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to orphans, besides one large female college. This is the countysite of this county, and, as a whole, is one of the most desirable places on the line of road. There are two manufactories, one car


Ashville, the Mecca of the North Carolina Mountaineer-reached via
Atlanta and Charlotte Air-Line Railway.

riage and one wagon manufactory, that are doing a live business. Also there is one mineral spring in the city, and several in the vicinity. The celebrated


are within five miles of here, and are largely attended every season. Their properties are magnesia, lime, and carbonate acid gas. Also within one mile of town is the famous Garrett Springs, and within twelve miles are the renowned


which last named has been a favorite place of summer resort for time immemorial. This is also the junction of the Spartanburg and Union Railroad, which connects with the Greenville and Columbia road at Austin, 64 miles distant. There is one daily paper and two weeklies. The amount of cotton that is shipped from this point is estimated at about 22,000 bales per annum. The Spartanburg and Union Railroad have located their machine shop at this place. Among the hotels we would call especial attention to the Piedmont


Table Mountain, South Carolina, reached via Atlanta and Charlotte Air-Line Railway.

and Palmetto House, both of which keep constantly on hand livery accommodations, besides other conveniences necessary for the traveling public who desire to "put up" at either of these houses. There are two other hotels, one kept by Mrs. ——, a perfect little gem in its way, not very large, but cosy and snug, a place where the weary traveler can get good treatment, and a place where tables are always spread with the delicacies of the season. As to the society of Spartanburg, it cannot be surpassed by any town, of like dimensions, in the State of South Carolina. The lands in this

vicinity are very fertile, and produce wonderfully. This county is drained and watered by Fair Forest creek, and Lawson's Fork. Leaving Spartanburg eleven and one-fourth miles, we find situated upon a rather high ridge the little station of


which is immediately upon the Air-Line Railway, 202 miles from Atlanta, and 67 miles from Charlotte, N. C. This is entirely a new place, and the depot was built this year. There are several enterprising men who have located here, and we trust that it will not be long until this will become one of the chief attractions on the line of road. The old battle-ground, upon which the


of Cowpens was fought, during the Revolutionary war, and in which Generals George Washington, Gates and others, were engaged, is within about five miles of the depot. The very land upon which the depot stands is made historic by the fact, that the contending armies of 1776 have camped at this place, and it is recorded that they used


for cooking and drinking purposes, that is now used in supplying the water-tank with water at this place. There is a very neat looking hotel in course of erection, besides several small business houses that have just opened. The ATLANTA AND CHARLOTTE AIR-LINE RAILWAY now carries us through a section of country that will forever remain historic, from the many incidents connected with revolutionary history, in the way of hard-fought battles, etc. Leaving this place 101⁄2 miles, we come quite suddenly upon the beautiful little village of


which is located in a beautiful section of country, about 2121 miles from Atlanta, 56 from Charlotte, N. C. The population of this place is about 400 inhabitants. This is the place where Peter Cooper erected and donated a school exclusively for orphans. Besides this school, there are several others, also there is one church and two hotels. This point is famous for the


that is burnt within a short distance from town, and shipped from this point. Also, there areseveral large


within a short distance of town, that are turning out immense quantities of a very fine quality of lead. Gold, silver, copper and iron exist in almost inexhaustible quantities in this vicinity. The business capacity at present amounts to about $250,000 per annum.


View near Webster, North Carolina, in Haywood county, reached via Atlanta

and Charlotte Air-Line Railway.

Principal productions are cotton, corn, wheat, and oats.


7,000 bales of cotton are shipped from this place annually. In connection with other natural attractions, there are


within 1 miles of town, which, if properly worked, would amply

repay a man for all capital invested. This barytese is a species of marbie, and is used very much (almost entirely) in the manufacture of white lead, and paints generally. Eight and a half miles from Gaffeney's, and 221 miles from Atlanta, is


which has a population of 200, doing a business amounting to about $50,000 per annum. At this point there are two churches, one school, and one boarding house that furnishes very good board for $12 per month.


Lover's Leap, French Broad River, Western North Carolina, accessible only by Atlanta and Charlotte Air-Line Railway.


are within a short distance here; besides several large grist, flouring and saw mills. Considerable signs of lead and iron ore exist in the neighborhood, beside extensives beds of a very fine quality of marble. Five miles from Black's, and 227 miles from Atlanta, is the thriving little town of


which is situated exactly on the line between North and South

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