circumstances it relates recorded else- ble propensity to a "drap of wheskey objects of excitement and devotion; it is his na- where; but if correct, they will, no doubt, be The policeman's case was this:oming off duty ture to change, and it is vain that he struggle duly noted in Mr. Moore's forthcoming work. upon treating him. The paceman refused, and he met Jerry, who being a countryman, insisted against the propensities of that nature. Meanwhile we lay them before our readers, Jerry, who construed the reusal into an affront, gave trusting, at a time when the Life of Byron is him a push, which was returned. This was suffiTRUE BEAUTY. It is, methinks, a low and in hand, they may prove acceptable. The cient for Jerry, who, seizing his countryman with degrading idea of that sex which was created letter, it will be observed, contains some mis- the grip of a blacksmith's vice, laid him, although to refine the joys and soften the cares of hu- takes respecting Lord Byron's family, into a strong man, on the broad of his back in a twinkling, and then leisurely proceeded to divest him of manity, by the most agreeable participation, to which a foreigner might have easily fallen: his truncheon, which he was about to apply with consider them merely as objects of sight. This "LONDON, JANUARY. characteristic energy to his head and shoulders, when assistance arrived, and by the help of two or is abridging them of their natural extent of "Lawrence, you are aware, has died, leav-three others he was hauled to the office. power, to put them upon a level with their pic-ing his affairs in an embarrassed state, not- "Let me spake," said Jerry, who was bursting tures. How much nobler is the contemplation withstanding his immense gains. I have just with impatience; "look plase yer Wertship, there's of beauty, heightened by virtue, and command-seen his funeral procession pass, which con-a jintleman who'll give me a good karackter. Ax ing our esteem and love, while it draws our ob-sisted of thousands of equipages. The whole him for my karackter; ony ax him, that's all." servation?-How faint and spiritless are the elite of England was present. Now, in wit-bench with Mr. Walker. Jerry pointed to Mr. Hardwick, who was on the charms of a coquette when compared with the nessing this sight, a token as it was of a be- Mr. Hardwick smiled at this unexpected referreal loveliness of Honoria's innocence, piety, coming gratitude on the part of the nobility, to ence, and shook his head. good humour and truth; virtues which add a that genius which has been consecrated to "There now," said Jerry, triumphantly, "that new softness to her sex, and even beautify her them, I will avow to you that I could not pre-means I'm an honest man, any how; and I've got beauty! That agreeableness which must have vent my thoughts from straying back to the plinty of wetnesses who knows I whident bemane meself to do any thing wrang." otherwise appeared no longer in the modest miserable convoy which attended the remains "Well," said Mr. Walker, "what do you say virgin, is now preserved in the tender mother, of the immortal Byron through the streets of for assaulting the policeman?"

"Och! plase yer honour don't be mintioning that the colony, and the design of this society, as cannot river, valley and mountain, and the various mental same at all at all. Bind him over to keep the pace but enlist the charitable sympathies of all good men. tension necessary to diversify their meditations, acwid me. Ony think whin I was full sarjeant in the 66th Futt, this man here was my brevet sarjeant; and now the Duke of Wellington-bad luck to him

