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On motion of Mr. Morrison

Resolved, that the rules of House be so far suspended as to allow him to introduce a bill at the present time.

Mr. Morrison introduced a bill entitled "An act relating to


Which was read a first and second time.

On motion of Mr. Chamberlain

Ordered, that the bill be referred to the committee on the Judiciary.

On motion of Mr. Warner

Ordered, that the resolution in favor of William Fiske and others be put upon its second reading for the purpose of amendment. Mr. Warner moved that the resolution be amended by inserting after the word "cents," in the lieu thereof, (?) the words "seven dollars and ninety-nine cents."

And the question being put,

Shall the amendment be adopted.
It was decided in the affirmative.
So the amendment was adopted.
On motion of Mr. Warner-

Resolved, that the rules of the House be so far suspended that the resolution be read a third time at the present time. The resolution was then read a third time.

Resolved, that it pass.

Ordered, that the Clerk request the concurrence of the Senate therein.

On motion of Mr. Hoskins

The House resumed the consideration of the unfinished business of yesterday, upon the resolution offered by Mr. Swasey, respecting the subject of the memorial of Robert Wallace.

Mr. Chamberlain moved that the resolution be amended by striking out all after the word "Resolved," and inserting as a substitute the resolutions following, to wit:

Resolved, that it appears from the testimony laid before the committee on Elections to whom was referred the memorial of Robert Wallace, that the town of Henniker at the last annual meeting was not constitutionally entitled to send two Representatives to the General Court.

Resolved, that it appears from said testimony that the selectmen of Henniker inserted on the check list of voters in said town in March last, the names of twenty persons who were not at that time. legal voters in said town.

Resolved, that the list of rateable polls prepared by the select

men of Henniker in March last contains the names of twenty persons who were not at that time rateable polls in said town.

Mr. Baker of Hillsborough moved that the resolutions offered as an amendment lie on the table.

And the question being put,

Mr. Treadwell called for the ayes

and noes.

Those who voted in the affirmative are-Messrs.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Those who voted in the negative are-Messrs.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

But before the vote was announced by the Speaker,
Mr. Sawyer of Nashua raised a question of order.

Which was, whether it was in order to receive the motion to lay the amendment on the table?

Mr. Quincy, who was in the chair, having decided that the motion was in order.

Mr. Sawyer of Nashua appealed from the decision of the chair. And the question being put,

Is the Speaker's decision correct?

Mr. Sawyer of Nashua called for the ayes and noes.

Before the question was taken,

On motion of Mr. Parker of Fitzwilliam—

The House adjourned.


Mr. Quincy being in the chair.

On motion of Mr. Norrist of Pittsfield

Resolved, that the rules of the House be so far suspended as that reports from standing committees be now in order.

Mr. Whittemore of Wilton from the committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred the bill entitled "An act concerning the apprehension of criminals," made a report,


Resolved, that said bill be postponed to the next session of the Legislature.

Mr. Lane. from the committee on Claims, to whom was referred the resolution in favor of Aaron Carter and others, reported the same with an amendment.

On the question,

Shall the amendment be adopted?

It was decided in the affirmative.
So the amendment was adopted.

On motion of Mr. Warner

Resolved, that the rules of the House be so far suspended that the resolution be read a third time at the present time. The resolution was then read a third time.

Resolved, that it pass.

Ordered, that the Clerk request the concurrence of the Senate


Mr. Baker of Hillsborough, from the committee on the Judiciary, to whom was referred the bill entitled "An act in addition to and in amendment of an act prescribing the duties and regulating the office of Sheriff," reported the same without amendment. On motion

Resolved, that the rules of the House be so far suspended that said bill be read a third time at the present time.

'The bill was then read a third time.

Resolved, that it pass and that its title be as aforesaid.

Ordered, that the Clerk request the concurrence of the Senate therein.

Mr. Whittemore of Wilton, from the same committee, to whom was referred the bill entitled "An act to incorporate the Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company," reported the same with an amendment, which was, by adding a section.

On the question,

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