Gambar halaman

form following, that is to fay, that he the faid D. D. his executors, adminiftrators or affigns, fhall and will well and truly pay, or caufe to be paid, unto the faid A. A. his heirs and affigns, the faid yearly rents and reservations above referved, at the days and times, and in manner and form above exprefled, according to the true meaning of thefe prefents, without any deduction, defalcation or abatement to be made, for or in respect of any taxes, charges or affeffiments whatfoever, charged or to be charged upon the faid premifes, or any part thereof, either ordinary or extraordinary. And alfo that he the faid D. D. his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, fhall and will from time to time, as need fhall require, during the faid term, well and fafficiently repair, amend, maintain, fuftain and keep the faid capital reffuage in -, and the buildings thereunto belonging, and one other meffuage or tenement and building thereunto belonging, fituate in called or known by the name of farm, and now in the tenure or occupation of P. P. or his under-tenants or affigns, together with the glafs windows, walls, pales, rails, gates, pofts, flood-gates, ftiles, hedges, fences and inclofures, which now are, or during this demife fhall be in or upon the faid demifed premises, (heing allowed fuch fitting timber, and other materials for the doing thereof, as may or can be conveniently had from off the faid premifes) cafualties by fire which may happen to the faid capital meffuage and buildings hereby demifed, or any part thereof, not occafioned through the neglect of the faid D. D. or his family, or that may otherwife happen by ftorms and tempefts, only excepted; and the fame fo well and fufficiently repaired, amended, maintained, sustained, fenced, fcoured, cleanfed and kept, together with the poffeffion of the faid premifes, fhall and will peaceably and quietly leave and yield up unto the faid A. A. his heirs and affigns, at the end of the faid term, not doing or committing, or caufing to be done. or committed, any manner of wafte, fpoil or deftruction, in or upon the faid demifed premises, or any part thereof; AND fhall and will yearly plough, fow and manure the arable land hereby demifed, in a due regular courfe of hufbandry, according to the cuftom of the county, and in like manner fpend, and employ in and upon the faid demifed premifes, all the hay, ftraw, fodder, dung and foil, which fhall happen to be yearly made or arife there during the faid term; and fhall alfo from time to time, during the faid term hereby demifed, preferve and keep the fruit-trees that are or fhall be planted upon the faid demifed premifes, from any injury by ploughing, or by cattle or otherwife; and in cafe any fruit-tree or trees fhall happen to die or decay, that he the faid D. D. his executors, adminiftrators or affigns, hall at the next feafon of the year for planting, fupply fuch defects with a grafted tree of the like or better fort of fruit, with a crabflock to be grafted with fuch fruit, as foon as the fame fhall be ready for grafting. And the faid D. D. for himself, his heirs, executors, adminiftrators and affigns, and for every of them, doth farther cove


nant, promife and agree, to and with the faid A. A. his heirs and affigns, and to and with every of them, that neither he the faid D. D. his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, or any or either of them, fhall or will during the faid term, fell or difpofe of any hay or ftraw, or any fire-wood, fuel, or bufhes arifing or growing upon the said premifes, or fired the boughs of any oak, timber-tree or trees not ufually fhredded, nor crop, lop or top any maiden afh, oak, elm or poplar, that are or may be likely to grow to timber, nor affiga this leafe or the term hereby granted, or the faid premifes hereby demifed, or any part thereof, to any perfon or perfons, without the licence and confent of the faid A. A. his heirs and affigns, firft had and obtained in writing. And the faid A. A. for himself, his heirs. and affigns, doth covenant, promife and grant, to and with the faid D. D. his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, that he the faid A. A. his heirs or affigns, or fome or one of them, fhall and will from time to time, upon every reafonable requeft, when and fo often as need fhall require, during the term hereby granted, affign, allow and appoint, to and for the faid D. D. his executors, adminiftrators and affins, fufficient and convenient timber to be had and taken by the faid D. D. his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, upon the faid demised premifes, (if it be there to be had) at feasonable times in the year, to be used and employed for and towards the reparations and amendments of the faid capital me fuage in, and the faid other mefuage or tenement in ———, and the several barns and buildings to the fame refpeétively belonging, (the reft of the fmall tenements and buildings belonging to the faid premifes hereby granted, being herein after agreed to be pulled down;) and alfo for the repairing the gates, rails, pales, bridges and flood-gates belonging to the faid demifed premifes; and alfo fufficient bote for carts, wains, waggons, ploughs and harrows, and fuch like ufes, to be employed on the faid densifed premifes, and not elsewhere; and in default of such appointment, that it fhall and may be lawful to and for the faid D. D. his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, to take the fame for the ufes aforefaid. And that the faid D. D. his executors, adminiftrators or affigns, or fome or one of them, fhall and may from time to time and at all times hereafter during the faid term hereby demifed, by and under the yearly rents hereby referved, and the covenants and agreements therein contained, peaceably and quietly enter into, have, hold, occupy, poffefs and enjoy all and fingular the premifes hereby demifed, with the appurtenances, without the let, fuit, trouble or difturbance of the faid A. A. his heirs or affigns, and of all and every other perfon and perfons whatfoever, claiming or to claim, by, from or under him or them. And alfo that he the faid D. D. his executors, administrators and affigns, fhall from and after the expiration, or other fooner determination of the faid term hereby demifed, have convenient room in the faid capital meffuage, and the faid other meffuage, and in the barns, beast-houtes and folds, parcel of

