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position. The Maryland line constituted a part of the division which was ordered to meet Cornwallis. But before the line could be formed, the Maryland division was attacked by the enemy. Deborre's brigade broke after a slight resistance, and subsequently the whole gave way. The Maryland line, while it behaved gallantly, scarcely sustained its ancient reputation-nor equalled its subsequent glory, when led by its own chiefs in the South.

3. Deborre was a foreigner, unpopular with his men, and entirely without their confidence. Gen. Smallwood and Col. Gist, leaders whom they would follow against any odds, were absent at the head of the militia. The troops had lain the night before on their arms, had slept but little, they had been in line all day without food, and were hurried into action only half-formed, after a rapid march, and sudden change of position.

4. The next fight in which we find the Maryland troops, was the battle of Germantown. This battle, though unsuccessful, was one that redounded very much to the credit of Washington and the American arms. Why it was not successful is not known. An unaccountable panic seized the Americans after orders to retreat had been given by the officers of the enemy.

Questions.-2. What is said of Deborre's brigade? 3. What is said of Deborre? What of the troops? 4. Where do we next find the Maryland line?



5. A regiment from the second Maryland brigade was detached to drive in the enemy's pickets. The pickets were reinforced by all the light infantry.The attacking regiments, however, maintained their ground firmly, until the whole Maryland Division was brought to their assistance. They advanced in gallant style, and with such resolution, that the light infantry were driven from the field, after a sharp action, and their encampment fell into the hands of the victorious line.

6. In the pursuit, a company under Capt. Daniel Dorsey, was engaged with a body of the enemy. As the Maryland Division was pressing on, being already in advance of the rest of the army, Col. Hale attempted to disengage and bring up Dorsey's company, but was disabled by accident.

7. The command of his regiment devolved upon Major John Eager Howard, who immediately hurried the men forward through the camp of the light infantry, and captured two six-pounders. Being now fired upon by the enemy, who had taken shelter in a strong building, Col. Hazen, then in command at the left of the Maryland line, halted in the rear of that position.

8. The remaining regiments of the line under Sullivan, pursued the flying light artillery, and came upon the main body of the enemy drawn up

Questions.-5. What is said in this section? 6. What happened in the pursuit? 7. Upon whom did the command devolve? What did he do? 8. What did the remaining regiments do?

to receive them. A severe conflict followed. Sullivan at once ordered his Marylanders to advance upon them. They obeyed without hesitation. The enemy after a sharp resistance retired.

9. The firing at the dwelling house gave rise to the fear that the enemy was in force in that quarter, and the morning being dark and hazy, it was impossible to discover the exact position of either the British or American forces. The result was a considerable confusion, through which, the Maryland line-assisted by a regiment of North Carolinians and part of Conway's brigade-were now left open on their flank. Having pursued the enemy for a mile beyond the house, and having expended all their ammunition, they found themselves unsupported by any other troops, and, the enemy were rallying on the left to attack them, were compelled to retire. They, however, brought off their cannon and their wounded.

10. Early in December, Howe marched his forces out of Philadelphia, as if to attack the American army. On the seventh, he approached near the main army. Washington, believing a general engagement at hand, threw Gist, with the Maryland militia, and Colonel Morgan's rifles forward, to attack their front and flank. The assault was made with great spirit, and after a severe

Questions.-9. What is said of the firing at the dwelling house? What further is said of the Maryland troops? 10. What is said of Howe? Repeat the section?

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skirmish, the enemy's advanced parties were driven back. Being reinforced, they, in their turn compelled Gist and Morgan to retire.

11. Washington withheld his reinforcements, and prepared to defend his camp, and Howe, finding it impossible to take him at disadvantage, retired to the city. His loss in the action with the Maryland militia, was one hundred killed and wounded; that of the militia was seventeen wounded, and of the rifles, twenty-six killed and wounded.

12. While Washington was wintering at Valley Forge, the Maryland line, under Smallwood, was stationed at Wilmington. They succeeded in capturing a British brig, in the Delaware, laden with stores and provisions, which made their winter quarters comfortable, when compared to those of Valley Forge.,


1778 and 1779.-MORE TROOPS DEMANDED-Disaffection-British Evacuate Philadelphia-Battle of Monmouth-General Lee-Washington's Reliance on Maryland Officers-Landing, and Retreat of British Troops.

1. On the 17th of March, 1778, the legislature again assembled at Annapolis. Congress had

Questions.-11. What did Howe now do? What was his loss? What, of the militia? 12. Where did Smallwood winter? 1. When did the legislature again meet?

called on the several States for an increase of their forces. The quota demanded from Maryland was two thousand nine hundred and two men.

2. While this quota was filling, Count Pulaski, a gallant Pole, was busily engaged forming his legion partly in this State and partly in Delaware. 3. He succeeded in raising a corps which did good service to the country. He perished in storming a battery at Savannah.

4. The drain upon Maryland was very great, in some parts of the State a great degree of disaffection still continued, and the population was scanty. Yet with all these drawbacks, before the other States had well moved in the matter, except New Jersey, the Maryland line was raised to its full number.

5. The severe winter spent by the army at Valley Forge, had almost exhausted the State. The northern and southern States had been very slow in sending their proportion of the provisions; the army, had, therefore, to depend largely upon Maryland, and it was feared that her resources were nearly consumed. But the energy of the governor in aiding the quartermaster's department, and the patriotism of the people were equal to the emergency.

Questions.-2. What is said of Count Pulaski? 3. What further is said of him? 4. What is said of the condition of Maryland? 5. What of the encampment at Valley Forge? What of the States north and south?

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