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Absurdities In-

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Bacon's Monument to Common Sense.

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- The First to recognize the True Value of a Fact. The Law of Correct Reasoning. Its Simplicity. The Essentials of a Correct Hypothesis. - Inductive Reasoning. The Copernican System. - Defective Methods of Reasoning employed by the Greek Philosophers. Speculative Philosophy subject to the Law of Reaction. The Inductive Sciences insure Permanent Progress. Natural Theology at a Standstill. - The Conflict between Religion and Science. — Voltaire and Paine. - Their Assaults upon Dogma. - Their Religion. The Triumph of Science. - The Doctrine of Evolution. New Controversy. — Religion and Science not Antagonistic. Immortality a Proper Question for Scientific Investigation. — If True, it is Important. — If Important, it can be Demonstrated.

- A

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"MAN, the minister and interpreter of Nature, does and

understands so much as he may have discerned concerning the order of Nature by observing or by meditating on facts: he knows no more, he can do no more.' These words are Bacon's; the italics are mine.


If the great Lord Chancellor had written and expounded but that one sentence, he would have been entitled not

1 Novum Organum, book i. p. I.

only to the eternal gratitude of all mankind, but to the credit of having builded the grandest monument to Common Sense that was ever erected by human genius. This eulogium will not seem extravagant when it is remembered that Bacon was the first man who taught the world the true value of a fact; that is to say, he was the first to discover and formulate the fundamental truth that all successful inquiry concerning the order of Nature must of necessity be founded upon a solid basis of well-authenticated facts. When we contemplate the wondrous civilization of ancient Greece and Rome, their advancement in the science of government, the beauty and grace of their literature, the subtleties and refinements of their philosophy, the transcendent genius of their artists, the grandeur and nobility of their architecture, it seems strange, incomprehensible, incredible, that the discovery of this self-evident truth was left for a civilization built upon a soil which was not rescued from barbarism when the Parthenon began to decay and the Coliseum to crumble. But such was the tardiness of human progress the conservatism of the human mind -in the days before it had broken the shackles of authority, when opinions had the force of enactments, and dogmas were regulated by statute. What is now, to the unperverted mind of the average school-boy, a self-evident proposition, struck the scientific mind of the Elizabethan age with the force of a revelation; and it is safe to say that the world owes all its subsequent progress in material science to the process of reasoning and of scientific investigation formulated and developed by Francis Bacon. Nay, more. The world not only owes all its substantial progress to that source, but the inductive process is the the stability of our civilization, and of its constant advancement for all time.

sure guaranty of

The laws of correct reasoning are as immutable as the law of gravity; and, properly applied, are as certain and

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