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SEC. 9. Sessions of the board of registration shall be held in the several wards on the Tuesday preceding each general election of state and county officers at which a new and complete registration is not ordered for the purpose of registering new electors in said ward registration books in the manner prescribed in the aforesaid act, like notice to be given as provided by section six of said act, which session shall commence at 8 o'clock in the forenoon and close at 8 o'clock in the afternoon, and on the Wednesday preceding such general election the said board of registration shall hold a session at the common council room, in said city, from nine o'clock in the forenoon until four o'clock in the afternoon for the purpose of comparing, revising, correcting and completing the several ward registration lists. At such session the presence of two members of each ward board of registration shall be necessary to constitute a quorum. Applicants for registration, being duly qualified electors, may register at such session, and the names of electors who have removed or died since the preceding election shall be erased with red ink, with the remark "dead" or "removed," with the date of erasure. If the name of any elector shall be erased by mistake such elector may be re-registered on the day of election as provided by section eighteen of the act herein before cited.

SEC. 10. Sessions of the boards of registration shall be held in the several wards on the Wednesday preceding each charter or special election for new registration, and correction of the registry books, such sessions to be noticed and conducted as provided for by the act before cited, except that the erasure of the names of electors who have removed or died shall be made as provided in the preceding section. Such sessions shall commence at eight o'clock in the forenoon and close at eight o'clock in the afternoon; Provided, That in giving notice of registration for a spec

ial election, it shall not be necessary to print the names of the electors then duly registered.

SEC. 11. Two members shall at all times be present during the session of each ward board of regis tration.


SEC. 12. An annual city charter election shall be held on the first Monday in April in each year, at such place in each of the several wards of the city as the common council shall designate.

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SEC. 13. Special elections may be appointed by resolution of the common council, to be held in and for the city, or in and for any ward thereof, at such time and place, or places, as the common council shall designate; the purpose and object of which shall be fully set forth in the resolution appointing such election.

SEC. 14. Whenever a special election is to be held the common council shall cause to be delivered to the inspectors of election in the ward or wards where the same is to be held, a notice signed by the city clerk, specifying the officer or officers to be chosen, and the question or proposition, if any, to be submitted to the vote of the electors, and the day and place at which such election is to be held, and such election shall be conducted in the same manner as the annual charter elections.

SEC. 15. Notice of the time and place or places of holding any election, and of the officers to be elected, and the question to be voted upon, shall, except as herein otherwise provided, be given by the city clerk at least ten days before such election, by posting such notices in three public places in each ward in which the election is to be held, and by publishing a copy thereof in a newspaper published in the city, the same length of time before the election; and in case of a


special election the notice shall set forth the purpose and object of the election as fully as the same are required to be set forth in the resolution appointing such election: Provided, That if any election of officers under the act shall not be held on the day when it ought to have been held, the said corporation shall not be dissolved, but it shall be lawful to hold such election at any time thereafter, public notice being given as provided in this act.

SEC. 16. The common council shall provide and cause to be kept by the city clerk, for use at all elections, suitable ballot boxes of the kind required by law to be kept and used in townships.

SEC. 17.* At all charter elections, the polls shall be open in each ward at the several places designated by the common council at seven o'clock in the morning and shall be kept open until five o'clock in the afternoon, at which hour they shall be finally closed. The inspectors of election shall cause proclamation to be made of the opening and closing of the polls.

SEC. 18. The supervisor and two aldermen of each ward shall, except as herein otherwise provided, be the inspectors of election. When any ward shall have been divided into precincts, the common council shall appoint, on the nomination of the mayor, such additional inspectors of election as shall be necessary to constitute a board of three inspectors for each of said precincts; and if at any election any of the inspectors shall not be present or remain in attendance, the electors present may choose viva voce such number of such electors, as with the inspector or inspectors present, shall constitute a board of three in number, and each such elector so chosen shall be inspector of that election.

SEC. 19. The supervisor, if present, shall be chairman of the board, and in his absence the inspectors

* As amended March 15, 1895.

shall appoint one of their number chairman; and said inspectors shall appoint two electors to be clerks. The inspectors chosen and clerks appointed shall take the constitutional oath of office, which oath may be administered by either of the inspectors, or by a justice of the peace or notary public.

SEC. 20. All elections held under the provisions of this act shall be conducted as nearly as may be in the manner provided by law for holding general elections in this state, except as herein otherwise provided; and the inspectors of such elections shall have the same power and authority for the preservation of order and for enforcing obedience to their lawful commands during the time of holding the election and the canvass of the votes as are conferred by the law upon inspectors of general elections held in this state.

SEC. 21. The electors shall vote by ballot, and the same ballot shall contain the names of the persons designated as officers for the city and as officers for the ward. The ballots cast upon any question or proposition submitted to be voted upon, shall be separate and be deposited in a separate box.

SEC. 22. If at any election vacancies are to be supplied in any office, or if any person is to be elected for less than a full term of office, the term for which any person is so voted, shall be designated on the ballot.

SEC. 23. It shall be the duty of the inspectors on receiving the vote, as specified in the last two sections, to cause the same, without being opened or inspected, to be deposited in the proper box provided for that purpose. The clerks shall also write the names of the electors voting at such elections, in the poll lists to be kept by them. And such lists shall be so kept as to show the number and the names of the electors voting upon any question or proposition submitted to the vote of [the] electors.

SEC. 24. Immediately after closing the polls, the inspectors of election shall without adjourning, publicly canvass the votes received by them, and declare the result; and shall, on the same day or on the next day, make a statement in writing, setting forth in words at full length the whole number of votes given for each office, the names of persons for whom such votes for each office were given, and the number of votes so given for each person; the whole number of votes given upon each question voted upon, and the number of votes given for and against the same, which statement shall be certified under the hands of the inspectors to be correct; and they shall deposit such statement and certificate on the day of election, or on the next day, together with such poll lists, the register of electors and the boxes containing said ballots, in the office of the city clerk.

SEC. 25. The manner of canvassing said votes shall be the same as prescribed by law for canvassing votes at the general elections held in this state, and the inspectors shall in all other respects, except as herein otherwise provided, conform as nearly as may be to the duties required of inspectors of election at such general elections.

SEC. 26. The common council shall convene on the Thursday next succeding each election, at their usual place of meeting, and determine the result of the election upon each question and proposition voted upon, and what persons are duly elected at said election to the several offices respectively; and thereupon the city clerk shall make duplicate certificates, under the corporate seal of the city, of such determination, showing the result of the election upon any question or proposition voted upon, and what persons are declared elected to the several offices respectively, one of which certificates he shall file in the office of the clerk of the county of Washtenaw and the other shall be filed in the office of the city clerk.

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