cording to their range and object, gave them the in"The Backwoodsman" is the title of an intelli- tellectual superiority, in comparison with the more stationary Indians, of travellers capable of a certain has made him an inspector, and forgot ould Jerry." gent weekly sheet which has regularly reached us, amount of reasoning, comparison and abstraction." Mr. Walker, who had consulted with Mr. Hard- for a week or two past, from Xenia, Greene county, wick, turned round and observed that, as he had be- Ohio. It is edited and published by F. & W. D. LITERARY.-We find the following works an haved on many occasions, he understood, with great Gallagher, the latter a writer of much promise.nounced, as forthcoming, in the London papers: gallantry, he should let him off this time. Jerry made a leg, and withdrew. The last number, which lies before us, contains a Walter Coylton, a new novel by Horace Smith, the author of Brambletree House. The principal This man possesses a most extraordinary degree notice of Mr. Flint's new novel, the "Shoshonee characters in this work consist of the Prince of of unreflecting and ready courage, of which he has Valley," with an extract from that work, which is Orange; Mary, the daughter of James; one of the given proof on many occasions. It was owing to his now in press. We have not space, or we should Sydneys; Sir Charles Sedley, and his daughter, the intrepidity that many of the unfortunate sufferers at Countess of Dorchester; Judge Jeffreys, and other the Brunswick Theatre were rescued, having set the quote the entire extract. The following passage of the ruling spirits of that day, in which the license example by clearing away the rubbish, under cir- however, will explain whence the name of this work of Charles the Second's time, and the growing cumstances of impending destruction. On a later oc-is derived, and also afford the reader a specimen of strictness in matters of religion and morality which casion, a stable, containing six valuable horses, being the style of the forthcoming volumes. ended in the Revolution, were striving for mastery. in flames, and no one daring to attempt the rescue The author of "Kussilbash" has a new work in of the animals, Jerry, who had just arrived at the "The Shoshonee are a numerous and powerful preparation, entitled the Persian Adventurer. It is scene, dashed into the stable, in the midst of the tribe of Indians, who dwell in a long and narrow vale principally descriptive of Persian life and manners. flames, and succeeded in leading out four horses; of unparalleled wildness and beauty of scenery, be"Tales of the Colonies" by the author of Sketches but this was at the loss of his hair, eye-brows, and tween the two most western ridges of the Rocky of Canada, will soon appear. total destruction of his toggery. The liberal propri- Mountains, on the south side of the Oregon, or as the The author of "Flirtation" will speedily proetor, for this service, presented Jerry with five shil-inhabitants of the United States choose to call it, the duce a tale of fashionable life, under the title of lings. Columbia. They are a tall, finely formed, and com-The Separation."

THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1830.

under our notice.

