Gambar halaman

of the glass outside the mounting serves to hold the slide securely in place, and to protect the mounting from possible injury.

FIG. 79.

Every dozen tops and bottoms is accompanied with twenty-four strips of gummed paper which may be used on the edges to secure the pieces before wrapping for mailing. If one slide is to be sent the strips may be gummed lengthwise on the edges. If centres are used for more slides the strips may be used to pass around on to top and bottom. The slight shrinking of the moistened paper in drying pinches the slide sufficiently to hold it securely.

A. C. Cole uses the boxes shown in fig. 79. They consist of a piece of wood 33 in. × 1§ in. and 1/2 in. thick in which a coarse sawcut has been made nearly through it as shown in the figure. The slide is placed in the groove thus formed with a little cotton wool and the open side is filled up with a strip of wood about 3/16 in. section.

ADAMS, J. M.-How to keep [send] living Infusoria.

[Dr. A. C. Stokes uses Lemna plants which keep the water sweet and supply oxygen while in transit.]

The Microscope, IV. (1884) p. 64. Engl. Mech., XXXIX. (1884) p. 132.

B., W.-Microscopical. [Mounting Cuticle of Leaf.]
BEHRENS, W.-See Boecker, W. E.
BLOCHMANN, F.-Ueber Einbettungsmethoden. (On imbedding methods.) [Post.]
Zeitschr. f. Wiss. Mikr., I. (1884) pp. 218-33 (2 figs.).
BOECKER, W. E.-Ueber ein neues Mikrotom mit Gefriereinrichtung, automa-
tischer Messerfuhrung und selbstthätiger Hebung des Objectes. (On a new
Microtome with freezing apparatus, automatic knife-guide, and automatic
raising of the object). [Post.]

Zeitschr. f. Instrumentenk., IV. (1884) pp. 125-7 (2 figs.). Zeitschr. f. Wiss. Mikr., I. (1884) pp. 244-8 (by W. Behrens). BOOTH, M. A.-Mailing packages of Diatoms.

[Inquiring how to send small exchanges to foreign countries] Amer. Mon. Micr. Journ., V. (1884) p. 100. BORN, G.-Die Plattenmodellirmethode. (The method of modelling by [wax] plates.) [Post.]

Arch. f. Mikr. Anat., XXII. (1883) pp. 584-99.
Amer. Natural., XVIII. (1884) pp. 446-8.

BUCHKA, K.-Ueber Hæmatoxylin und Brasilin. (On Hæmatoxylin and Brasilin.)
Nachr. K. Gesell. Wiss. Göttingen, 1883, pp. 60-66.
BUCKTON, G. B.-Monograph of the British Aphides. Vol. iv. ix. and 228 pp.
(27 pls.). 8vo, London, 1883.

[ocr errors]

[Contains "The preservation and mounting of Aphides for the Microscope," The preservation of Aphides for the Museum," and "The dissection of Aphides." Supra, p. 466.]

Burrill's (T. J.) Staining fluid, directions for use of.

Micr. Bulletin, I. (1884) pp. 21–2. CATTANEO, G.-Fissazione, Colorazione e Conservazione degli Infusorii. (Fixing, colouring, and preserving Infusoria.) Concld.

Bollett. Scientif., V. (1883) pp. 122-8. Amer. Mon. Micr. Journ., V. (1884) p. 79.

Cleaning Slides and Covers-Letter by J. C. Lathrop. [See also ante, p. 323.]

COALE, R. D.-Preparation of the Ethyl Ether of Gallic Acid.

[Cf. III. (1883) p. 931.]

Ser. 2.-VOL. IV.

Amer. Mon. Micr. Journ., V. (1884) p. 82. 2 K

COLE, A. C.-Studies in Microscopical Science.

[ocr errors]


Vol. II. No. 15. Sec. I. No. 8. Adipose Tissue, pp. 29-32.
No. 16. Sec. II. No. 8. pp. 29-34. Epidermal Tissue.
of aërial root of Dendrobium × 130.
No. 17. Sec. I. No. 9. Development of Bone, pp. 33-6.
fication of Cartilage (Quain) × 300.

No. 18. Sec. II. No. 9. pp. 35-8. Vasicular Tissue.
Sieve Tubes and Liber Cells.

Methods of Microscopical Research.

Plate 8 x 250.
Plate 8. T. S.

Plate 9. Ossi

Plate 9. Bast,

Part IX. pp. xlix.-lii. Mounting (continued). Description of Materials.
Part X. pp. liii.-vii. Mounting (continued). The Preparation of Diatom-


Popular Microscopical Studies. No. VII. A Grain of Wheat (concluded), pp. 25-8.-The Common Bulrush (Typha), pp. 29-31. Plate 7. T. S. of Stem, double stained, x 75.

