Gambar halaman

have been att grat charg and werry much exposed in ye war and since ben att grate troubell and defrence about owr minister and are Justly and Quietly setteled In a brave Christian and Loveing way with agood worthy minister and if these petetioners cane have their desire In thare petition will make agrate dele of trubell amongest us againe and Probabell all is Because thay will not be att a Litell charge with us In building a meeting house In said town In the senter of said town whareby we all may have Rome to Mett In Comonalty for to take of two miles and a halfe from owr town of Kingstown will take allmost halfe y⚫ Ratable Estate of our town and Sundry of our first Setlers with us and have caryed one with us In the ware and other charges that have arisen In ye town so that If thare petition should be granted it will have a gratt tendency to Ruine the Pease Love unity among us, and Render us very incapable of supporting owr Reverend Minister as we ought to do as In duty we are bound to do, There fore we pray it may not be granted.

6ly They say for preventing the defecelty and hard sheps thay for a Long time have Laboured under and for ye advansment of y glory of God and the good of soules thay humbly pray which If they have Laboured under such defecoltyes for a Long time it was and must be before they came heire whare they now Live for they have ben whare thay now live but a very litell time and for ye gratest part of them as thay say to be brought up In Igronces we hope and dout not but if thay will come to owr meetings and heire our minister they will grow wiser and pull down thare meeting house

All which Considered with else may be said we your most dutifull and obedent Servants dout not but your Excelencey and y' hon11 Counsell and Gentellmen of the house of Representatives In your gratt wisdom Clemency and Justes will see casue not to grant thare petition for which we shall ever Remain werry thankfull and shall ever pray. JON SANBURN. EBENEZER STEVENS.

Names of persons in different towns who petitioned to be annexed to Massachusetts-1739.

[See Prov. Pap., Vol. V., pp. 915–925.]

These names not repeated in the Index. ED.]

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tare as fures 1 pm Exebered is Exciency and the bea Councel and ouse of Represeraces the Prince of New hamster by Sr of the Incas of the Ext part of Kings town and the west part of the Inne Fish in Hampton to be set of cw mies and a megstown and two miles and a hadden to Himoton as set fra the section for a pecker descrict or precis or the man with proveedges of ayag ode the fat and our Excelency r Howa Councel and nouse of Representares your grac wisdom Clemency & Fuses orderers of ancora files and the town of Kagicw be saved with a row of y pecca and to appeare the second day of the new ile session Stie the Resons if thay have any way rate of pection saculd not be grated for which we the Innansins of now are inoresatte your gratt cess safe and wh our Leve give these following Reasons why sad pection shoud iot be granted, frity those of our own that are peooners are al of them new comers to setail In our own and "som of them young men and no famees and toe or out one of them ware mi trible or charge with is in the Lote and Tens was that we inuret in this town with the teaten enemy tore in building our meeting house In Said town

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The meaning house which they have Raised Is so neare to the Sid of descrit petitioned for that grate part of the ajusent inhabi tance which for a Long time have borne grite charges in ye Wars and all other Charges In the plase and It is more defecult and worse for them to go to meeting there then where they now da

3 Many of pecationers are new comers from other plas

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any whare if they came

42 Same of the pete about Seven of them Salsbury and some o house in the houses tioners are most as rated and have mo whare the Gospell them to say thare

Is very obsurd a 5 And to us

TOWN PAPERS--HAMPTON AND HAMPTON FALLS 349 have been att grat charg and werry much exposed in ye war and sines ben att grate troubell and defrence about owr minister and are and Quietly setteled In a brave Christian and Loveing way with? worthy minister and if these petetioners cane have their desire in petition will make agrate dele of trubell amongest us againe and abell all is Because thay will not be att a Litell charge with us in buil a meeting house In said town In the senter of said town whereby we halfe from owr town of Kingstown will take allmost halfe y may have Rome to Mett In Comonalty for to take of two milks Estate of our town and Sundry of our first Setlers with us and caryed one with us In the ware and other charges that have arisen ye town so that If thare petition should be granted it will here * tendency to Ruine the Pease Love unity among we, and Render as In duty we are bound to du,, There fore we pray it may not be very incapable of supporting awr Reverend Minister as we ou 6ly They say for preventing the defenity and hard these they for Long time have Laboured under and for y advanament if y God and the good of soules they humbly gay which If they hand a boured under such defecaltyes for a Longtime it was and Most W fore they came heire whare they now live for they were Ben Miste

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Abner Samborn

Isaac Libbe

Peter Garland

Thoms Bachelour

Joseph Moulton Hampton, 42.