→ then

the premises hereby demifed, for lodging their fervants, threshing out their corn and grain, tying up their cattle, fpending of their hay and fodder, and removing their goods, till the day of next enfuing, together with liberty of houfing in the said barns, all fuch winter-corn and grain as fhall be fowed at the Michaelmas fowing then last past, on such part of the fummer fallowed arable land as ought in courfe of husbandry to be fowed with corn; with convenient room for houfing, threshing and difpofing of the fame, and laying down the faid corn when threshed, until the day of next after the fame harveft; upon condition nevertheless, that he the faid D. D. his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, do thresh out the corn, at proper and convenient times and feafons for the fucceeding tenant to spend the ftraw arifing therefrom. And lastly, it is agreed, by and between the faid parties to thefe prefents, that in regard there are feveral fmall tenements and buildings now ftanding upon the faid premifes which are thought to be an incumbrance to the fame, that he the faid D. D. his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, hall and may be at liberty to pull the fame down, (except cottages upon the wafte, now erected or to be erected;) and that he fhall apply the timber and other materials arifing therefrom, as far as the fame may be useful and wanting, for and towards the repairing and amending the faid capital meffuage in — and the faid other meffuage in -, and the buildings thereunto refpectively belonging, which are to be kept up and fupported by the faid D. D. his executors, adminiftrators and affigns during the faid term, as is herein before expreffed. And that it fhall and may be lawful to and for the faid D. D. his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, to plough up an ancient meadow or pafture-ground, called the rough meadow, which now lies uneven, provided the fame be well laid down again for pafture in good heart, years before the expiration of the term

hereby demifed. IN WITNESS, &c. Sealed, &c,


A Leafe of Land and Houfes, fome to be pulled down.
Tenant to preferve Trees. Not to plough in the last three Years.
He may lop Trees for Plough-bote, &c.

HIS Indenture, made the

day of

made and in the

and in the

year of the

reign of our Sovereign Lord George, &c. between A. A. of in the county of Efq; of the one part, and D. D. of · aforefaid, brewer, of the other part, witneffeth, That for and in confideration of the yearly rent and covenants herein after reserved and contained, and which on the part and behalf of the faid D. D. his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, are to be paid, done and per


formed, he the faid A. A. has leafed, fet and to farm let, and by thefe prefents doth lease, set and to farm let, unto the faid D. D. his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, ALL thofe two fields or closes of arable or pafture-ground, with their appurtenances, lying or being in or near in the parish of aforefaid, and containing together by eftimation. acres more or lefs; and all that close, or piece or parcel of meadow-ground, with the appurtenances, commonly called or known by the name of the acres, lying and being on the North fide of lane, in or near aforefaid, and containing by eftimation acres, more or lefs; and all that brewhoufe lately erected and built, and now ftanding or being upon. the faid laft mentioned clofe or fome part thereof, and all edifices, erections and buildings to the fame brewhoufe belonging or appertaining, or therewith ufed or enjoyed; and all that piece or parcel of arable or pafture-ground, with the appurtenances, lying and being aforefaid, in the faid parifh of



containing by estimation

acres, more or lefs; and all that piece or parcel of arable or pafture-ground, with the appurtenances, commonly called or known by the name of ing by eftimation