paratively fair-haired race, more mild in manners, The third and fourth volumes of Mr. D'Israeli's more polished and advanced in civilization, and more Commentaries on the Life and Reign of Charles I. conversant with the arts of municipal life, than the are nearly ready for publication. contiguous northern tribes. Vague accounts of them The author of the Naval Sketch Book" is en by wandering savages, hunters, and coureurs du bois, gaged upon a new work, entitled Tales of a Tar. have been the sources, most probably, whence have The Rev. H. Lloyd, A. M., has in the press the been formed the western fables, touching the exist-first volume of a Treatise on Optics, containing the We a few days since received the thirteenth an-ence of a nation in this region, descended from the theory of impolarized light. Welsh. In fact many of the females, unexposed by nual report of the American Colonization Society. their condition to the sun and inclemencies of the of Christ; On the Nature of that Faith which secures Four Discourses:-On the extent of the Sacrifice It presents a most cheering picture of the comforts seasons, are almost as fair as the whites. The con- the blessing of Redemption, &c. are nearly ready and prosperity of the emigrants to Monrovia, and tributions, which the nation has often levied from for publication. gives happy earnest that this society will ultimately their neighbours the Spaniards, have introduced mo- In the press, The Family Cabinet Atlas, conwork incalculable benefits to the cause of universal to build after the fashions, to dress in the clothes, to exceed twelve, of the same size only as The Faney and factitious wants, and a consequent impulse structed upon an original plan, in monthly parts, not emancipation. Whether we consider the grandeur and to live after the modes of civilized people, among mily Library, The Cabinet Cyclopædia, and the of the object or the liberal philanthropy called into them. From them they have obtained either by bar-Family Classical Library. action by this association, it is one of the most mag-mestic animals in abundance. Maize, squashes, ter or war, cattle, horses, mules, and the other doFor the Literary Port Folio. nificent plans for promoting the happiness of human melons and beans they supposed they had received CHANGE. kind, washing from our national character the stain as direct gifts from the Wahcondah, or Master of Spirit of beauty! lighting like the sun of slavery, and benefitting the miserable beings who Life." The cultivation of these, and their various exare suffering under its horrors, that has ever fallen surveying the modes of Spanish industry and sub- Minstrel of nature, with the harp that thrills otic exuberant vegetables, they had acquired from The order of this glorious universe:sistence. Other approximations to civilization they Undying pleasure o'er the pensive soul, The report represents the trade of the colony lo-had unconsciously adopted from numerous Spanish How the heart swells to meet thee-when thou leadst captives, residing among them, in a relation peculiar cated on western Africa, as increasing. The spot to the red people, and intermediate between citizen-Young May, all blushing in her roseate joy, in which the town is situated, is represented as par- ship and slavery. But the creole Spanish, from To fill her sister's abdicated throne! ticularly healthy. The exports now made amount to whom they had these incipient germs of civilized Then is thy morning bright with joyful tears, life, were themselves a simple and pastoral people, seventy thousand dollars per annum, and are constanta century behind the Anglo Americans in modern Which turn to diamonds in Aurora's smilely on the advance. We have never been so favour-advancement. The Shoshonee were, therefore, in a Thy path is then amidst a world of flowers, ably disposed towards this association, until having most interesting stage of existence, just emerging Various as are the beating hearts which own read this report, which affords so gratifying a picture from their own comparative advancements to a new condition modelled to the fashion of their Spanish Thine influence; some are like the opening rose, as to win attention from every man in whose bosom neighbours. Others like roses only in decay! lives a spark of philanthropy. It appears that the great Their common hunting grounds are on the wide Some like ephemeral plants too quickly perishdifficuy of the society is, to obtain funds sufficient grass plains, stretching from their native mountains Others still lengthen out the brilliant hours, to the western sea. Elk, antelopes, mountain sheep, to transmit to the colony those free blacks and ma-deer and water fowls are their most abundant game And die alone with summer's setting sun; Bumitted slaves who are ready and willing to emi-on their own side of the mountains. Along their A few still lingering round the icy throne grate, of which were are now upwards of two thou- smaller streams and mountain torrents they trap the Of surly winter, beautiful they are— band. Many person in the Carolinas have volun- beaver, otter and muskrat. Ermine, sables, and four teered to free their slave as soon as a conveyance for their peltries. They had often descended the Ore-Glittering within some peri's coral cell; species of foxes, constituted the chief material of As diamonds in the desert ocean's bosom, them to Monrovia should be provided. With this fact gon to pursue seals and the other hairy dwellers in Thou mutable, yet eternal spirit, all impressed upon his mind, a gentleman of this city the depths of the sea. The traces of their footsteps, has offered to contribute one hundred dollars towards and their temporary huts were frequently seen amidst Those images of beauty spring from thee, the dark hemlock forests on the Pacific shore. These Which flash like morning sun-beams o'er the stream, chartering a vessel, provided twenty-five others in free rangers of the deserts, as they saw the immense Thro' the bright medium of the poet's soul;— this city will exercise the same liberality. We fronts, range behind range, of the ocean surf rolling We hail thy presence in the thunder cloud, trust that this design will be successful, as there are onward, to whiten, and burst on the sand at their When fancy paints the crimson of its brow, feet, had their own wild conceptions of the illimitamany men in Philadelphia who would scarcely feel ble grandeur, and the mysterious and resistless Like bloodstain'd hero in the battle front, such a contribution-and no expenditure of money power of the ever-heaving element. They nerved And in its echoing thunder hears the gun, can be so gratifying as that which contributes to the their Herculean frames by bathing in the pure wa- While faint and distant peals like dying groans happiness of our fellow creatures. "Variety and change are indispensables in the Come murm'ring on the ear.-Tis silent nowIt is proposed by the Colonization Society to de- sum of their wants. To diversify their range and What purity is in the blue of heaven, swatch a ship to Africa, with two hundred and fifty their monotonous thoughts, they set their faces to What balmy freshness breathes from every leaf, slaves, by the first of September, provided the requi- wards the rising sun, and marched gaily along the grass plains, to scale the cold summits and breast brighter hue runs o'er the waving grass, site funds can be obtained. Here, then, is an ad- the keen air of the mountains interposing between The silence how luxurious while the heart mirable opportunity for the exercise of genuine phi-them and the hundred branches of the long Missouri, Sleeps for a moment in a calm more sweet lanthropy. To all those who feel lukewarm upon along whose valleys they purposed to course the Than the wild tumults of delirious joy! buffalo. Hence their wide range of survey, the vathis subject, we would commend the report to which riegated modes of their existence, their different ob- Now the sun leaves the lonely heaven; the moon we have just referred. It will afford such views of jects of pursuit, their alternate converse with ocean, Silvers the stream-while, like a dream of death,