Joseph Seecomb

Simeon Brown

Jno Carter

Peter Tomson
Jos. Eastman

Theoph's Griffin
Orlando Bagley
James Wood
Jeremiah Currier
Thos Eastman

Theoph. X Clough mark

Joseph Bean
Ralp. Blasdel Jr
Jno Silaway
Thomas Carter

Jno X Carter, Jr


Moses X Blasdel

Thomas Brown
Wm Whicher
Elipha. Griffin
Wm Stephens
Jno Griffin

Theos Griffin Jr
Danl Rowell
Samll Hunton
Enoch Blasdel

Wm Bagnel

Nathan Swett

Daniel Young his

Benj. B. Wadly mark

Benjamin Sawyer
Moses Nicholls
Ebenezer Stevens Jr

Joseph Sawyer
Samll Tucker

Joshua Woodman

Jeremiah Wheeler

Joseph Fellows

Joshua Webster

Jona Young

Thoms Brown

Jacob Brown

Nehemiah Hobs

Robert Drake

Shubel Sanborn Jr.



Jere X Quinby


Ephraim Stephens Benjamin Choate Jr.

Saml Webster


Saml X Bean


Joseph Young Jr


Wm X Lovrin


Jno Young
Saml Robey

Tristrim Sanborn, Jr

Obediah Elkins

Aaron Young
Edward Scribner

Robert Stuart
Elisha Sweet
Jacob Peasley
Benjamin Eastman

Wm X Robey

Ebenezer Webster
Philip Huntoon Jr

Jno Darling

Wm Boynton
Jachabod Clough

Phineas Bachelder
Ebenezer Sleeper
Nathan Bachelder

Іваяс Godfrey
Jona Blasdel
Benja French
Samll Emons

Josiah Tilton

Ebenr Fellows

Ebenr Bachelder

Benja Clough

Ebenr Collins

Jacob Gale

Ebenr Blasdel

Jno March

Benja Stevens

his Samll X Welch



Jona Sanborn ters

David F Quimby


Jno Sweet Jr

Jno Huntoon

Danll Gilman
Joseph Elkins
Jona Choate
James Bean
Danl Darling

Nathl Smith
Stephen Gilman


Robert X Stockman mark

Philip Welch
Henry Morrill
Jeremiah Hubbard

Richd Tande
Wm Silloway
Jabez Page
Ephraim Elkins
Jacob Flanders
John Morgin
Jona Stevens

Jno Clark

Bamll Eastman
Jno Huton

Joseph Bean Jr

Paul Sanborn
Jno Hubbard

Thomas Elkins

Jona French

Stephen Flanders

Wm Clifford

Kingstown, 146.

Nathl Weare

Charles Treadwell

Benja Sanborn

Benja Sanborn, Jr.

Nath. Healey

Ebenezer Shaw

Nathan Tilton

John Cram

Samuel Lane

John Brown
Daniel Brown
John Brown, Tertius

Jacob Green
Benja Prescutt
Jona Bachelder
Reuben Sanborn
Samuel Tilton
Abraham Brown

Jabez Smith
Benj. Bwett

Caleb Towl

Dyer Hook

Benjamin Sweet

Nathl Huntoon

Timothy Eastman

Daniel Bean
Elisha Winsle
Eben Esman
Benja Sleeper
Jno Thorn
Jno Sleeper
Daniel Moody
Wm Long
Ralph Blasdel
Jacob Morrill
Jona Blake
Benja Silla
Charles Hunt
Abraham Smith
Wm Smith
Jonathan Greley
James Tapin
Benja Morrill
Jno Fifield ters
Stephen Merrill
Philemon Wella
Caleb Clough
Isaac Griffin
Elly Bede
Samil Buswell
Phillip Moody
Jona Hobbs
Benony Long
Henry Bagly


John Stanyan
Thomas Leavitt

Caleb Swain

Samuel Prescut

Philemon Blake

Joshua Blake

Abner Sanborn

William Russel

Jonathan Fifield
Samuel Shaw
Joshua Purinton
Winthrop Dow

Amoss Cass
Enoch Gove

John French
Benjamin Dow
Jonathan Hoag, Jr
Ebenezer Blake

Ephraim Hoit

Joseph Thrasher

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