No. VIII. The Intestine, pp. 33-7. Plate 8. T. S. Ileum of Cat injected × 50.

Collins' (C.) Series of 48 Fish Scales. Micr. News, IV. (1884) p. 109. CORNIL,.-Sur le mode de conservation des pièces anatomiques destinées à être examinées au Microscope. (On the mode of preserving anatomical objects required to be examined with the Microscope.

[Brief note only of original paper. The best preserving liquid is 90 per cent. alcohol using a volume at least 20 times as great as that of the piece to be preserved, which should if possible be reduced to 1/2-1 cm. cube.] Journ. de Micr., VIII. (1884) p. 189, from Progrès Médical. Cox, J. D.-[Prof. H. L. Smith's] New Mounting Media. [Supra, p. 476.] Amer. Mon. Micr. Journ., V. (1884) p. 71. COZE and SIMON, P.-Recherches de pathologie et de thérapeutique experimentales sur la Tuberculose. (Experimental pathological and therapeutical observations on Tuberculosis.)

[Contains I. Technique.]

Journ. de Microgr., VIII. (1884) pp. 235-9, from
Bull. Gen. de Thérapeutique.

CREESE, E. J. E.-An inexpensive Turn-table.

["A home-made turn-table which any one with ordinary knack can make for himself at the cost of a shilling."]

Journ. of Micr., III. (1884) pp. 106–7 (3 figs.).

DEBY, J.-Notes diatomiques. (Notes on Diatoms).

[I. On MM. Prinz and Van Ermengem's work on the structure of the valves of diatoms (post). II. Discovery of Terpsinoë musica in Spain. III. Special slides of diatoms by Möller (post).]

Journ, de Microgr., VIII. (1884) pp. 228-31. DIPPEL, L.-Die Anwendung des polarisirten Lichtes in der Pflanzenhistologie. (The use of polarized light in vegetable histology.) [Post.]

[ocr errors]

Zeitschr. f. Wiss. Mikr., I. (1884) pp. 210-7 (5 figs.). Kalium-Quecksilberjodid als Quellungsmittel. (Biniodide of mercury

and potassium as a swelling agent.) [Post.]

Zeitschr. f. Wiss. Mikr., I. (1884) pp. 251-3.

DURKEE, R. P. H.-Mounting in balsam in cells. [Post.]

Amer. Mon. Micr. Journ., V. (1884) pp. 84-85. EDINGER, L.-Notiz, betreffend die Behandlung von Präparaten des Centralnervensystems, welche zur Projection mit dem Scioptikon dienen sollen. (Note on the treatment of preparations of the central nerve-system intended for projection with the Sciopticon.) [Post.] Zeitschr. f. Wiss. Mikr., 1. (1884) pp. 250–1. ELSNER, F.-Mikroskopische Atlas. Ein illustrirtes Sammelwerk zum Gebrauche für Gesundheitsbeamte, Apotheker, Drogisten, Kaufleute und Gebildete Laien. (Microscopical Atlas. An illustrated compendium for the use of officers of health, apothecaries, druggists, merchants, and well-informed laymen.) Part I. 9 pp. and 2 pls. of 27 photomicrographs. 4to, Halle,


[Contains Coffee and Coffee-surrogate. Tea and Tea-surrogate.]

FERGUS, S. T.-Double staining sections of Buds. Micr. Bull., I. (1884) p. 18. FLESCH, M.-Notiz über die Anwendung des Farbstoffes des Rothkols in der Histologie. (Note on the use of the colouring matter of the red cabbage in Histology.) [Post.]

Zeitschr. f. Wiss. Mikr., I. (1884) p. 253–4.

FRENZEL, J.-Ueber die Mitteldarmdrüse der Crustaceen.
[Contains "Methods of studying the so-called liver of the Crustacea."
Amer. Natural., XVIII. (1884) p. 556-7. Post.]
MT. Zool. Stat. Neapel, V. (1884) p. 51.

GAGE, S. H.-Notes on the use of the Freezing Microtome. [Post.]

Science Record, II. (1884) pp. 134–5. GILTAY, E.-L'Hématoxyline comme réactif spécifique des membranes cellulosiques non lignifiées et non subérifiées. (Hæmatoxylin as a reagent for non-lignified and non-suberose cellulose membranes.) [Post.]

Arch. Néerl. Sci. Exact. et Nat., XVÏII. (1883) pp. 437-52. GRANT, F.-Microscopic Mounting. IX. Mounting Media. 1. Phosphorus and monobromide. 2. Advantages as to the absence of contraction and as to visibility. 3. Thin aqueous fluids. 4. Advantages of different media with respect to granulation. 5. Thick aqueous media: advantages as to staining and pressure.