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A horrid darkness reigns along the wood,
Where the lone mock-bird pours his soul in song.
Then morning comes, and the deep forest fills
With mellow light-the orient blush comes down
In burning brilliancy along the wave;
Beauty comes smiling from the cave of night,
And eloquent tongues make vocal the glad air.
Thus Nature's glorious minstrel loves to change
The harmony of her external charms,
And gives an eloquence to the thunder's voice,
Calling on Terror in his mountain cave-
Fearful, yet not less musical to me,

Than fountains whispering to the moonlit rocks.
Art cannot, sweet enchantress, rival thee,
Nature, in all thy changes-ever true

To our heart's best affections:-they may worship
Who will, the ideal semblance of all beauty,
In that still changeless, yet eternal statue,
The far famed Venus:-yet who would not tire
With that calm look, and unvarying aspect.

Where is the grace of motion? The bright change
of feelings, which, from their deep fountains stirr'd,
Mingle the smile and tear in woman's eye,
Like iris blending with the tears of morn.
Where is the ringing voice in laughter, thrilling
Even the dull sense of age, and the sweet sigh
That makes a throb in youth's ungovern'd pulse
Of exquisite feeling? In female loveliness
Centres all beauty, when the cultured mind
In bright reflection glows in the young eye,

her own wilful cogitations; and that she meant and sit down on that seat over the way, and tell
to pass the whole of her pretty life in solitude me what you have been doing these three days.".
and meditation. People conjectured that she "I will, as you desire, take both hands and
was in love, and too proud to show it; and Sibyl the other half of your chair, and tell you, as you
surmised that they were vastly impertinent, and surmise, that I have been thinking of you till the
by no means worth satisfying.
thought became exceedingly troublesome; and
There was a small grotto by the lake that wound now oblige me by telling me whether you are
before the old arched windows of the hall: a as proud as ever since you lost your beauty, or
world of fine foliage was matted fantastically whether you have ever mustered humility to
above and around it, so as to include every in- drop a tear for the mad blood which I have
truder but the kingfisher, who plunged, meteor-shed in toiling to be worthy such a mighty lady."
like, on his golden prey, and vanished in the Sibyl laughed, and snatched her hand away
shade before he was well seen; and an endless from him to draw it across her eyes.
variety of woodbines leaped from branch to "Dear Sibyl," he continued in a gentler tone,
branch, swinging their dewy tendrils in the air, “and has not that wild heart changed in three
and showering fragrance upon the green moss long years? And has not such an age of experi
beneath, or stealing round the rustic pinnacles, ence made our boy and girl flirtation a folly to be
like garlands twined by Cupid for his favourite amended? And do I find you the same, except-
hiding place. It was in this choice retreat that ing far more lovely, the same perverse being
the Lady Sibyl chose to forget the world in who would not have given her wayward prodigal
which she was born, and imagined that for for the most dismally sensible lord of the crea
which she seemed to have been created; and in tion? Often as I have feared, I have had a little
this mood, without manifesting any particular comforter which told me you could not change.
symptoms of exhaustion, except she had grown See, Sibyl, your miniature, half given, half stolen,
a little paler and more slender, she continued at our last parting; it has been my shield in a
for three whole years.
dozen fights, has healed, with its smile, as many

