Gambar halaman

organisation by States as its basis, 167. End of the Industrial Brother-

hood, 167.

Greenback Party, 1874-1877. Patrons of Husbandry, 168. Anti-mo-

nopoly political movement, 168. The Indianapolis convention, 168. The

Cleveland convention of farmers and mechanics, 169. The "Independent"

or Greenback party, 169. The anti-monopoly convention, 169. National

conference in Cincinnati, 169. Fusion with the Greenback party, 170.

The nominating convention of 1876, 170. Representation, 170. Green-

backisma remedy against depression, 170. Peter Cooper's candidacy,

171. The campaign, 171. Results, 171.

Sovereigns of Industry. Co-operation, East and West, 171. Wil-

liam H. Earle, 172. Elimination of the middleman, 172. Constitution

of the Sovereigns of Industry, 173. Membership, 1874-1877, 173. Ac-

tivities, 174. Relation to trade unions, 174. Relation to the Industrial

Congress, 175. Failure of the Sovereigns of Industry, 175.

National and Local Unions. The weak points in the trade unions of

the sixties, 175. The depression, 175. Labour leaders and politics, 175.

The westward migration, 176. Decrease in membership, 1873–1874, 176.

The trades' assembly, 177. The cigar makers' strike against the tenement

house system, 177. Strikes in the textile industry, 178. The Amalga-

mated Association of Iron and Steel Workers, 179. The trade agreement,

179. Bituminous coal miners' organisation, 179. John Siney, 179. Mark

Hanna, 180. The trade agreement, 180. The umpire's decision in 1874,

under the trade agreement, 180. Failure of the agreement, 180.

The Molly Maguires. Trade unionism versus violence, 181. The Ancient

Order of Hibernians, 182. Influence over local politics, 182. Crimes of

the Mollies, 183. James McParlan, 184. The " long strike," 184. The

wrecking of the union, 185. Growth of the influence of the Mollies, 185.

Arrest and trial of the Mollies, 185.

The Great Strikes of 1877. Reduction in wages of the railway men,

185. The Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, 185. The Trainmen's

Union, 186. Robert H. Ammon, 186. The plan for a strike, 187. Fail-

ure, 187. The unorganised outbreak, 187. The Martinsburg and Balti-

more riots, 187. Pittsburgh riots, 188. State militia, 189. Federal

troops, 190. Effect of the strikes on public opinion, 190. Effect on sub-

sequent court decisions in labour cases, 191.

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. II, 203

The International Workingmen's Association. Its emphasis on trade

unionism, 204. Its attitude towards political action, 205. Lassalle's

programme and the emphasis on political action, 206. Forerunners of the

International in America, 206. The Communist Club, 206. F. A. Sorge,

207. The General German Workingmen's Union and its Lassallean pro-

gramme, 207. The Social party of New York and vicinity, 208. Failure

and reorganisation, 209. Union 5 of the National Labor Union and Sec-

tion 1 of the International, 209. New Sections of the International, 209.

The Central Committee, 210. The native American forerunner of the

International, 210. Section 12, and its peculiar propaganda, 211. Rup-

ture between foreigners and Americans in the International, 211. The

Provisional Federal Council, 212. Two rival Councils, 212. Decision of

General Council in London, 213. The American Confederation of the In-

ternational and its attitude on the question of the powers of the Gen-

eral Council, 213. The North American Federation of the International,

214. The Internationalist Congress at The Hague and the defeat of

Bakunin by Marx, 214. Transfer of the General Council to New York,

215. Secession of a majority of the European national federations, 215.

Section 1 of New York and the Local Council, 216. Abolition of the

Local Council, 216. Secession of six sections, 217. The national conven-

tion of 1874 and the resolution on politics, 218. Adolph Strasser, 218.

The panic and unemployment, 219. Organisation of the unemployed, 219.

The riot on Tompkins Square, 220. John Swinton, 220. Organisation

among the unemployed in Chicago, 220. Section 1 of New York and the

struggle for the control of_the_Arbeiter-Zeitung, 221. The United

Workers of America, 222. P. J. McDonnell, 222.

