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various parts of the county. Arrivals occcurred almost daily, and the pioneer work was over. It might be remarked, however, of the county as a whole, that the homes of the early settlers were often hastily erected, and not intended for permanent occupation. Adverse fortune often led to their long habitation, but they began now to disappear and to be replaced by more substantial dwellings. To-day there stand on their sites many beautiful, and sometimes costly homes, made bright and cheerful with contentment, and refined by all the appliances of civilized art. Little more remains than to now list the names of such as had become prominent citizens of the county. Among the names will be seen many who have extended a powerful influence in directing the course of events in the county. They were men sterling and true, whose contact with other men and with circumstances made them self-reliant and energetic. Nothing so much as pioneer life serves to develop real manhood, nothing so much leads to independence, nothing is so effective for discipline. These men were, many of them poor, but pride entered not to disturb their homely joys. The strife and contentions incident to political contests and hopes of preferment, were reserved for a later day. Petty jealousies, it is true, sometimes occurred, but mutual dependence and kindred interests forbade their fostering.

1855, G. W. Patrick, W. S. Viola, from Ohio, A. Lewis, F. M. Wilson, H. C. Sheppard, D. O. Briggs, A. R. Wright, from Indiana, James Lambert, T. K. Hammond, who located in Lyons township. In Rawles township settled O. B. Russell, James Boyd, William E. Utterback and A. R. Graves. To White Cloud township came Stephen D. Davis, Jas. M. Summers, William Van Doren, H. W. Summers, and many others. 1856 and 1857 witnessed the coming of William Weaver, William G. Summers, Valentine Plumb, W. B. Wilson, J. W. Devore, Thomas R. Kayton, Frank Moore, John Graham, from Indiana, John Tinker from Wisconsin, Henry Kisby from Wisconsin, but originally from England, Henry Russell, M. W. Hurlburt, M. C. Pearse, John Butler, R. H. Hurlburt, Solomon Jones, H. A. Norton, John Byers and L. D. Prindle. These persons with numerous others located farms at divers places in the county. To follow them through all the subsequent changes made would be impossible and without interest. Enough has been said to indicate the rapid advances being made in the matter of population, and the character of the men now commencing their residence in the county.

Those coming later than 1857 could hardly be properly considered as early settlers. They came not to the wild prairies of an unorganized county, but to one rescued to civilization, recognized as a body politic, and with a population among the thousands. To them many of the older scenes were indeed familiar, but now the old things have passed away. To-day the residents of the county look back with pride and with amuse

ment, a peculiar mingling of emotions, to the things that were. The busy hum of newer industries and modern interests have served to detract attention from these old time events, but they have a value which the present should sieze and turn to its advantage.


There is no power that deserves to take so prominent a position in a community or country as the press. It occupies a position far over that of any other, the clergy not excepted. This circumstance arises not from any deterioration of the clergy themselves, but chiefly from the general diffusion of knowledge among all classes. We do not look to the clergy for superiority of erudition; the scientists, the philologist, the historian all come in for a share of respect for their learning. Once the distinction between the clergy and the laity meant something; it means very little to-day. When only those who could read or write belonged to the church, each member was called a clerk, or clericus, or clergyman. But the clergy of to-day are not those who preach from the pulpit once a week, but those as well who preach from the editor's chair. As James Freeman Clarke, remarks, the editor has as much right to put "reverend" before his name as the preacher has. The editor wields a mightier weapon than any clergyman can. He influences the public mind for good or evil daily and the Sunday paper has snatched from the pulpit its ancient power, its traditional prerogative. Instead of dealing with questions, the very nature of which renders them unknowable, and therefore impracticable, the editor comes to our door with the live issues of to-day. The latest, the best, the most valuable of the thoughts and doings of men all over the globe reaches us every morning to sway our passions, enlist our sympathy, or arouse us to duty. Nor is this the sole prerogative of the city dailies, but that also of the country weekly newspaper. These latter come to homes of toil, homes where the busy cares of life absorb so great a portion of the time that all but the weekly visitant remains necessarily unread. The power of the type is felt in such hours, felt as no minister's sermons ever


The newspaper is the poor man's library. It comes to him almost the sole exponent of national policy, and the source of his ideas of political economy. Moral lessons are conveyed, lessons which, if heeded, would lead the race of men to a higher moral life. Religion, the passing influence of an hour, has no claim on the press, which, if not directly by its records of disaster and death, point out the causes of evil as no purely mental or abstract theories of wrong ever can. Probably there is nothing

that so soon arouses a nation to a sense of its danger, points out the remedy for public deterioration, and leads men to consider the causes of things as the paper. When the national existencee as a union of all the state was threatened, it found its way to the homes of brave men who promptly responded to the demand for aid made known to them by the press. But it also brought the glad news of peace. If its utterances sometimes seem dark and ominous, it is none the less often cheerful in its aspect on current events. Business without it would be impossible. Changes in prices occur which involve millions, but are known in time to avert impending disaster. On a question of great moment to the nation, long and sometimes angry debate is had, but the news thereof appears in the next morning's paper; and men are, in a measure, prepared for any issue. So to it let its meed of praise be given, and let its support be equal to its importance.