On the third anniversary of her resolution, she wounds; it has asked me if this was a brow knew it was the third, because the said resolu- whereon to register deceit, if these were the lips tion happened to have been made on the same to speak it, if these were the eyes, as I live, they day that her wild cousin, who had earned for are weeping even now!"

himself the title of Childe Wilful, chose for his She did not raise them from her bosom, but departure to the wars,-on the third anniversa- answered, with a smile of feigned mortification, ry, as on all other days, Sibyl again tripped down that she thought it very impertinent to make such the chase to live in paradise till tea-time, but, minute observations. "I too have had my com.

Like stars in trembling streams:-and mark the not as on other days; the noble summer sunset forters," she said, drawing the fellow miniature change!

Lo! how the orient blush of love will pale
When others' griefs awake her sympathies,
Then the brow cools, as when a shadow rests
On toil worn pilgrim o'er the arid sands.
Lo! the mood changes-and new graces play
In dimpling cheek, sweet lip, and laughing eye;
Now passionate thought will dash light hearted mirth
Like a deep cloud in the blue smiling heaven-
Or trembling shade some pendent willow casts
Deep in the bosom of a sportive stream;
Spirit! how canst thou joy in such a change
As time and thou do bring? Behold the brow
And cheek and bosom where the blue veins run
Like azure skies inlaying ivory clouds,
Or streams of light among celestial flowers;
And must they sink to ruin? Even so-
For them no renovating spring returns;
But the mind dies not so-and often glows
More beauteous on the faded brow of age,
Like golden sunlight o'er autumnal leaves.


T. A. C.

seemed to have stained her cheek with a kin- from her bosom, and holding it playfully before
dred hue. Ere she reached her wilderness, she his eyes; it has been my shield against a dozen
looked back, again and again, at the hall, slack-follies; it has warned me to benefit by sad expe-
ing her pace that it might not appear hurried, rience; it has asked me if this was the brow
and gazed as long upon the swans and water- whereon to register any thing good, if these
lilies as though they really occupied her were the lips to speak it, if these were the eyes,
thoughts. Meanwhile, the flower of the fox- as I live, they are conceited even now!"
hunting chivalry were carousing with her father "But have you indeed kept my picture so
in the banquetting room, and flourishing their close to your heart?"
glasses to her health. The most mighty and "And do you indeed think that your old rival,
censorious dames of the land were seen stalking Sir Lubin of the Golden Dell, would have given
up and down the terrace, as stately and as stiff me a farthing for it?"
as the peacocks clipped out of the yew trees at "Did you ever try him?”
either end of it. Sibyl seemed to have lost the "Oh, Childe Wilful! can you change counte
faculty of despising them, and was half afraid nance at such a name even now! No, I did not
that her desertion would be thought strange. try him and (for you are a stranger and must be
As she stood irresolute whether to go or turn indulged,) I will tell you therefore. I would not
back, she was startled by a voice close by, and have given it to him for his head; nor for as many
the blood leaped in a deeper crimson to her of them as would have built a tower to yonder
moon; and so now you see if you can contrive
Sibyl!-dear Sibyl!" it exclaimed, "wilt to be jealous of him: nay, you shall not touch it.
thou come, or must I fetch thee, before the Do you remember how often, when it pleased
whole posse of them?"
you to be moody, you threatened to take it from
me?". *.

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Sibyl tossed her head and laughed; and with an agitated look, which was meant to be indifferent, strolled carelessly into the shade, just in time to prevent the intruder from putting his threat in execution. He was a light, well-made cavalier, with black moustaches and ringlets, and a high born eye and forehead, which could have I wish I could describe the young lady Sibyl. looked almost as proud as Sibyl's. As for his acShe was rather tall than otherwise, and her complishments,the fine Frenchified slashing of his head was carried with a toss of the prettiest pride costume, and the courage and manner in which I ever saw; in truth, there was a supernatural he assaulted a lady's hand, bespoke him a wongrace in her figure by which she was in duty der.


