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(15) In the County aforesaid, on, to-wit: of..... .A. D. 19.. did wander through and about certain (a) streets and alleys, (b) public places. (16) In the County aforesaid, while selling or pretending to public did (a) beg, (b) receive alms. (17) In the County aforesaid did habitually beg and receive alms.

(Under 10 years old.)

(18) In the County aforesaid, on, to-wit: the.... day of... .A. D. 19.., did (a) beg, (b) peddle... (c) sell.....

(19) In the County aforesaid, on the public streets and highways on, to-wit: of... ... .A. D. 19.. did (a) sing, (b) play a certain musical instrument. (20) At..... .in the County aforesaid, .A. D. 19..

on, to-wit: the.... of

did give a public entertainment.

(21) In the County of Cook aforesaid (a) accompanies, (b) is used in aid of, one..

..who is engaged

in the business of, and is giving public entertainments.

Then insert particular facts, explaining the cause of dependency, as stated, in the foregoing.

f Insert facts as to parentage or guardianship, accounting fully for each of the parents of said child; stating reasons as to each of the parents and guardian why he or she is unable or unfit to care for the child.

Is unfit to have said child because,

(1) Is a vicious and depraved person.

(2) Has been and is living in a state of open and notorious adultery (fornication).

(3) Is, and for the space of one year continuously immediately preceding the filing of this petition herein, has been an habitual drunkard.


(4) Did on or about of....

strike the said child a violent blow with his fist and did (a).....

and on or about the. of...

19.. he

again (a)...

and at divers other times he repeatedly and cruelly abused and ill-treated the said child.

(5) Abandoned said child.

(6) On or about the..... of....


deserted said child and from thence until hitherto for a period of more than six months continuously absented

. from it.

(Juvenile Court Blank No. 2.)



....COUNTY, ss.


To the Honorable.....

Judge of the Circuit Court of....

Your petitioner,

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County is a Delinquent Child, in this; that d

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SECOND. Your petitioner further represents that the said child is in the custody or control of or with (a)...... ...residing at (b)..

that the father of said child is (a)...........

and that his residence is (b)..


that the mother of said child is (a)

and that her residence is (b)....

that the legal guardian of said child is (a).......

and that h residence is (b)..

that a near relative of said child is (c)....

and that h residence is (b).............

that petitioner knows of no near relative of said child. THIRD. Petitioner further represents that the above named (a) parents, (b) father, (c) mother, (d) guardian, (e) custodian, (f) near relative, consent that said child be taken away from.... ...and committed to the

care, education and training of some suitable person or any Institution provided by the City, County or State or any Association or Institution that has been accredited according to law by the State Commissioners of Public Charities of the State of Illinois and also placed under the guardianship of some suitable person to be appointed by this Honorable Court.

FOURTH. Petitioner further shows that the said (a) parents, (b) father, (c) mother, (d) guardian, (e) custodian, (f) near relative of said child, are unequal to the task and responsibility of controlling and correcting said child and preventing her from repetitions of delinquency; that they and each of them suffered and permitted the said child to commit the acts herein above alleged against her without hindrance, interference or restraint on their part, thereby suffering said child to become delinquent; that they (g).

that they and each of them are (a) unfit, (b) improper guardians of said child and are (a) unable, (b) unwilling to (a) care for, (b) protect, (c) train, (d) educate, (e) control, (f) discipline, said child.

FIFTH. Petitioner further represents that it is for the interest of said child and of the People of the State of Illinois that said child be taken from its (a) parents, (b) father, (c) mother, (d) guardian, (e) custodian, (f) near relative, and committed to the care, education and training of some suitable person or any Institution provided by the City, County or State or any Association or Institution that has been accredited according to law by the State Commissioners of Public Charities of the State of Illinois, and also placed under the guardianship of some suitable person to be appointed by this Honorable Court.

SIXTH. Petitioner further represents that the said (a) parents, (b) father, (c) mother, (d) legal guardian, (e)

near relative are able to contribtue towards the support of the said child.

SEVENTH. Petitioner prays that the said (a).......

and each of them and ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN who are hereby made parties defendant hereto be required to personally be and appear before this Honorable Court on the. of...... 19.. at the hour of.. ..M. and then and there have said child in open court, and show if they or either of them can, why the said child should not forthwith be taken from .. and thereafter be and remain a ward of this Honorable Court, and committed to the care, education and training of some suitable person or any Insti tution provided by the City, County or State or any Association or Institution that has been accredited according to law by the State Commissioners of Public Charities of the State of Illinois and also to be awarded by this Court to the guardianship of some proper and suitable person.

And that upon the hearing of this cause, this Honorable Court make such disposition of the custody of said child as will best serve the interest of said child and the People of the State of Illinois, in accordance with the statute in such case made and provided; and that the defendants or some of them be ordered to pay a reasonable amount from time to time for the support, maintenance and education of said child.

And that the Court appoint some proper and suitable person, guardian over the person of said child and make such other and further orders in this cause as to your Honors shall seem meet according to equity and good conscience and according to the Statute in such case made and provided.

May it please your Honors to grant unto your petitioner the writ of summons issued out of Chancery directed to the Sheriff or any probation officer of said County therein

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