The International and the Trade Union Movement. Lack of response

among the native American workingmen, 223. Success among the Ger-

mans, 223. Die Arbeiter-Union, 223. Adolph Douai, 224. Temporary

sway of greenbackism among the Germans, 224. Victory of the ideas of

the International, 225. The Franco-Prussian War and the discontinuance

of Die Arbeiter-Union, 225. Organisation of the furniture workers, 225.

The German American Typographia, 226. The Amalgamated Trades and

Labour Council of New York, 226.

Lassalleanism and Politics. The effect of the industrial depression

on the spread of Lassalleanism, 227. The Labor party of Illinois and its

form of organisation, 228. Its attitude toward trade unionism and poli-

tics, 228. Temporary Lassalleanisation of the sections of the International

in Chicago, 229. The Labor party of Illinois in politics, 229. Overtures

to farmers, 230. The return to the principles of the International, 230.

The Lassallean movement in the East - The Social Democratic party of

North America, 230. The first national convention, 231. Peter J.

McGuire, 231. Reasons for Strasser's joining the Lassalleans, 231. The

Sozial-Demokrat, 232. The change of sentiment in favour of trade union-

ism, 232. The second convention of the Social Democratic party and the

partial return to the tenets of the International, 233. Attempts towards

unification, 233. The remaining divergence of ideas, 233. Preparations for

the national labour convention in Pittsburgh, 234.

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Class struggle versus race struggle, 252. The depression in Cali-

fornia, 253. Socialists and the strike movement, 253. The anti-Chinese

riot, 253. Denis Kearney, 254. The Workingmen's party of California,

255. Its platform, 255. The sand-lot meetings, 253. Arrest of Kear-

ney, 256. Nomination of delegates for the State constitutional con-

vention, 256. Threats of riots and the Gag Law," 257. Kearney's ac-

quittal, 258. The state convention of the Workingmen's party, 258. First

successes in elections, 259. Election for the state constitutional con-

vention, 260. Alliance of the workingmen with the farmers, 260. The

anti-Chinese clause in the Constitution, 260. Adoption of the constitu-

tion by the people, 261. The workingmen's success in the state election,

261. Success in the San Francisco municipal election, 261. Movement

for the enforcement of the anti-Chinese clause in the state constitution,

262. Success in the state legislature but failure in the United States Cir-

cuit Court, 262. Second arrest of Kearney, 262. Beginning of the dis-

integration of the Workingmen's party, 263. Defeat in elections, 263.

Relation to the national Greenback movement, 263. The end of the party,

264. Spread of the anti-Chinese movement among small employers, 264.

The question before Congress, 265. The Congressional investigating com-

mittee, 265. Increase in the Chinese immigration during the early

eighties, 266. The Representative Assembly of Trade and Labor Unions,

266. The white label, 266. The state labour convention, the League of

Deliverance, and the boycott of Chinese made goods, 267. The Chinese

Exclusion Act, 267,


DICALISM, 1876-1884

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The Nationalised International. The preliminary union conference of

all socialist organisations, 269. The Union Congress, 270. The Work-

ingmen's party of the United States, 270. The resolution on political ac-

tion, 270.

"Trade union

Plan of organisation, 270.

and political

factions, 271. Phillip Van Patten, 272. The New Haven experiment

with politics, 272. The Chicago election, 273. Factional differences, 273.

Struggle for the Labour Standard, 274. Douai's effort of mediation, 275.

Effect of the great strike of 1877 on the factional struggle, 276. The

part played by the socialists in the strike movement, 277.

The Rush into Politics. Election results, 277. The Newark con-

vention, 277. Control by the political faction, 278. The Socialist La-

bor party, 278. Strength of the trade union faction in Chicago, 279.

