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and spirituality therof as fallowes vĩz Tuo pairtes p'of to be sd old colledge And ane third pairt to be said new colledge To be distribute amonge þe professoures and foundit persones of the said vniversitie be his Mãties comissioneres and visitoures appoynted or to be appoynted for that effect In maner at lenth specified in the said Signator THAIRFORE his Matie and Estates of parliament Ratifies approves and confirmes pe foirsaid Signatour and mortificatione with þe charto appoynted to fallow therwpoun In all and sindrie heedis articles and circumstances therof And willis and grantes and for his Mätie and his successoures with consent of pe estates of parliament decernes and ordeanes this pnt confirmatione To be alse sufficient and effectuall to be prin"es professoures regentes and other memberes of the said joynt vniversitie now present and ther successoures in tymecomeing As if þe foirsaid signatourt charto of mortificatione following pvpoun wer word be word insert heerine Quhairanent and with all that may fallowe therwpoun his Mätie and estates of parliat dispenss for evir And farder his Mãtie and estates of Parliament hes dissolved and be thir pntes dissolves All and sindrie pe fewmailles fewfermes teyndis teynd dueties and otheres mentionat in þe said signatour from his Mãties croune and Patrimony therof and fra þe Beshoprike of Abirdene and fra all other benefices whatsoevir wherunto the samene were annexit of before and suppresses And extinguishes the name and memorie of the said Beshoprike of Abirdene in all tymecomeing To be effect pe foirsaidis few mailles few fermes teyndis teynd dueties and otheres foirsaidis That belonged to be said laite Beshoprike of befor May remaine with be prin" professoures regentes and other members of þe said joynt vniversitie of Abirdene callit king Charles vniversitie As ane testimony of his Mãties favour perpetuallie in all tymecomeing Exceptand alwayes furth of thir presentes The teyndis personage and viccarage of be kirke of St nicolas with the right of patronage of the said kirk Done in favoures of the Proveist baillies and counsell of the burghe of Abirdene and ther successoures To þe quhilke the said mortificatione nor thir pntes shall nowayis be extendit reserveing also to be Erle mershall and his successoures his right of presentatio of þe principall and regentes of he said colledge merschell and other rightes and priviledges perteaneing to him and

his predicessoures be be first fundacon and erectione of the said Colledge

From The Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, Vol. v., Reissue (1870),
P. 475, cap. 228.*

Appended is a letter from the King anent the division of the grant:

"Our soueraigne Lord Considering that it hes pleased his sacred maiestie out of his pius dispositioune and princelie cair to literatour and religioune to dispone and mortifie to the universitie of Aberdene the old and new colledgis theroff the haill rents and reveneus of the Bischoprik of Aberdene to be devydit betuixt the said tua colledgis be the commissioners and visitors appoynted and to be appoynted be his maiestie as followis viz the tua pairts of the rents of the said bischoprik to the said old colledge called the Kings colledge and the thrid part theroff to the said new colledge called Marschalls colledge Therfor his maiestie ordenis ane letter of commissione to be maid under the quarter seill in deu forme givand and grantand full power warrand and commissione tō thame or any of thame to compeir in the said old colledge kirk of Auld Aberdene with pouer to thame to continue thair meiting for the space of days and thair to devyd in the equall tua parts and thrid parts the haill rents of the Bischoprik of Aberdene and to appoynt quhat tua part and particular localitie of the samin sall appertein to the said old colledge and quhat thrid part and particular localitie of the samin sall appertein to the said new colledge The quhilk divisione being maid and the particular localitie sua appoynted each colledge part as said is shall accres to the former rents of the said tua several colledges and togidder with the former rents of the samin shall be collected ingathered and dispensed be the collectors and procurators of the said tua colledges as said is respective and sall be administrat according to the rules set doune in thair severall originall and authentik fundations as lykways that they consider and tak notice of the stipends and provisione of the principall professors and remanent masters of the said tua colledgis and out of the haill former rents of the said colledges and mortifications quhatsomever maid to the said colledge or any member of the samin as also out of this present mortificatione of the rents of the bischoprik of Aberdene that they appoynt set doune and determine to the said principal professors and remanent maisters of the said old colledge and to the principall and regents of the said new colledge ane sufficient honest and competent yeirlie stipend and that according to the proportione and rait of stipend appoynted to each professor maister and member of the said colledges in thair severall originall fundations in sua far as they shall think expedient and that they ordein the superplus of the rents of the said bischoprik to be imployed upon the reparatione of the edifices of the said colledges and mainteining of scollers in the samin or vther necessar wses as sall be thocht be thame expedient The quhilk divisione being sua maid be the visiters forsaid salbe ane sufficient warrand to the Lords of Sessione to derect lettres of horning and executorialls necessar as the instance of the collectors and procurators of the said colledges for thair awin parts as said is without any furder of Exchequer or seills Becaus the principal mortificatione is confirmed in parliament past in exchequer and the great seill is appendit therto Givin at our Court at Holyruidhous the day of Januar 1641 yeirs

[ocr errors]

(Transcript of letter in King's College Charter Room, Old Shuttle, xli., No. 10.)


The Town Council grant four hundred merks for repair of the College,* and introduce the teaching of Hebrew. 23rd November, 1642.

