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four Directors, no call shall be made on the shareholders for any instalment on their shares, without the assent of three of such last mentioned Directors at some meeting to be held for that purpose; and after such election, all the bye laws, regulations, and other proceedings, (except proceedings at any general meeting of shareholders) shall require the sanction and assent of at least five out of the nine Directors of the said Company, wherever resident, either at some meeting of the said Directors, or signified by writing under their hands, approving the resolutions of any previous meeting.

13. Provided always, that unless one fifth part of the said capital stock shall be actually paid in for the purposes of the said Corporation, and a certificate of such payment, verified on oath by the said Directors, or any three of them, (which oath any Justice of the Peace is hereby required to administer) shall be filed in the Office of the Secretary of the Province before the expiration of three years from the passing of this Act, the operation of this Act shall cease, and the existence of the said Corporation terminate at the end of the said three years; provided always, that so soon as the whole of the said capital stock shall have been paid in for the purposes of the said Company, it shall be lawful for the said shareholders, at any general meeting to be called for that purpose, to increase the said capital stock from time to time as they shall judge expedient, to any sum not exceeding thirty thousand pounds.


An Act to amend an Act intituled An Act to incorporate the Northumberland Straits Fishing Company.


1. What Fishery may carry on. 2. Reduction of number of shares.


3. Assessment of shares.
4. President, how elected.

Passed 18th February 1852.

Be it enacted, &c.-1. The Corporation established and organized under and by virtue of an Act made and passed in the fourteenth year of the Reign of Her present Majesty, intituled An Act to incorporate the Northumberland Straits Fishing Company, shall have power and authority to establish and carry on a Fishery on the Bay of Fundy, and on the other Shores or Rivers of this Province.

2. The said Northumberland Straits Fishing Company shall and may commence and carry on their operations when and as soon as two hundred shares of the stock of such Corporation shall be taken and subscribed, instead of four hundred as mentioned in the third Section of the hereinbefore recited Act.

3. The President and Directors of the said Company may from time to time assess upon each share such sum or sums of money as they may think necessary for the purposes of the said Company, in manner prescribed by the tenth Section of the said Act, not exceeding the amount of ten pounds for each share in the whole of such instalments.

4. The President of the said Company may be elected from any of the Directors of the said Company, whether resident in this Country or in Great Britain, and at all meetings of Directors at which he shall not be present, one other Director shall be chosen Chairman, and the acts of such meeting shall be as valid and effectual as if the President had been then present and acted as Chairman.


An Act in further amendment of an Act intituled An Act to incorporate the Northumberland Straits Fishing Company.


1. Extension of time.

2. Capital Stock, how considered.


3. Recovery of calls, and evidence.
4. Directors, by whom and how elected.
Passed 1st May 1854.

Be it enacted, &c.-1. The period limited by the thirteenth Section of an Act made and passed in the fourteenth year of Her present Majesty's Reign, intituled An Act to incorporate the Northumberland Straits Fishing Company, for paying up one fifth part of the capital stock of such Company, be extended for the term of three years from the time of the passing of this Act, and all and singular the clauses, privileges, matters, and things in the said Act, as amended by an Act passed in the fifteenth year of the same Reign for amending such last mentioned Act, shall be extended and enlarged for such term of three years.

2. The capital stock mentioned in such Acts shall be exclusive of the stock authorized to be raised by any Act in any

other of the Provinces of British North America, and in the event of an Imperial Charter being granted to the said Company, shall be consolidated with such stock in one aggregate capital..

3. In any action for the recovery of any call it shall be sufficient to prove the handwriting of the defendant to the subscription list, or the payment of any previous call by him.

4. The shareholders of the said Company may elect six Directors in this Province, or in Nova Scotia, or Prince Edward Island, if they think proper, instead of five, and any vacancy among the Directors by death, resignation, incapacity, or otherwise, shall be filled up by the remaining Directors until the next general annual meeting of shareholders.



An Act to incorporate the Hillsborough Plaister and Rail Road Company.

[blocks in formation]

WHEREAS the Township of Hillsborough, in the County of Albert, offers advantageous situations for the quarrying and working of free stone, marble, lime stone, and other building materials, quarrying and manufacturing of plaister, and for mining purposes; and for procuring the requisite capital it is desirable to incorporate into a body politic and corporate such persons as may be willing to advance funds for such undertaking;

Be it enacted, &c.-1. Samuel Fowler, Augustus C. Downing, Daniel C. Schanck, James Smith, and Charles Fowler, their associates, successors, and assigns, shall be and they are hereby erected into a body politic and corporate, by the name of "The Hillsborough Plaister and Rail Road Company," and by that name shall have a common seal, sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered unto, defend and be defended in all Courts and places whatever, and shall have power and authority to purchase, hold, and enjoy lands, tenements, and hereditaments, for them and their successors and assigns, and all other powers and privileges now incident to a Corporation by Act of Assembly of this Province, for the purpose of quarrying, manufacturing, and trading in plaister, free stone, lime stone, marble, and other building materials, conveying the same to market, opening and working mines, and other business connected therewith; and also the constructing and making of such railroad or other description of road as may be necessary for the transportation of such articles from the quarries to the place of shipment; and also that they the said Company, or a majority of them, shall from time to time and at all times have full power and authority to constitute,

ordain, make, and establish such bye laws and ordinances as may be deemed necessary for the good rule and government of the said Corporation, provided that such bye laws and ordinances be not contradictory or repugnant to the laws and statutes of this Province, and those in force within the same.

2. The capital stock of said Corporation shall be twenty five thousand pounds current money of the Province of New Brunswick, with liberty to increase the same to the sum of fifty thousand pounds, to be divided into shares of twenty five pounds each, to be paid in at such times and instalments as the business of the said Company shall require; and every person who shall be a holder of one or more shares shall be entitled to vote, either in person or by proxy, having one vote for each share as aforesaid; and it shall be lawful for said Corporation to grant certificates of full stock, in whole or part payment, for the consideration of lands, quarries, buildings, wharves, machinery, mining rights or privileges, in the place of money subscription to said stock, at such valuation as a majority of all the subscribers shall fix, said subscription to become void if satisfactory titles or conveyances to the Corporation be not made at such a period as said Corporation may by any bye laws or vote direct after its organization.

3. The first meeting of the said Corporation shall be held at Hillsborough aforesaid, and shall be called by Samuel Fowler, Esquire, or in case of his death, neglect, or refusal, by any two of the said Company, by giving notice in one or more Papers printed in the City of Saint John in this Province, at least thirty days previous to such meeting, in order to organize the said Company, and for the purpose of establishing bye laws, choosing Directors and such other officers as may be necessary, which Directors and officers so chosen shall continue in office until the first annual meeting, or until re-election, or others are chosen in their stead; and the members of the said Company, or shareholders present or appearing by proxy, shall organize said Company, establish bye laws, and choose Directors of the said Company, by a majority of votes.

4. The shareholders shall meet annually at such time and place as may be appointed and regulated in and by the bye laws of said Company, at which meeting the shareholders present or by proxy may either continue in office the Directors

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