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The Lord Protector grants a Charter under the great seal of Scotland confirming the provisions of the Act of 1654. 18th June, 1658.

OLIVER by the grace of God Lord Protector of the Comonwalth of England Scotland and Ireland and domineones thereto belonging TO ALL MEN to whose knowledge this oure present Chartour sall come Greetting BE IT KNOWEN that Wee by and with the consent of our Councell by ane act of the eight of August one thousand sex hundreth fiftie four yeares did Grant Mortifie and dispone To the Vniversitie of Aberdene and to the Principall Professors Regents and remanent Members therof and their successours for ever according to the divisione exprest in the said Act All and sundrie the Superiorities lands teynds and others vnder repeitted And Wee vnderstanding that it is most necessarie to have the afoirsaid grant in there favours past vnder our great seall of Scotland that Infeftment and Seasing may pas therevpoun in manner vnderwrittin THEREFORE Wee with consent of the Commissioners of our Excheker HAVE GIVEN granted disponed and be this our present Chartour dotted and mortified likeas wee be the tenour thereof Give grant dispone and for us and our successours perpetuallie dote and mortifie TO THE SAID Vniversitie of Aberdene and to the Principal Professors Regents and remanent Members therof and to their successours for ever According to the divisione of the afoirsaid Act Viz To the Colledge of old Aberdene Two pairts in thrid to be divyded And to the Colledge of New Aberdene one thrid pairt in thrie to be divydit ALL AND SUNDRIE the Superioritie of the lands belonging to the late Bishoprick of Aberdene That is to say The Superioritie of the lands of Aberdene formerly called the Baronie of Aberdene Off the lands of Murthill Fetterneir Clett Tillienessill Daviote Rehne and Birsse All lyand in the Shirrefedome of Aberdene As also the lands of Fordyce and Murtlauch lyand within our Shirrefedome of Bamff togither with the Superioritie of the aikers of old Aberdene and of all other lands tenements & housses with the pertinents formerlie belonging to the late Bishoprick of Aberdene The few-fermes few-dueties kaynes customes casualties teynds personage and viccarage teynd-dueties

and all other dueties of the Lands Churches and Paroches afoirsaid Togither with the other dueties of the Church of Machir and Sanct Nicolas and of all other Churches and Paroches which formerlie belonged to the said Bishoprick togither with the teyndes of the salmond-fishing and other fishinges vpoun the waters of Die and Don or on the sea or any other places formerlie belonging to the said Bishoprick Togither with the haill fruites and teythes churchrents and all other dueties anywise belonging to the Temporalitie or Spiritualitie of the said Bishoprick With power to the saids Principalls Professores and Regents and remanent Members of the said Vniversitie present and to come and their successours for ever according to the divisione afoirsaid To receave Resignationes enter the Fewholders tennents and all others formerlie called Vassalles of the said Bishoprick lands and others be due chartours of Resignatione Confirmatione or otherwayes To compone transact and aggrie anent the Fynes and Compositiones due for the same And to receive and vptak the same And to do all and sundrie other Acts and things therein. that any Superiour or Over Lord in Scotland may do to the Fewholders tennents and all others formerlie called the Vassalles according to the law in such caces AND LYKEWAYES Wee have given granted doted mortified and be this our present Chartour disponed Lykeas wee be the tennour thereoff Give grant dote mortifie and for us and our successours with consent foirsaid perpetuallie dispone To our said Vniversitie for ever The Summe of Two hundreth merks Sterling yeirlie To be payed quarterlie to the saids Principall Professours and other Members or to such as they sall appoynt Forth of the first and readiest of the Customes of Aberdene To be employed for augmentatione of the provisiones and mantenance of the saids Principal Professors Regents and others Members of our said Vniversitie In manner following To Witt Two pairts thereoff to our Colledge of New Aberdene And the other thrid pairt thereof to the Colledge of old Aberdene With provisione That the Principalls of the said Colledges sall have twyce as much augmentatione of the said yearlie Summe added to their provisiones as is added to the provisiones of the Professors and remanent Members of our saids Colledges MOREOVER Wee will and grant and for us and our successours decernes declairs and ordaine That ane Seasing now to be taken be the saids