"No more of that, sweet Sibyl."

"And will you never counterfeit a head-ache, to hide your displeasure, when I dance with Sir Dunce, or gallop with Sir Gosling?" "No, never, Sibyl."

"And will you never take leave of me forever, and return five minutes afterwards to see how I bear it?"

"Never, whilst I live,"

"Why then, I give you leave to ask my father's leave to stay a whole week at the hall, for I have great deal to say to you-when I can think of

bound to be more lofty in her demeanour than "And so, my gallant cousin," said Sibyl, with a other people. Her eyes were of a pure dark a voice which was a little out of breath, with a it." hazel, and seemed to wander from the earth as feeble effort to extricate her fingers, "and so "I will ask him for yourself, Sibyl." though they were surprised how they happened you have brought your valour back to besiege "No, no, Sir Childe, you will not do any such to drop out of the skies; and the sweet, high and my citadel again." thing. When you went from hence, it was with mighty witchery that sported round her threat- "Sweet arrogance! is it not the day three a college character, which was by no means ening lips, inspired one with a wonderful dispo- thousand years on which we parted; and did I sition to fall down and worship her. It was, of not promise to be here at sunset?" course, not to be expected that such a strangely "I believe you threatened me that you would. gifted lady should be quite so easily contented Pray, have you run away from battle to be as with her cavaliers as those who were not gifted good as your word?” at all; and Sibyl, very properly, allowed it to be "And pray did you always consider it a threat, understood that she despised the whole race. or did you tell me that this grotto should be your is some chance of your turning your sword into She likewise allowed it to be understood that, hermitage till my return?" a pruning hook, and yourself into an accomplishthe world being by no means good enough for "And pray, for the third time, do not be in-ed squire; and then, and then, alas! for the highher, she conceived the society it afforded to be quisitive; and trouble yourself to let go my hand, minded Sibyl!"


likely to ingratiate you with reasonable people, whatever it may have done with other folks; and you must not talk to my father of the treasured Sibyl till you are better acquainted with him. Talk of ploughs and politics as much as you please; make it appear that now the wars are over, there

It was not long afterwards that Childe Wilful, against the finest glebe in the country; but then "Then why not teach them the presumption to the great surprise of Sibyl, arrived at the hall, could she not appear sufficiently careless about of their hopes, and tell them that you despise in hot haste, from foreign parts! He had always him without being so unusually complaisant to them!"

been a favourite from his liveliness, and was, in- such a set of louts? If his presence made her "Because they are my father's friends, and deed, almost as much liked as abused. The old happy, there was no necessity to give them because, whatever their hopes may be, they will lord took him by the hand, with a comical ex- license to presume to be happy likewise; and, probably wait for encouragement before they pression of countenance which seemed to in- besides, she might surely find some moments afford me an opportunity of giving my opinion quire how much mischief he had done, and the for revisiting her grotto, instead of uniformly thereupon."

old ladies thought him vastly improved by travel, turning from his hasty whisper, with "it is bet- "But has there been any necessity to give and awfully like a great warrior. The only per- ter not." It was not so formerly, and it was them so much more of your time,-so many sons to whom his presence was not likely to be very reasonable to suppose that her three years' more of your smiles than you have bestowed strikingly agreeable, were a few round-shoulder-constancy had been sustained by some ideal pic- upon me?"

