A handy book for the calculation of strains in girders and similar structures, and their strength1868 |
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A Handy Book for the Calculation of Strains in Girders and Similar ... William Humber Pratinjau tidak tersedia - 2018 |
A Handy Book for the Calculation of Strains in Girders and Similar ... William 1821-1881 Humber Pratinjau tidak tersedia - 2021 |
Istilah dan frasa umum
abutment angle apices arch architect Assoc bars Beam of Uniform Bridge and Girder calculated Cast and Wrought-Iron Chap Civil Engineers cloth compression contrary flexure 23 curve diagonal diagram DIAGRAM.-Let A B Ditto EATON HODGKINSON Engineer's equal fixed flange formulæ give the moments horizontal inclined length Inst Iron John Hawkshaw joint Lattice Girders loaded boom Loaded uniformly maximum mid-span Modern Engineering moments of rupture moving load numerous woodcuts opposite apex Outfall Sewer parabola PETER BARLOW Plates points of contrary polygon Practical Treatise Record of Modern resistance River Lea rivets secant Semi-beam Semi-girder shearing force spandril STRENGTH OF MATERIALS strut system of triangulation Tables tangent tension THOMAS TREDGOLD Timber tons Treatise on Cast triangles uniformly distributed uniformly Loaded unit of length unloaded boom upper boom valuable vertical distances volume W. H. Barlow Waterloo Bridge weight WILLIAM HUMBER Woodcuts دو دو
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