Principalls and others Members of our saids Vniversities at the principall gates of the same sall stand valid and be ane sufficient Seasing to them and there successours in all tyme comeing for the haill Superiorities lands teynds few-dueties and others above exprest without any other particular Seasing to be taken theranent Notwithstanding the samyne ly not contigue but in divers pairts and places Wheranent wee have dispenced and be this our present Chartour for us and our successours wee do dispence for ever AND lykewayes wee ordaine our others letters of horning to be direct vpoun ane simple Charge of ten dayes against all and sundrie the Heritors Fewars Lyfrentars Titulars Tennents Takismen and others lyable in payment of the saids few-dueties rents and casualties of the foirsaids lands and others belonging to the said late Bishoprick and against our Customers of Aberdene For readie answering and paying the saids dueties and yearlie Summe afoirsaid ilk ane for there owne pairts To the saids Principall Professors Regents and Remanent members of our said Vniversitie of Aberdene present and to come According to the provisione and proportione abovewrittin TO BE HOLDEN AND TO BE HELD All and sundrie the foresaids Superiorities lands teynds and others generallie and speciallie abovewrittin Off Us and our successours in fie and heritage for ever Be all right meithes and marches theroff old and divydit as the samyne lyes in lenth and breidth In housses biggings bounds feilds mures marrishes ways rods waters stankes burnes bruiks medowes pasturs. leasurs mylnes multures and there sequelles halkinges huntinges fishinges peates turvs coills coilheughes cunyngs cunynghares dowes dowcattes smythes smyddies brewhousses broomes wodes forrests shawes of wodes tymber quarrells stane and lyme With free ish and entrie and with all and sundrie others liberties commodities proffites easments and righteous pertinents thereof whatsomever alsweill not named as named alsweill vnder as above the earth farr and neir belonging to the Superiorities lands teynds and others particularlie above writtin whatsomever manner of way in tyme comeing frielie quyetlie fullie honourablie weill and in peace But any Revocatione contradictione impediment or obstacle whatsomever RENDERING and paying therefore yeirlie To us and our successours The Sowme of ten shillings money And that for all other duetie or due service that can

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anywise be requyred forth thereof ATTOUR to our Shirreffe of Aberdene and his deputts and als to or any of them conjunctlie and severallie our Shirreffes in that pairt of our said Shirrefedome of Aberdene speciallie constitute Greeting Wee comand and charge that ye give heritable State and Seasing to the saids Principall Professors Regents and others Members of our said Vniversitie or to there certane Actornay bearrer heirof and off our Chartour abovewrittin Off all and sundrie the foirsaids Superiorities lands teynds and others speciallie and generallie above specified lyand respective as said is Conforme to the tennour heirof and of our Chartour abovewrittin in all poyntes without delay And this onnaewayes ye leave undone the whilk to do wee commit to you or any of you our Shirreffes in that pairt of our said Shirrefedome of Aberdene conjunctlie and severallie as said is our full power be thir presents and our Chartour abovewrittin IN TESTIMONIE WHEREOFF Wee have caused append our great seall to this oure present Charter of Mortificatione at Edinburgh the eightene day of June The yeir of our Lord ane thousand sex hundreth and fiftie-eight yeirs

Writtin to the great seall the penolt day of June 1658

[Signed] Al. Jaffray Presented and Sealed att Ed the last of June 1658 Recd. ane hundreth thirty six pounds Scotts

[Signed] An. Abernethie

From the original in the King's Coll. Charter Room. Old Shuttle xli.,
No. 17.*

* Sasine was taken, 22nd July, 1658, by the Principals of both Colleges in name of the whole members (No. 18): recorded in the County Register on the following day.


William Rosse of Rossyle, by his last will and testament, bequeaths two-thirds of his estate to the Universities of Aberdeen to found bursaries. 25th January, 1659.*

I WILLIAM ROSSE of Rossyle Knoweing the frailtie and uncertaintie of mans life And considering that my tymes are in the hands of the Lord my God And being now to goe out of the nation for a tyme may be callit by him before returne And thairfor doe nominat In caice of my removeing Marie Sinclare my spous my sole executrix and to have for the saids office and also in place of joynture All and haill the rents of Drumgarland during her lyftyme Togither with the annuallrent of sex thousand merks Lying wpon Eisterhowlawes and Rowcesterrig as the samen is or shall be imployit Togither with three hundreth merks out of the readiest of my haill estait yeirlie during the said Marie Sinclare her widowhead and noe langer And after the said Marie Sinclare her deceas The forsaids lands and money to accress to the universaties underwrittin proportionablie as is underdivydit And then if my estait exceid the provisiones of the number underexprest Then the number to be augmented by the persones oversiers respective as is underdivydit And in the meintyme and imediatlie after my deceas the select number underwrittin to be appoynted and after disput and approbation in maner underwrittin then established . . . Mair I Leaue my whole real and moveable estait except the provisions above exprest to the universaties of Aberdin and Glasgow Tuo pairts quherof to the said universatie of Aberdin and a third pairt to the universatie of Glasgow and that for breading and mentaineing of the most quick and accurat spirits of the name of Rosse who sall be found after disput to be most qualified of that name without respect

* "Huic [Alexandro Ross, v. p. 272] ob nominis, et forsitan Sanguinis, cognationem conjungo, GULIELMUM ROSSE à Roseyle, qui duabus Academiis Abredonensibus, et Glascuensi amplam legavit pecuniae summam; ab ipsius licet Haeredibus, aut nescio, quo malo fato, maximè imminutam et pene exhaustam." (Smith's Oratio, p. 27.)

Some facts relative to William Rosse will be found in Deeds Instituting Bursaries, &c., in the University of Glasgow," 1850, p. 54.

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