[Sec. II. requires considerable correction. Inter alia, the refractive index of diatoms is put at "about 1.5," and balsam at 1.528, or a visibility of 028! Diatoms are stated to be more visible in air than in phosphorus. The disadvantages of air-mounting are not referred to its inapplicability for fine markings, but to a "dulness or mist which gathers inside," &c.] Engl. Mech., XXXIX. (1884) pp. 148–50. GRAVIS, A.-Procédés techniques usités à la Station Zoologique de Naples en 1883. (Technical methods used at the Naples Zoological Station in 1883.) [Summary of various methods previously published, and post.]

Bull. Soc. Belg. Micr., X. (1884) pp. 104-27, 132-3. HAACKE, W.-Entwässerungsapparate für Macro- und Microscopische Präparation. (Dehydrating Apparatus for Macroscopic and Microscopic Preparations.) Zool. Anzeig., VII. (1884) pp. 252–6 (1 fig.).

[Post.] HARTZELL.-A method of staining the Bacillus [of tubercle.] [Post.] Amer. Mon. Micr. Journ., V. (1884) p. 76–7, from Medical Times.

HAZLEWOOD, F. T.-Blue Staining. [The stain-described III. (1883) p. 733-"gives surprisingly fine results with micrococci, bacteria, bacilli, &c." Method of suspending the slides in the water.] Amer. Mon. Micr. Journ., V. (1884) pp. 83-4. HEITZMANN, C.-Mikroskopische Morphologie des Thierkörpers im gesunden und kranken Zustande. (Microscopical morphology of the animal body in health and disease.) xvi. and 876 pp. (380 figs.). 8vo, Wien, 1883. Also 8vo, New York, 1884. HITCHCOCK, R.-Styrax and Liquidambar as substitutes for Canada Balsam. [Recommendation of Styrax.] Amer. Mon. Micr. Journ., V. (1884) pp. 69-71.

Crystals of Arsenic. "[Select a small tube about 1 in. in length, and fit it in a holder made of a thin strip of copper, brass, or other metal having a hole bored through it to receive the tube. Let the mouth of the tube project slightly above the metal, and support the latter in some convenient way over a spirit lamp. Place a small quantity of white arsenic in the tube, and apply heat slowly until a white powder begins to collect about the mouth. Then warm a glass slip, and hold it over the top of the tube until bright crystalline particles appear on its under surface. Then remove the lamp and let the tube cool.]

[ocr errors][merged small]

Amer. Mon. Micr. Journ., V. (1884) p. 71-2.

[merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors]

pp. 72-3.

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

HITCHCOCK, R.-Microscopical Technic. III, IV. Mounting Objects Dry. Amer. Mon. Micr. Journ., V. (1884) pp. 73-4, 91-4. Spring Collections. " pp. 77-8. HOEHNEL, F. v.-Ueber eine Methode zur raschen Herstellung von brauchbaren Schliffpräparaten von harten organisirten Objecten. (On a method for the rapid preparation of useful sections of hard organized objects.) [Post.] Zeitschr. f. Wiss. Mikr., I. (1884) pp. 234-7. HOFFMANN, F. W.-Einfacher Einbettungsapparat. (Simple imbedding apparatus.) [Post.] Zool. Anzeig., VII. (1884) pp. 230–2 (1 fig.). HOLZNER, G.-Zur Geschichte der Tinctionen. (On the history of Staining.) [Post.] Zeitschr. f. Wiss. Mikr., I. (1884) pp. 254-6.

JACKSON, E. E.-How to Mount Casts. [After allowing urine to settle, pour off and wash sediment repeatedly with clean water, the object being to get rid of the albumen. The white sediment consists of casts and epithelia. Have ready a solution of eosin, 5 grs. to 1 oz. (water 3, alcohol 1), pour it on sediment, allow to stand 30 minutes, then wash repeatedly as long as colour comes freely. Allow to settle, place a drop on cover, when dry enough to adhere, rinse off with alcohol to get rid of water; dry. Wet with spirits of turpentine and mount as usual in balsam.]

Mounting Desmids.

The Microscope, IV. (1884) pp. 78-9.

"[A dip was put in a cell, the water absorbed by blotting-paper, then a drop
of mixture of carbolated mucilage of gum arabic and solution of borax
was put on the desmids and they were covered and ringed. It remains to
be seen whether the medium has bleaching or shrinking properties.]
The Microscope, IV. (1884) p. 117.

KINGSLEY, J. S.-Microscopical Methods. II.

[Elementary instruction.]

L., V. A.-To Harden Animal Tissues.

Science Record, II. (1884) pp. 124–7.
Sci.-Gossip, 1884, p. 89.

LAGERHEIM, G.-Eine Präparirmethode für trockene mikroskopische Pflanzen. (A method for preparing dried microscopical plants.) [Post.]