The first paper published in this county bears the date of Thursday, May 1, 1856, and was duly baptised into the world of newspapers under the name of The Glenwood Times. The first paper ever printed is still in existence, and is the property of Mrs. J. W. Coolidge. It is full of typographical errors, as the second paper printed was used for purposes of correction. On page three the editorial page, appears the prospectus, from which the following is taken:

"Experience having taught us that nothing tends more to promote and advance the welfare and interest of a county than a well conducted newspaper, and feeling confident that the interests of southwestern Iowa demand the publication of a reliable news journal-one that the business man, mechanic and farmer can rely upon-one that will be useful as a family paper we have undertaken to furnish such a paper. The Times will contain a variety of news of a local and general character, presenting it readers at all times with reliable information relative to the prosperity and growth of Western Iowa and Nebraska, a faithful chronicle of the events of the nation, and a correct journal of foreign news.

"We ask the kind indulgence of such of our patrons as this number may not prove acceptable to, as this is our first essay in the editorial department. We promise to make amends in the future for whatever failings there may be."

The paper was a seven column folio, and presented rather a neat appearance when fresh from the press. It was edited by J. M. Dews, and for its motto there was adopted" with all your getting, get understanding." The first article is a poem entitled "An Invocation to Spring," by Richard Coe, which is here transcribed as being appropriate to the date of the paper in which it was printed, and presenting the additional interest of having been the first poem printed in the county:

Spring! Beautiful Spring!

Come to this desolate dreary world of ours,

Come with thy breath of balm, thy gift of flowers, Thy gentle birds that sing

In sunny bowers;

Come with thy gladsome hours;
Spring! Beautiful Spring!

Earth is aweary of the Wintry sleep,
And longs to waken into life again;

To see the budding vines and graces creep
Along the cheerful plain;

For thou wilt bring

O! Beautiful Spring!

These and like beauties in thy train!

Come with thy children three

The stormy April that weepeth all the day,
The fickle April, and the flowery May-
Oh! 'twere a happiness to see

Far up on high,

Thy clear blue sky,

Like a bright, beauteous, and eternal thing,
Spring! Beautiful Spring!

What time the primrose with a keen delight,
Comes peeping upward from the fallow ground;
What time the swallow in his rapid flight
About the barn door circleth round and round;
I love to walk abroad and trace

On Nature's face

The gladness of thy coming, and to sing
With bird, and flower, and bee,

Sweet praises unto thee,

Spring! Beautiful Spring!

Come, then, sweet Spring!

Come to this deselate, dreary world of ours;
Come with thy breath of balm, thy gift of flowers;
Thy gentle birds that sing

In sunny bowers!

Come with thy gladsome hours,

O! Beautiful spring!

And bring, ay, bring anear,

Sweet childhood of the year,

Joy, health and freshness on thy dewy wing

Spring! Beautiful Spring!


Among the other principal contents of the paper are "Adventure at a French Party," "The Minister and the Fiddle," "From Ft. PierreSioux Treaty," "On Pruning Fruit-trees," "Debate on the Memorial in the Senate," which latter article occupies some three and a quarter colThe matter at issue pertained to some territorial affairs in Kansas, and the discussion was one both fiery and exhaustive. On the same page is an article on "Mr. Jefferson and his Daughter," which contains a letter from the president to that lady that would be read with marked interest to-day. On the editorial page is a graphic account of the death of Crockett, who died as few men have ever died, his body riddled with musket balls, and drenched with his own blood. "In the agony of death, with a terrible grasp, he brought his last weapon upon the head of the nearest assailant, and fell victoriously across his body into the arms of death." There is also a brief history of Page county, and a view of the business of Glenwood. A single death is recorded-that of William Brower, who died of consumption. The columns are filled with shorter notes, some humorous and some complaining. A letter, signed by "Unknown," calls the attention of the citizens of the county to The Times as being an enterprise in which they ought all to be interested and to which they should give united support. There are the usual number of medicines-"never known to fail "-advertised, and the business cards of lawyers, physicians and merchants. In the advertising columns of the third page occurs a notice, which it is deemed best to transcribe:


"An Exhibition of the Massacre of Joseph and Hiram Smith, at Carthage jail, Hancock county, Illinois, at the Court House in Glenwood, on Saturday evening, May 3d, 1856. Also the Nauvoo Legion listening to the last speech of Gen. Joseph Smith. Also a review of Great Salt Lake City, accompanied by busts of Joseph and Hiram Smith, and also the twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints; together with a number of rare and curious specimens, by


On the second page is given an account of a meeting relative to the swamp lands, held in the court-house by the citizens of the county, on the 23d of April, "to protect the citizens and county against the incursions of foreign speculators upon the swamp land domain of Mills county." That the men convened were decided to stop the abuse complained of is evident from the third resolution which was reported and adopted as follows:

Resolved, That we call upon all the citizens of our county to stand up en masse in opposition to the grevious wrong which is sought to be enforced against this county and its citizens, and that if law and justice will

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