ed suitors of Sibyl, who, in common with country ture of what he might turn out, in which she "And is it you who ask me this question?squires in general, were largely gifted with the was now disappointed. He could not sleep. Oh!--is it possible to mete our attentions to blessings of fleet horses, and tardy wits. Among His restless fancy continually beheld her bright those we love with the same indifference which these stood, pre-eminent, Sir Lubin of the Golden eyes looking tenderness upon the wooden face we use towards the rest of the world?-Would Dell. He was a tall man, with not a bad figure, of Sir Lubin. He turned to the other side, and nothing, do you think,-no tell-tale countenance, and really handsome face; though the dangerous was haunted by a legion of young Lubins, who-no treacherous accent betray the secret which tendency of the first was somewhat marred by smiled upon him with Sibyl's looks till he almost it is our interest to maintain? Unkind to make peculiar ideas of the graces, and the latter was groaned aloud. In the morning he came down poor Sibyl's pride confess so much!" perfectly innocuous from an undue economy of with a hag-ridden countenance, which made peo- The cavalier did not know whether he ought expression. Altogether Sir Lubin was a very ple wonder what was the matter with him, and to feel quite convinced. He counted the rings fine camel: he was a man of much dignity, always Sibyl asked him with her look of ineffable arch-upon the fingers, which were still locked in his preserving a haughty silence when he did not ness, whether he was experiencing a return of own, three times over. exactly know what to say, and very properly his head-ache. "Sibyl," he at last said, "I cannot bear them despising those whom he could not hope to out- Time rolled on very disagreeable. The Childe to triumph over me even in their own bright shine. Thus it was, that the meeting between grew every day paler and more popular; the old fancies. If you are sincere with me, let us anSir Lubin and Childe Wilful was very similar to ladies gave him more advice, and the old lord ticipate the slow events of time, let us seek that between Ulysses and the ghost of Ajax. gave him more, wine, and Sibyl grew mortified happiness by the readiest means, and, trust me, Had this been all the mortification to which at his mistrust, and Sir Lubin grew afraid of his if it is difficult to obtain consent to our wishes, the Childe was doomed to undergo, he might frown, and one half of the hall could not help you are too dear to despair of pardon for having perhaps have contrived to bear it with fortitude; being sorry, and the other half were obliged acted without it."

but Sibyl had subjected him to the task of ob- to be civil. Ajax and Ulysses had stepped into "And you would have me fly with you?" taining a good character, and his trials were in- each other's shoes, and Sibyl, to keep the peace, Sibyl shrank from the idea;-her pride was no supportable. was obliged to accede to an interview in her lit- longer assumed in sport. "You do well," she In the first place he had to tell stories of tle boudoir. resumed, "to reproach me with the duplicity sacked cities and distressed virgins, at the tea It was a fine honey-dropping afternoon. The which I have practised. It is but just to suptable, till he became popular enough with the sweet south was murmuring through the lattice pose that she who has gone so far, would not maiden aunts to be three parts out of his mind; amongst the strings of the guitar, and the golden scruple to make the love which has been lavishfor Sibyl was all the time compelled to endure fish were sporting till they almost flung them-ed upon her the inducement for her disobedi the homage of her other lovers. It is true that selves out of their crystal globe: it was just the ence; that the pride which has yielded so much, her keen wit could no more enter their double hour for every thing to be sweet and harmoni- would be content to be pursued as a fugitive blocked sculls than the point of her needle ous, but Sibyl was somewhat vexed, and the and to return as a penitent." could have entered the Macedonian phalanx; Childe was somewhat angry. He was much but then each villain fixed his eye upon her, obliged to her for meeting him, but he feared with all the abstracted expression of the bull's that he was taking her from more agreeable oceye in a target, and seemed so abominably hap-cupations: and he was, moreover, alarmed, lest py, that the sight was excruciating. Sometimes her other visiters wanted some one to amuse too, Sir Lubin would muster brains enough to them. He merely wished to ask if she had any perceive that he was giving pain, and would do commands to his family, for whom it was time his best to increase it by whispering in her ear, that he should think of setting out: and when with a confidential smile, some terrible nothing, he had obtained them, he would no longer tresfor which he deserved to be exterminated; whilst, pass upon her condescension. Sibyl leant her to mend the matter, the old ladies would remark cheek upon her hand, and regarded him paupon the elegance of his manner, and hint that tiently till he had done.