The said day the Provest Baillies and counsell gives and grants the soume of four hundreth merks money for supplie of the work of the colledge of this burgh and to help to repair the same Lykeas they ordaine Walter cochrane dean of gild to deburss the said soume to George Menzeis present Mr of the said work quhilk soume sall be allowit to the dean of gild in his comptis

The same day the Provest Baillies and counsell thinks it meit and expedient that ane Ebro lesson be teachit weiklie in the colledge of this burgh till Lambmes nixt and ordaines Patrik leslie provest and doctor Patrik dune principall of the said colledge to deal with Mr Johne Row ane of the tounes ministers for that effect

From the Town Council Register, Vol. lii., p. 771.t


The Town Council introduce the teaching of Arithmetic. 21st December, 1642.

The said day the counsell ordanes Mr Robert moreson to set caution for his continuance with his charge in teaching the principalls of arithmetik within the colledge of this burgh till michaelmis nixt and that he shall be ane ordinar hearer of all publict lessons and shall not mak defection from the religion presentlie profest

From the Town Council Register, Vol. lii., p. 774.

* Cf. note on p. 233.

A further notice of Mr. Row is found in the Minute for 29th September, 1643 :"The said day the counsell considering the paines takin be Mr John Row in teaching the Hebrew tongue and for setting furth ane Hebrew Dictionar and dedicating the same to the counsell Ordaines Thomas Burnet thesaurar to deliuer to the said Mr John Row for his paines four hundreth merks scots money quhilk sall be allowit to him in his compts" (T. C. R., lii. 801).


The Scots Parliament ratify King Charles' donation of the Bishops' Rents to the Universities. 23rd July, 1644.

THE ESTATES of parliament presentlie conveind by virtew of the last act of pe last parliament haldine be his Matie and thrie estates in Anno 1641 yeares Considdering that by be Tuentie third act of his Maties secund parliament holdine in Ed be ellevinth day of Junij the yeir of God 1640 yeeres Intituled In favo,es of these who hold the lands of Archbeshopes Beshopes and otheres memberes of the Chapteres (q'by in respect they knew not to whom they should pay there yeirly fewdewtyes and other fewdewtyes wch they were bund to pay of before To be said Archbeshopes Beshopes and otheres memberes of ther Chapteres now abolished out of this Churche and kingdome) fund and declaired That these who by ther infeftments Takes and otheris rights are oblidged in payt of few and take dewties are obleidged in fulfilling of anie other condiones To þe saidis Archbeshopes [Bishops] Archdeanes Deanes or other persones members of the Chapteris now abolished as said is should not be in Mora for not payment of pe saides Dewties and not fullfilling of þe other conditiones of ther rightes And that pe clauss irritant of there infeftments Takes and other rightes should not militate aganes them nor zit the certificatione of pe act of parliament for not payment of þe saides Dewties and not fulfilling of þe saides other clauss Dureing þe intervall of tyme From the first of Aprile 1638 nor thereftir in tymecomeing while order wer takine by the estates of parliament anent be way and maner of pay, of the saids few and other Dewties notwithstanding of the Clauss irritant conteined in ther infeftmentes Takes and other rightes in maner at lenth specified in the said act And now sieing it hath pleased his sacred Matie out of his princely caire and favor to give and mortifie certane of these Archbeshoprickes Beshoprikes pryories personages and other benefices To be wniversities of St. Androwes Glasgow Aberdene Toune and maisteres prof and to be wniversitie and Toune of Ed in maner specified in the several Gifts and mortificationes made and granted to them theranent And that for be bettir mentinance of þe maisteris


profess and other memberes of the saides wniversities and colledges and of the said burghe and ministers thereof For be furtherance of Learneing and pietie thereine And so it is now noto lie knowne to whom these who held ther landes teyndes and others foirsaides of þe saides Archbeshopes and otheres now abolyshed as said is are Lyable in payment THEREFORE and for the bettire and more reddy payment of he saides few-dewties Teynd dewties take dewties and otheres foirsaides The estates of parliament Declaires pe foird act to be expyred and to be voyde and null from this tyme forth in all tyme comeing And that in so farre as concernes þe saides wniversities and burghes rextiue abovenamed To the effect that all such persones as were Lyable in payment of before to be saides Archbeshopes Beshopes Deanes persones and other memberes of ther chapteres now abolished as said is shall and may be now lyable in payment to be saides wniversities and memberes therof And burghes and ministeres therof rextiue foirsaid conforme to there severall giftes and mortificationes of the samene And that in þe same forme and maner as they wer Lyable of before to be saides Archbeshops Beshops and otheres beneficed persones befor there abolishing as said is

From The Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, Vol. vi., Reissue (1870),
Pt. i., p. 196, cap. 192.


John Strachan, Minister of Bishoptoune in Sussex, by his latter will and testament, bequeaths the residue of his estate to Marischal College. 18th September, 1648.*

BE IT KEND to all men be thir presenttis WE Doctor James Leslie principall of the Colledge Marischall in Aberdein master Robert Patersone master George Peacock master John Farquhar and master John Patton regents of the said colledge Forsuameikle as the deceist master John Strachan late minister of Bishoptoune in

* "Laudanda etiam est pietas, M. JOHANNIS STRACHANI, Verbi Divini apud Anglos Ministri, qui etsi diu apud Exteros versatus, Natalis tamen Soli memor, modicam pecuniae summam Nostrae donavit Bibliothecae.”—Smith's Oratio, p. 27.

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