acres, more or lefs; and all that other piece or parcel of arable or pafture-ground, with the appurtenances, commonly called or known by the name of, containing by eflimation acres, more or lefs; and all thofe

mead, and

hill, in

acres of

land, be they more or lefs, lying in feveral parcels in the fields, called mead, in the faid parish of and all that piece or parcel of land inclofed, lying and being in the faid field, called aferefaid; containing by eftimation acres, more or lefs; abutting on the lands now, or late, or fome time of N. N. towards the South; and on the lands now or late or fome time of 0. O. towards the Eaft; AND all that meffuage or tenement with the appurtenances, late in the poffeffion of D. D. deceased, but now empty, and intended and agreed to be pulled down and demolished, and the materials thereof to be employed in repairing the meffuage next herein after mentioned; and all thofe four parcels of land inclofed, commonly called or known by the ends, containing by eftimation acres more or lefs; abutting on hill, North, on lands now or late or fome time of the faid O. on a coppice now or late or fome time of S. all that parcel of land or ground called taining by eftimation -

name of

acres, more or

mead, South; on Q. on the Eaft; and S. on the Weft; andʻ mead aforefaid; conlefs; abutting on →→→→→

field there, on the South and Weft; and on the lands now or late or fome time of the faid O. O.; and on on the Eaft; which faid

laft mentioned lands and premifes are lying and being in aforefaid; and all that meffuage, tenement, or houfe, with the appurtenances, called, now or late in the poffeffion of V. V. and all thofe feven feveral parcels of land thereunto belonging, or 33.

U u


therewith ufed or enjoyed; adjoining together, and commonly called or known by the name of -, fituate, lying and being in aforefaid; between lands late or fome time of the faid N. N. on the North and Eaft part, and Wind's Lane on the Weft, and containing by estimation acres, more or lefs; and now or late alfo in the poffeffion of the faid V. V. and all other the lands, tenements and hereditaments in or near and aforefaid, or either of them, which were lately granted and conveyed unto and to the use of the faid A. A. his heirs and affigns, by Z. Z. of



widow of Z. Z. of aforefaid gent. and the faid D. D. party hereunto, by indentures of leafe and and releafe, and bargain and fale inrolled in Chancery, bearing date refpectively the days of this inftant -, (except and always referved out of thefe prefents, and the demife and leafe hereby made or intended to be made unto the faid A. A. his heirs or affigns, all those two new-built brick meffuages or tenements, with the out houfes, buildings, barns, ftables, yards, gardens, orchards, and other the appurtenances thereunto belonging or appertaining, or therewith used and enjoyed, fituate, ftanding and being in or near aforefaid, in the faid parish of -; and all that field or clofe of arable or paftureground there, wherein the fame meffuages or tenements and buildings ftand, containing by estimation acres, more or lefs; and alfo except and referved out of thefe prefents, and the demife hereby made or intended to be made, unto the faid A. A. his heirs and affigns, all timber and other trees, ftanding, growing or being, or hereafter to ftand, grow or be upon the faid hereby leafed premifes, or any part thereof; fo always nevertheless, that it fhall and may be lawful, to and for the faid D. D. party hereunto, his executors, adminiftrators and affigns, during the term hereby leafed, to lop and top fuch and fo many of the faid trees as fhall be requifite and neceffary for ploughbote, ftile-bote, fire-bote, and all other neceffary repairs and fences, in and about the faid hereby leafed premifes, and not elsewhere ;) To have and to hold the faid meffuages, tenements, brewhoufe, lands, hereditaments and other the premises mentioned or intended to be hereby leafed with their appurtenances, (except as before excepted) unto the said D. D. party hereunto, his executors, administrators and affigns, from the feaft-day of St. Michael the archangel now laft paft, for and during the full time and term, and unto the full end and term ofyears from thence next enfuing, and fully to be compleat and ended; yielding and paying therefore yearly and every year, during the faid term hereby leafed, the yearly rent or fum of - pounds of lawful money of Great Britain, on the two moft ufual feafts or days of payment in the year; that is to fay, the feafts of the birth of our Lord Chrift, and the nativity of St. John the Baptift, by even and equal portions; the firft payment thereof to begin and to be made on the feaft-day of the birth of our Lord Chrift now next enfuing. Provided always, and upon condition nevertheless, that if it


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