Sibyl was evidently coming to, because she "My commands," she gravely said, "are of seemed too happy to be scornful; and had lost all confidential nature, and I cannot speak them if her taste for solitude. They would undoubtedly you sit so far off."

make a very handsome couple; and the Childe As she tendered her little hand, her features was appealed to whether he did not think that broke through their mock ceremony into a half they would have a very fine family.

smile, and there was an enchantment about her
which could not be withstood.

"Sibyl," he exclaimed, “why have you taken
such pains to torment me?"

"Then, Sibyl, you do not love me?"

"I am not used to make assurances of that kind, any more than I am inclined to submit to the charge of deceit."

"Methinks, Lady Sibyl," he replied with somewhat of bitterness, "you very easily take offence to-night. It certainly is better to be free from one engagement before we enter upon another." Sibyl's heart beat high, but she did not speak. "It is possible you may have mistaken your reasons for enjoining me to silence: for it is, no doubt, advisable that your more eligible friends should have the opportunity of speaking first." Sibyl's heart beat higher, and the tears sprang to her eyes, but her head was turned away. "We have staid too long," she said, with an effort at composure.

"I than you, Lady Sibyl," he replied, rising haughtily to depart," for allowing me to come to a right understanding. And now-" Her anger never had been more than a flash, "And why have you so ill attended to the-she could hardly believe him serious, and if he was, he would soon repent.

In the second place, his opinion of ploughs
and politics, which had taught him to discourse
but too successfully, made him a fixture at the
punch-bowl; while Sir Lubin and his tribe pro-
faned Sibyl's hand in country dances, as long as injunctions which I gave you?"
they had breath for a plunge. It, moreover, left| "Ill!-Heaven and earth! Have I not labour-
them ample opportunity to negociate with the ed to be agreeable till my head is turned topsy-into her loveliest look of raillery, "Childe Wil
aunt upon the arrangement of her plans for the turvy!"

next day, when he was still condemned to ad- "Oh yes; and hind side before as well, for it
mire some new farm, or ride ten miles to rejoice is any thing but right. But did I tell you to
with his host over a wonderful prize bullock.-pursue this laudable work with fuming and
Sometimes, too, the old lord would apologize frowning, and doubting and desperation, till 1
for taking him away, by observing, that it was was in an agony lest you die of your exertions,
better to leave Sibyl to her lovers, for it was time and leave me to wear the willow?"
that she should take up with some one of them, The cavalier stated his provocation with much
and the presence of third parties might abash eloquence.


"And now," she interrupted him, relapsing

ful would be glad of his picture again?"
"You certainly will oblige me by restoring


"Why do you not ask Sir Lubin for it?” "Lady Sibyl, I am serious; and I must beg to remark that it can be but an unworthy satisfaction to retain it for a boast to your new loves."

"I do not see that there is any thing to boast of in it. The face is a particularly handsome Dear Sibyl," he continued, "I have passed one, and as for him for whom it is meant, he In the third place, when he retired to bed to a sufficient ordeal. If I really possess your love, has never made a figure in any history exceptsum up all the pleasures of the day, it was never let me declare at once, and send these barbari-ing his own letters. Here is one in my dressingquite clear to him that Sibyl did not expose him ans about their business." case,-I pray you stand still now while I read

to more disquietude than was absolutely neces- "Or rather be sent about your own, if you over the wondrous exploits which you performsary. It might indeed be proper that her attach- have any; for you cannot suppose that the speed in your last battle, for I think you must have ment to him should not be too apparent till he was cimen which you have given of your patient dis- looked just as you do now." firmly established in grace, seeing that his merit position, is likely to have told very much in your There is no saying whether his resolution was the only thing that could be put in the scale favour." would have been firm enough to persist in his

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