Into the West: The Story of Its PeopleA.A. Knopf, 1999 - 493 halaman This is a full-scale history of the people of the American West, from the ancestral Paleo-Indians, to the Spanish conquistadores and settlers, to the gold rushers, to the myriads who came from every direction in the twentieth century, right up to the late 1990s. Everyone is here -- whites from all over Europe and the United States, Latinos, Asians, African-Americans, and Native Americans. Some went west to homestead; others to find gold or, later, oil or the wealth of Silicon Valley; others followed California dreams, some out of Old West mythology; still others simply came to make better lives. This is a story of those millions who came -- on foot, on horseback, in wagons, by train, by car, by plane -- into the West. Walter Nugent offers a new and fascinating perspective on all the groups who settled and transformed the region. He explains how California became not only the most urban state in the West but also the most populous and most ethnically mixed state in the country. He explores such questions as why African-Americans in the early 1900s regarded Oakland and Denver as more tolerant than San Francisco or Los Angeles; what happened to the second generation of Mormons after the large western migration of the 1840s; who the real "Dust Bowl migrants" of the 1930s were; and how the New Deal, as well as federal laws on homesteading, irrigation, defense, and immigration, changed the face of the West. Here as well are the tribulations of the many involuntary migrants to, within, or out of the West: Native Americans moved in the 1830s and again in the 1870s and 1880s; Mexicans "repatriated" between 1929 and 1933; Japanese-Americans interned during World War II; and Vietnameseforced to move after 1973. Finally, Nugent examines the West of today: why the coastal and Sunbelt West and the interior West are experiencing such a radical cultural divergence. And he tells us what he projects, on the basis of recent trends, is likely to happen to the people of the West in the next half century. For several hundred years, the West has been a microcosm of the American ideal of e pluribus unum--making many into one. Will it continue to follow this course? |
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... Spanish Empire whose products and trade networks were far - flung even in the sixteenth century , 20 but insofar as it existed , it was not attractive enough to bring many migrants northward . It also goes without saying that the Wild ...
... Spanish population , and a drop in Indian numbers to perhaps only ten thousand.30 In 1680 most of the pueblos united for once and threw out the Spanish . Blaming disease ( and even drought ) on the Spanish and revulsed at con- temptuous ...
... Spanish . Together they may have numbered some tens of thousands ; they too resisted Christianity ; predictably they and the Hopis did not get along . South of the Gila River lived the Pápagos , today known as Tohono O'od- ham ; the ...
Where the West Is and Why People Have Gone There | 3 |
From Time Immemorial to 1848 | 19 |
The United States Captures Its West 18481889 | 57 |
Hak Cipta | |
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