LATHROP, J. C.-See Cleaning.

Bot. Centralbl., XVIII. (1884) pp. 183-4.

LINDT, O.-Ueber den mikrochemischen Nachweis von Brucin und Strychnin. (On the microchemical analysis of Brucine and Strychnine.)

Zeitschr. f. Wiss. Mikr., I. (1884) pp. 237-40. MEYER, H. V. Fernere Mittheilung über die Kleisterinjection. (Further communication on paste injection.)

[Further experience of his modification of Pansch's method has proved its value. Remarks on the use of fuchsin and vermilion.]

Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol.-Anat. Abtheil., 1883, pp. 277-8. MICHAEL, A. D.-British Oribatida. Vol. i. xi. and 336 pp. (31 pls.). 8vo, London, 1884.

[Contains description of cells used for observing the development and immature stages, pp. 68-70 (glass rings made from thinnish 3/4 or 7/8 in. tubing and 3/8 in. deep). Collecting and preservation, pp. 99-109. Drawing, pp. 191-5. Post.]

MOELLER, J.-Das neue Patent-Schlittenmikrotom von C. Reichert. (The new patent sliding Microtome of C. Reichert.) [Post.]

[blocks in formation]

Zeitschr. f. Wiss. Mikr., I. (1884) pp. 241-4 (1 fig.).

PRAY, T., junr.-Cotton-fibre and its structure.

Journ. of Bot., XXII. (1884) p. 124.

[Refers to the "importance of examining cotton by the Microscope," and the advantages which manufacturing corporations would gain by selecting their stock in this way."]

Science, III. (1884) p. 583 (Proc. Soc. of Arts. Mass. Inst. of Technol., April 10). RATABOUL, J.-Les Diatomées. Récolte et préparation. (The Diatomaceæ. Collection and preparation. Contd.)

Journ. de Microgr., VIII. (1884) pp. 115, 173-6, 231-4.

RINDFLEISCH.-Bacilli of Tubercle.

[They are best stained by fuchsin, soluble in alcohol but not in water. Two or three drops of a concentrated solution in 2-3 cm. of anilin-oil water are sufficient. The staining is especially good at 40° C. The bacilli are uniformly stained if a few drops of fuchsin are added to a mixture of equal parts of alcohol, water, and nitric acid.]

The Microscope, IV. (1884) p. 91.

SHARP, B.-On Semper's method of making dried preparations. [Post.]

Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1884, pp. 24-7. SHARP, H.-On the Mounting of Objects in cells with Canada Balsam medium. Journ. Roy. Soc. N. S. Wales, XVI. (1883 for 1882) pp. 286–8.

SIMON, P.-See Coze.

SLACK, H. J.-Pleasant Hours with the Microscope.

[Spiral vessels of rhubarb, &c.-Oxalate of Lime in Wood Sorrel] [Fish scales] [Proboscis of Ophideres] [Wings of Insects].

Knowledge, V. (1884) pp. 240, 282-3 (3 figs.), 330–1 (2 figs.), 371–2 (1 fig.). SMITH'S (H. L.) New Mounting Medium. [Supra, p. 476.]

[See also Cox, J. D.]

The Microscope, IV. (1884) pp. 77-8. Amer. Mon. Micr. Journ., V. (1884) p. 80.

STOWELL, C. H.-Studies in Histology. Lesson I. Injecting. II. Hardening, Sottening, Dissociating and Normal Fluids.

The Microscope, IV. (1884) pp. 49–56, 80–6. The Measurement of Blood-corpuscles.

[Discussion of recent articles. He considers the relative size of the red blood-corpuscles as given by Gulliver incorrect.]

White Zinc Cement.

The Microscope, IV. (1884) pp. 60–1.

[Commendation of it when properly put on, in opposition to R. Hitchcock's view that it will run in and spoil the mounts.]

The Microscope, IV. (1884) p. 62. Walmsley & Co.'s Circular on Bacillus Staining. [Vol. III. (1883) p. 310.] The Microscope, IV. (1884) pp. 79-80.

WEST, T.-Naphthaline.

["It is considered by Prof. Williamson of Manchester, to furnish the very best of all substances for imbedding delicate microscopic subjects in previous to cutting sections."]

[blocks in formation]

Journ. of Microscopy, III. (1884) pp. 113-4. See also p. 119. -Mounting Desmidies.

[Plain water-gold size.]

Proc. Manch. Lit. and Phil. Soc., XXI. (1882) pp. 38-40. WILSON, C. B.-The mesenterial filaments of the Alcyonaria.

[Contains "Methods of preparing the Alcyonaria." Amer. Nat., XVIII.

(1884) p. 558. Post.]

MT. Zool. Stat. Neapel, V. (1884) p. 3.

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