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So the amendment was adopted.

Mr. Quincy moved that the bill be further amended by adding a section thereto;

Mr. Sawyer of Nashua moved an amendment to the amendment, which was accepted by Mr. Quincy, and made a part of his amendment.

And on the question,

Shall the amendment proposed by the gentleman from Rumney, Mr. Quincy be adopted?

It was decided in the affirmative.


Mr. Spaulding of Nashua moved a further amendment to the

And on the question,

Shall the amendment be adopted?

It was decided in the affirmative.

Mr. Quincy moved that the bill and amendments be referred to the committee on the Judiciary,

Mr. Towle of Hampton moved that the House adjourn,
And on the question being put,

It was decided in the negative.

On the question,

Shall the bill and amendments be referred to the committee on the Judiciary?

It was decided in the negative.

The question then recurring,

Shall the bill be read a third time?

It was decided in the affirmative.

The bill was then read a third time.

Resolved, That it pass and that its title be as aforesaid.
Ordered, That the Clerk request the concurrence of the Sen-

ate therein.

A message from the Senate by their Clerk:

"Mr. Speaker, The Senate concur with the House of Representatives in the passage of bills of the following titles, and the following resolutions, to wit:

"An act in addition to an act entitled an act in addition to an act to incorporate the Eastern Rail Road in New Hampshire." "An act to sever a part of the farm of Daniel McNeil from the town of Alton and annex the same to Barnstead."

"A resolution authorizing the Secretary of State to procure the

printing of the public acts and resolves in the Granite State Democrat, printed at Exeter."

"A resolution directing the Treasurer of this State to collect the amount due the State on the bond of Jasper Elkins and oth⚫ers."

"A resolution providing for the education of indigent deaf and dumb persons of this State at the Asylum at Hartford, and for the education of indigent blind and partially blind persons of this State at the Institution for the Blind at Boston,"

"An act authorizing an increase of the members of Engine Company No. 1, in Claremont."

"An act in favor of the Fitzwilliam Artillery Company." "An act to change the name of the town of Peeling to Woodstock.'

"An act to incorporate School District No. 12, in Warner." "An act to repeal an act to incorporate certain persons by the name of the proprietors of the Ossipee Bridge."

"An act providing for the compensation of the officers of the civil list."

"An act to incorporate the forty-second regiment of New Hampshire militia.”

"An act making appropriation for the militia for the year 1840."

"An act allowing to the first company of Light Infantry in the 6th regiment of New Hampshire militia an additional number of State arms."

"An act to incorporate the Miller Guards.”

"An act to amend the laws regulating divorces."

"A resolution in favor of Josiah Stevens, jr., and others." "A resolution in favor of William McIntire,"

Mr. Smith of Lempster, from the joint committee on Engrossed Bills, reported that they had carefully examined and found correctly engrossed, bills of the following titles, and the following resolutions, to wit:

"An act allowing to the fourth company of Infantry in the thirtyfirst regiment an additional number of State arms."

"An act to repeal an act entitled an act in addition to and in amendment of an act directing the mode of choosing and appointing Electors of President and Vice President of the United States approved January 7, 1837."

"An act in addition to an act entitled an act in addition to an act to incorporate the Eastern Rail Road in New Hampshire.”

"An act to sever a part of the farm of Daniel McNeil from the town of Alton and annex the same to the town of Barnstead."

"An act to repeal an act to incorporate certain persons by the name of the proprietors of Ossipee Bridge."

"An act providing for the compensation of the officers of the civil list."

"An act to incorporate the forty-second regiment of New Hampshire militia.”

"An act to change the name of the town of Peeling to Woodstock."

"An act authorizing an increase of the members of Engine Company No. 1 in Claremont."

"A resolution authorizing the erection of an arsenal in the town of Lancaster."

"A resolution directing the Secretary of State to procure the printing of the public acts and resolves in the Granite State Democrat."

"A resolution directing the Treasurer of this State to collect the amount due the State on the bond of Jasper Elkins and others."

On motion of Mr. Smith of Lempster

Resolved, That a committee be appointed on the part of the House to be joined by the Senate, to wait upon Lawson Coolidge, inform him of his appointment to the office of Warden of the State Prison, and if he accept, to receive of him the customary bond, and to inform His Excellency the Governor of said appointment."

Ordered, That Messrs. Wilson of Keene, Smith of Lempster and Fellows be the committee.

Ordered, That the Clerk request the concurrence of the Senate therein.

Mr. Stickney, from the select committee to whom was referred the bill entitled "An act providing for the return of inventories," reported the same without amendment.

Mr. Baker moved an amendment to the bill,

And on the question,

Shall the amendment be adopted?

It was decided in the affirmative.

The bill was then read a third time.

Resolved, That it pass and that its title be as aforesaid. Ordered, That the Clerk request the concurrence of the Sen

ate therein.

Mr. Barnard moved that the House do now adjourn, . And on the question being put

Mr. Webster called for the ayes and noes.

Those who voted in the affirmative are-Messrs..

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