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Mr. Goodhue, from the joint committee on Engrossed Bills reported that they had carefully examined and found correctly engrossed bills and resolutions with the following titles:

"An act in amendment of an act entitled an act for laying out highways, passed July 3, 1829."

"An act in amendment of an act entitled an act in addition to and in amendment of an act prescribing the duty and regulating the office of Sheriff, passed June 29, 1829."

"An act to incorporate the Nashua Academy."

"An act to abolish imprisonment for debt."

"An act regulating the piling, hauling and removing of sea-weed and rock-weed from the sea shore in the towns of Hampton, North Hampton and Rye."

"An act relating to railroad corporations."

"An act authorizing towns to build and repair school houses in certain cases."

"A resolution in favor of Jeremiah Elkins."

"A resolution in favor of William Fisk and others."

"A resolution in favor of Joseph Hill."

"A resolution in favor of the selectmen of the town of Shelburne."

A message was received from the House of Representatives giving information that the Speaker of that body had signed the foregoing bills and resolutions, reported as correctly engrossed by the committee on Engrossed Bills, and their Clerk was directed to lay them before the Senate for the signature of their Presi dent.

Thereupon the President of the Senate signed said bills and resolutions, and the same were delivered to the committee on Engrossed Bills to be laid before the Governor for his approval and signature.

Mr. Goodhue, from said committee, reported that they had this evening presented the aforesaid bills and resolutions, by them reported as correctly engrossed, to His Excellency the Governor for his approval.

A message from the House of Representatives by their Clerk:

*Mr. President-The House of Representatives have passed a resolution instructing our Senators and requesting our Representatives in Congress to use all proper exertions to procure the passage of a law by Congress fixing upon the same day for the choice of Presidential Electors throughout the United States, in which they ask the concurrence of the Honorable Senate."

The foregoing resolution, sent up from the House of Representatives for concurrence, was read a first and second time. On motion of Mr. Gregg

Resolved, that the rules of the Senate be so far suspended, that this resolution be read a third time at the present time. Said resolution was accordingly read a third time.

Resolved, that it pass.

Ordered, that the Clerk notify the House of Representatives accordingly.

A message from the House of Representatives by their Clerk:

"Mr. President-The House of Representatives coneur with the Honorable Senate in their amendment to the bill entitled, "An act in addition to an act entitled 'an act to prevent incestuous marriages and regulate divorces,' and for the relief of married women and widows."

On motion of Mr. Goodhue

Resolved, that the Senate have a recess until a quarter past nine o'clock this evening.


A message from the House of Representatives by their Clerk:

"Mr. President-The House of Representatives have passed sundry resolutions relating to the controversy between the States of Maine and Georgia;

Also, sundry resolutions, founded upon a preamble and resolutions transmitted to the Executive of this State by the Executive of New Jersey, in which they ask the concurrence of the Honorable Senate."

The firs of the foregoing resolutions, sent up from the House of Representatives for concurrence, was read a first time. Mr. Adams moved that the further consideration thereof be postponed to the next session of the Legislature. On motion of Mr. Gregg

Ordered, that they lie upon the table.

On motion of Mr. Nettleton

Resolved, that when the Senate adjourn this evening it be to meet again at four o'clock to-morrow morning.

The second of the foregoing resolutions, sent up from the House of Representatives for concurrence, were read a first time. On motion of Mr. Brown

Ordered, that they lie upon the table.

A message from the House of Representatives by their Clerk:

Mr. President-The House of Representatives have passed the following resolutions, in which they ask the concurrence of the Honorable Senate:

"A resolution in favor of J. B. Wiggin."

"A resolution instructing our Senators and requesting our Representatives in Congress to use their efforts to cause provision to be made by law for the adjustment of the claims of our citizens for spoliations by France prior to 1800."

The first of the foregoing resolutions sent up from the House of Representatives for concurrence, in favor of J. B. Wiggin, was read a first and second time.

On motion of Mr. Nettleton

Resolved, that the rules of the Senate be so far suspended that this resolution be read a third time at the present time. Said resolution was accordingly read a third time.

Resolved, that it pass.

Ordered, that the Clerk notify the House of Representatives accordingly.

The second of said resolutions was read a first time.

Mr. Gregg moved that the further consideration thereof be indefinitely postponed.

Which was decided in the negative.
On motion of Mr. Pickering-
Ordered, that it lie upon the table.
On motion of Mr. Pickering-

The Senate adjourned.


THURSDAY, DEC. 24, 1840.

On motion of Mr. Renton

The Senate resumed the consideration of the resolution instructing our Senators and requesting our Representatives in Congress to use their efforts to cause provision to be made by law for the adjustment of the claims of our citizens for spoliations by France prior to 1800.”

On motion of Mr. Renton

Resolved, that the further consideration thereof be indefinitely postponed.

Ordered, that the Clerk notify the House of Representatives accordingly.

Mr. Gregg, from the joint committee on Engrossed Bills, reported that they had carefully examined and found correctly engrossed bills and resolutions with the following titles:

"An act to incorporate the Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company."

"An act to incorporate the Durham Academy."

"An act providing for exemption in certain cases from military duty."

"An act to incorporate the Amoskeag Fire Insurance Company.'

"An act relating to the White River Falls company and to establish the rates of toll of the same."

"An act in addition to an act entitled 'an act to prevent incestuous marriages and regulate divorces,' and for the relief of married women and widows.'

"A resolution in favor of Aaron Carter and others."

"A resolution in favor of George Pendexter and others."

"A resolution instructing Senators and requesting Representatives in Congress to procure the passage of a law for the choice of Electors of President and Vice President of the United States on the same day in each State."

"A resolution in favor of J. B. Wiggin."

A message was received from the House of Representatives giving information that the Speaker of that body had signed the foregoing bills and resolutions, reported as correctly engrossed by the committee on Engrossed Bills, and their Clerk was directed to lay them before the Senate for the signature of their President.

Thereupon the President of the Senate signed said bills and resolutions, and the same were delivered to the committee on Engrossed Bills, to be laid before the Governor for his approval and signature.

Mr. Gregg, from said committee, reported that they had this morning presented the aforesaid bills and resolutions, by them reported as correctly engrossed, to His Excellency the Governor for his approval.

On motion of Mr. Gregg

The Senate resumed the consideration of the resolutions relating to the controversy between the States of Maine and Georgia.

Mr. Goodhue moved that the further consideration of the resolutions be postponed to the next session of the Legislature. On the question, shall the further consideration of said resolutions be thus postponed ?

Mr. Johnson demanded the yeas and nays.

Those who voted in the affirmative were Messrs. Creighton, Gregg, Renton, Comerford, Brown, Nettleton and Goodhue-7.

Those who voted in the negative were Messrs. Pickering, Nutter and Johnson-3.

So the motion prevailed and the further consideration thereof was postponed to the next session of the Legislature.

Ordered, that the Clerk notify the House of Representatives accordingly.

On motion of Mr. Gregg

The Senate resumed the consideration of the resolutions founded upon a preamble and resolutions transmitted to the Executive of this State by the Executive of New-Jersey.

Said resolutions were read a second time.

On motion of Mr. Goodhue→

Resolved, that the rules of the Senate be so far suspended that these resolutions be read a third time at the present time.

Said resolutions were accordingly severally read a third time. Resolved, that they pass.

Ordered, that the Clerk notify the House of Representatives accordingly.

A message from the House of Representatives by their Clerk:

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