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of alcohol itself. No human investigation has, as yet, nor indeed have we any reason to suppose it ever will, discover the slightest trace of native alcohol, in any part of the creation of nature.

To place this position in a still clearer light, another example may be given of a more familiar description. Nitric acid, well known to be an active and fatal poison, and the air which we breathe, are both composed of two simple gases, nitrogen and oxygen, united, of course, in different proportions. A slight mechanical or chemical operation, however, alters the natural arrangement of these forms, and produces a new substance of an essentially different character.

Few persons, however, would be bold enough to assert, that nitric acid is contained in the atmosphere; or, that air when it comes in contact with the lungs, is productive of the same fatal results as would result from contact with the former potent and corrosive substance. Sugar, acknowledged by all to be a nutritious substance, may by chemical manipulation, be resolved into oxalic acid, a deadly and destructive poison. An old piece of linen. may, in like manner, be converted into sugar. Alcohol, by a simple process, can be produced from sugar-and yet, what rational being would maintain that alcohol is contained either in the linen or the sugar, or that either the one or the other would, in any quantity, produce intoxication?

The application of this argument is familiar and clear. Many persons assert that alcohol is contained in grain and fruit, and in every part of vegetable creation, and that therefore it is intended by the Creator for the use of man. Such, however, is not the case. The elements of alcohol, indeed, are to be found throughout the whole of vegetable creation, and so are the elements of other deleterious substances, but not a particle of alcohol itself. So long as the chemistry of life retains its sway, will the constituent materials of vegetable matter hold together in the relation in which nature has placed them. Death, however, or in other words, decomposition, subverts this natural arrangement, dissolves its connexions, and new and totally dif ferent combinations are thereby formed. So it is with

alcohol. In wines, this poison undergoes evolution during the decay or decomposition of the juice of the grape; in malt liquors, man destroys the vital principle of the barley, by converting it into malt; and then subjects it to another artificial process, which produces results similar to those which take place in the production of


By many, it has been supposed, that alcohol does not exist ready formed in fermented liquors, but that it is generated by the heat used in the process of distillation. The fallacy, however, of this view, is manifest from several considerations, and by none more, than by the following decisive experiment made by Mr. Brande, and subsequently confirmed by other distinguished philoso phers. Add to wine a solution of the subacetate of lead, and the colouring and extractive matter will be precipitated. The further addition of a small portion of dry subcarbonate of potassa, separates the alcohol from the fluid which floats on the surface, and will ignite on coming in contact with a lighted taper. By this means, we decisively determine, that distillation separates merely the alcohol, which had been previously evolved by the process of fermentation; its constituent parts being thereby extracted, in their elementary forms, from the saccharine juices of the grain or fruit, and combined under a new, a potent, and a deleterious form.

Arguments like these are interesting, and even necessary to remove such objections as are urged in proof that alcohol is a "Good creature of God." The great point however to be ascertained, is, the effect of these liquors on the moral and physical powers of man. Let it be admitted, for the sake of argument, that alcohol is a creature of God, and no advantage will be derived by its advocates from the concession. Many of our most powerful poisons are the creatures of God. The poisonous upas, and the deadly hemlock, are each of them creatures of God; yet, the Creator no where authorises his creatures to make use of them as habitual articles of diet. He has given to man the power of distinguishing between moral good and evil; and, although the scientific knowledge of the precise character, and quality of articles

generally used for dietic purposes, may be limited in a great measure, to professional men, yet it is every man's duty, as it is obviously his interest, to acquire by experience all the knowledge he can, upon that important subject and conscientiously to abstain from every indulgence, which is calculated either to affect his moral character, or to injure the exquisite texture of his intellectual or corporeal frame. For both of which, he is clearly responsible to his wise and benevolent Creator.



How can wine possibly prove innoxious, when it is mixed with so many destructive ingredients.-PLINY.

[blocks in formation]

For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth, toil and bubble;
Double, double, toil and trouble,

Fire burn and cauldron bubble.-SHAKSPEARE.

THE adulteration of intoxicating liquors, forms an interesting and important subject of inquiry. The value of the traffic led to an early adoption of this injurious practice. Ancient writers distinctly allude to the subject of adulteration.

The observations contained in the present chapter, must not be understood to implicate all who are engaged in the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors. Evidence, however, of the most conclusive character, demonstrates that the practice, although not universal, is very general, and that it is carried on to a most alarming


This deleterious system has two objects in view, viz., 1st, To substitute an artificial compound at a cheaper rate in the place of the genuine article. This is effected by various means adapted to imitate the colour, taste, and intoxicating quality of the liquors professed to be prepared; and, 2ndly, To prevent these liquors from going into peculiar states or conditions, termed by some

diseases, and thence popularly denominated the art of "Doctoring." This practice will be explained in its proper place.


The wines of the ancients were frequently adulterated. The writings both of Greek and Roman authors, acquaint us with numerous receipts for this purpose. Their genuine wines were rendered more potent by the admixture of wines of a stronger kind, or, as was commonly the practice, articles were added, with the view to impart to them an artificial flavour, as well as to render them more durable.

In a passage of the "Esopus," of Alexis, allusion is made to the practices of the Athenian wine merchants, who, as is humorously described, in order to spare the heads of their customers, put it out of their power to drink unmixed wine at their meals, by selling it ready diluted from the carts.*

In England, there are early notices of this practice. In the fourteenth century, in the reign of Edward III., a law was enacted, imposing penalties on adulterations, and directing that an essay of all the wines imported should be made, at least twice a year in every town.

In 1426, Sir John Rainewell, mayor, received information that the Lombard merchants were guilty of mal-practices in the adulteration of wines; upon inquiry, he ascertained that the charge was well founded, and ordered that the noxious compound, to the quantity of 150 butts, should be thrown into the kennel.+

In the sixteenth century, a similar enactment was passed in the fifth year of Mary. Much dread is expressed of adulteration of good wine, either with inferior wines or water, the penalty on discovery being the loss of their whole stock. "And besyde the samin sic wynes as are sould in commoun tavernis ar commounlie mixt with auld corrupt wines and with watter, to the greit appeir and danger and seikness of the byaris and greit perrell of the saulis of the sellaris."

* Athenæus, x. 8.

+ Dr. Hughson's, London, p. 94.

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