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as if to attack it, the men of Ai would rush out to give them battle, and pursuing the Israelites, who would designedly flee before them, leave the city to be easily entered and taken possession of by those who were lying in ambush. A signal from Joshua was to tell them when to make this movement; and, after entering Ai, they were to kindle a fire in it as an indication of their object being accomplished, and also that it might produce consternation among the ranks of their enemies.

Before the light of the ensuing morning had broken upon them, Joshua inspected the twentyfive thousand men, to ascertain that they were all there, and in readiness. He then led them through the valley, on the north side of the city, and, as the day dawned, appeared with his host in full view before it. On perceiving them, the king of Ai concluded at once to give them battle. His late success prompted him to do this with the most sanguine hopes of victory. He rushed forth from the gates with a powerful party of armed men, and was probably soon joined by such in Bethel as were able to do military service; while as the united forces approached the Israelites, the latter fled before them by the way of the wilderness. The stratagem suc. ceeded. The remaining armed men in Ai were summoned to the pursuit, which now became

hotter and closer than ever. The enemies of Israel were sure of an easy triumph, and their shouts of exultation rent the air.

At this critical juncture, the Lord directed Joshua to stretch out towards Ai, and to keep in that position, the spear which he held in his hand, having probably a flag of some kind on the end of it, declaring that he would now give the city into his possession. Joshua did so; and as this was the signal, on seeing which those in ambush were to come forth, they immediately rushed into Ai, where there were none capable of making any resistance, and set a part of it on fire.

Soon, the thick, black smoke ascended towards heaven, and was seen distinctly by the Israelites and their pursuers. The latter perceived, at once, that their city was in the hands of their enemies, and were thrown into great dismay and confusion. The former, also, knew well the cause, and turning upon the king of Ai and his army attacked them with great slaughter. In the meanwhile the five thousand, who had conducted the ambush, sallying out of the city, fell upon their enemies on that side. Resistance was in vain. All were put to death by the Israelites, excepting the king of Ai, who was conducted as a prisoner to Joshua.

The victors, then, marching directly to Ai, slew all the remaining inhabitants, sparing nei

ther age nor sex. For such was the command of Jehovah, who, in his infinite wisdom, had resolved on their complete extermination, while the Israelites were but the executioners of his justice. The cattle, however, and the other spoils they took for their own use, as they had been permitted to do; after which the entire city was reduced to ashes. Twelve thousand was the whole number, including those who died in battle and who were slain in the city, that perished on this memorable day.

The success of the Israelites, it appears, was intimately connected with the continued stretching out of the spear which was upraised by the hand of Joshua. He "drew not his hand back," we are told, "wherewith he stretched out the spear, until he had utterly destroyed all the inhabitants of Ai." This act of his was evidently intended as something more than a signal for the men in ambush to rush from the place of their concealment. It was, also, to direct the whole army of the Israelites in their movements. While the spear was raised, it was an indication to them, like the uplifting of the hands of Moses at Rephidim, of the presence and assistance of the Almighty, and they proceeded with confidence in the work of extermination which they were commanded to perform. Nor was it let down till this dreadful work was completed; an illustrious

evidence of the obedience and faith of Joshua, who thus stretching out his hand, with the farseen spear and waving banner, stood at a distance from the scene of bloodshed, relying on the arm of Jehovah to consummate that destruction of their enemies which he had himself directed. What will not obedience to the divine commands, and faith in his promises accomplish. Trust him, my young friend, at all times, and especially in the conflicts which you may have with the world, the flesh, and the adversary of your soul. These spiritual enemies must be utterly vanquished, if you would have a sure way opened for your entering upon the inheritance of the heavenly Canaan. Their destruction, in all their malignant power and influence over you, must be complete. Rest not till you gain the victory. Pray, watch, strive to the end. The extermination of your foes is the only certainty of your triumph.


The king of Ai is put to death. The blessings and curses pronounced on Gerizim and Ebal. The embassy of the Gibeonites.

The king of Ai was reserved for an ignominious and exemplary punishment. He doubtless deserved it; having, as we have reason to believe, been conspicuous in wickedness, making the high station which he occupied the means of corrupting his people by the force of his example. After being put to death, at the command of Joshua, he was suspended from a tree till the close of the day, and then buried, at the entrance of the gate of the city, under a huge pile of stones. The spot was one to attract attention in future time, even though the city was in ruins. For in such places justice was often administered, and important business transacted, both of a public and private nature; and the heap of stones would remain a rude yet imperishable memorial of the fate of one who, a king himself, was a rebel against the monarchy of heaven.

The Israelites had now a solemn, religious duty to perform, which made it necessary for

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