Success in the Chicago election, 279. Failure in Cincinnati, 279. Van

Patten's attitude towards trade unions, 280. Workingmen's military

organisations, 280. Autumn election of 1870, 282. Chicago the principal

socialist centre, 282. Influence in the state legislature, 283. Chicago

municipal election of 1879, 284. Persistent pro-trade union attitude of

the Chicago socialists, 284. Effect of prosperity, 284. The national con-

vention at Alleghany City, 284. Differences of opinion on a compromise

with the greenbackers, 285. National greenback convention, 285. The "so-

cialist plank in the platform, 286. The double revolt: the "trade

union faction and the revolutionists in the East, 287. Attitude of the

New Yorker Volkszeitung, 287. Referendum vote, 288. The decrease in

the greenback vote, 289. Struggle between the compromisers and non-com-

promisers in the socialist ranks, 289.

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political, and legislative, 310. The building trades' councils, the first

move toward industrialism, 312. The federations of the water-

front trades in the South, 312. The Negro, 312. The formation of

new national trade unions, 313. Their increase in membership,

1879-1883, 313. The control over locals, 314. Their benefit features,

314. Their attitude towards legal incorporation, 314. Predominance

of the foreign-speaking element in the trade unions, 315. The charge

that the foreigners in the trade unions deprive the American boy of his

opportunity in industry, 315. Strikes in 1880 and 1881, 316. The iron

workers' strike in 1882, 316. The boycott, 316. The New York Tribune

boycott, 317.

Towards Federation. The attempts towards national federation since

1876, 318. The part played by the Knights of Labor in the last and

successful attempt, 318. The Terre Haute conference, 318. Call for a

convention, 320. Trade unions in the eighties and trade unions today,

320. The Pittsburgh convention of 1881, 321. The cause of the large repre-

sentation of the Knights of Labor, 321. The formation of the Federa-

tion of Organised Trades and Labor Unions of the United States and

Canada, 322. Attitude toward organising the unskilled, 323. Subordina-

tion of the city trades' assembly to the national trade union, 323. Legisla-

tive committee and the legislative programme, 324. The incorporation

plank, 325. The shift from the co-operation argument to the one of trade

agreements on the question of incorporation, 326. Second convention of

the Federation, 326. Absence of the Knights of Labor and the iron and

steel workers, 326. Lack of interest in the Federation on the part of the

trade unions, 327. Convention of 1883, 328. The first appearance of

friction with Knights of Labor, 329. Attitude towards a protective tariff

329. Miscellaneous resolutions, 330. Failure of the Federation as an

organisation for obtaining legislation, 331.

Secrecy and the movement for centralisation, 332. District Assem-

bly and the convention at Philadelphia, 1876, 333. The National

Labor League of North America, 333. District Assembly 3 and the

convention at Pittsburgh, 333. Lull in the movement for centralisation,

334. The Knights and the railway strikes of 1877, 334. Other strikes,

334. The General Assembly at Reading, Pennsylvania, January 1, 1878,

334. The Preamble, 335. First principles: education, organisation, and

co-operation, 335. Form of organisation, 337. Special convention on the

secrecy question, June, 1878, 338. Referendum vote, 338. The Catholic

Church and secrecy in the Knights, 339. The compromise in 1879, 339.

Final abolition of secrecy in 1881, 339. Growth and fluctuation in

membership, 1878-1880. 339. The resistance fund, 340. Claims of the

advocates of co-operation and education, 340. The compromise, 341.

Compromise on political action, 341. Demands of the trade union element

within the Knights, 342. National trade assembly, 343. Growth and

fluctuation of membership, 1880-1883, 344. Component elements of the

Knights, 344. Unattached local unions, 344. Weak national organisa-

tions, 345. Advantages to an incipient trade movement from affiliation

with the Knights, 346. T. V. Powderly Grand Master Workman in 1881,

347. Enthusiasm for strikes, 347. The telegraphers' strike in 1883,

348. Unorganised strikes, 349. The freight handlers' strike in New York,

349. Failure of the strikes conducted by the Knights, 349. Its effect on

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