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The Eastern and Western Cherokees having again reunited, and become one body politic, under the style and title of the CHEROKEE NATION: Therefore,

We, the people of the Cherokee Nation, in National Convention assembled, in order to establish justice, insure tranquility, promote the common welfare, and to secure to ourselves and our posterity the blessings of freedomacknowledging with humility and gratitude, the goodness of the Sovereign Ruler of the Universe, in permitting us so to do, and imploring His aid and guidance in its accomplishment-do ordain and establish this Constitution for the government of the Cherokee Nation.


Sec. 1. The boundary of the Cherokee Nation shall be that described in the treaty of 1833, between the United States and Western Cherokees, subject to such extension as may be made in the adjustment of the unfinished business with the United States.

Sec. 2. The lands of the Cherokee Nation shall remain common property; but the improvements made thereon, and in the possession of the citizens of the Nation, are the exclusive and indefeasible property of the citizens respectively who made, or may rightfully be in possession of them: Provided, that the citizens of the Nation possessing exclusive and indefeasible right to their improvements, as expressed in this article, shall possess no right


or power to dispose of their improvements, in any manner whatever, to the United States, individual states, or to individual citizens thereof; and that, whenever any citizen shall remove with his effects out of the limits of this Nation, and become a citizen of any other government, all bis rights and privileges as a citizen of this Nation shall rease: Provided, nevertheless, that the National Council shall have power to re-admit, by law, to all the rights of citizenship, any such person or persons who may, at any time, desire to return to the Nation, on memorializing the National Council for such re-admission.

Moreover, the National Council shall have power to adopt such laws and regulations, as its wisdom may deem expedient and proper, to prevent citizens from monopoFizing improvements with the view of speculation.


Sec. 1. The power of this government shall be divided into three distinct departments:. -the Legislative, the Executive, and the Judicial.

Sec. 2. No person or persons belonging to one of these departments shall exercise any of the powers properly Belonging to either of the others, except in the cases hereafter expressly directed or permitted.


Sec. 1. The legislative power shall be vested in two distinct branches:-a National Committee and Council; and the style of their acts shall be:-Be it enacted by the National Council.

Sec. 2. The National Council shall make provision, by law, for laying off the Cherokee Nation into eight districts; and, if subsequently it should be deemed expedient, one or two may be added thereto.

Sec. 3. The National Committee shall consist of two members from each district, and the Council shall consist of three members from each district, to be chosen by the qualified electors in their respective districts for two years; the elections to be held in the respective districts every two years, at such times and places as may be directed by law.

The National Council shall, after the present year, be held annually, to be convened on the first Monday in October, at such place as may be designated by the National Council, or, in case of emergency, by the Principal Chief.

Sec. 4. Before the districts shall be laid off, any election which may take place, shall be by general vote of the electors throughout the Nation for all officers to be elected.

The first election for all the officers of the government: -Chiefs, Executive Council, Members of the National Council, Judges and Sheriffs,-shall be held at Tahlequah, before the rising of this convention; and the term of service of all officers elected previous to the first Monday in October, 1839, shall be extended to embrace, in addition to the regular constitutional term, the time intervening from their election to the first Monday in October, 1839.

Sec. 5. No person shall be eligible to a seat in the National Council but a free Cherokee male citizen, who shall have attained to the age of twenty-five years.

The descendants of Cherokee men by all free women, except the African race, whose parents may have been living together as man and wife, according to the customs and laws of this Nation, shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of this Nation as well as the posterity of Cherokee women by all free men. No person who is of negro or mulatto parentage, either by the father's or the mother's side, shall be eligible to hold any office of profit, honor or trust, under this government.

Sec. 6. The electors and members of the National Council shall in all cases, except those of treason, felony,

or breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest during their attendance at elections, and at the National Council, in going to and returning.

Sec. 7. In all elections by the people, the electors shall vote viva voce.

All free male citizens, who shall have attained to the age of eighteen years, shall be equally entitled to vote at all public elections.

Sec. 8. Each branch of the National Council shall judge of the qualifications and returns of its own members, and determine the rules of its proceedings, punish a member for disorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence of twothirds, expel a member; but not a second time for the same offence.

Sec. 9. Each branch of the National Council, when assembled, shall choose its own officers; a majority of each shall constitute a quorum to do business, but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day, and compel the attendance of absent members, in such manner and under such penalty as each branch may prescribe.

Sec. 10. The members of the National Committee shall each receive from the public treasury a compensation for their services, which shall be three dollars per day during their attendance at the National Council; and the members of the Council shall each receive three dollars per day for their services during their attendance at the National Council; provided, that the same may be increased or diminished by law; but no alteration shall take effect during the period of service of the members of the National Council by whom such alteration may have been made.

Sec. 11. The National Council shall regulate, by law, by whom and in what manner, writs of elections shall be issued to fill the vacancies which may happen in either branch thereof.

Sec. 12. Each member of the National Council, before he takes his seat, shall take the following oath or affirmation:

I, A. B., do solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be), that I have not obtained my election by bribery, treats, or any undue and unlawful means, used by myself or others, by my desire, or approbation for that purpose; that I consider myself constitutionally qualified as a member of and that on all questions and measures which may come before me, I will so give my vote, and so conduct myself, as in my judgment shall appear most conducive to the interest and prosperity of this Nation, and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, and to the utmost of my ability and power, observe, conform to, support and defend, the constitution thereof.

Sec. 13. No person who may be convicted of felony, shall be eligible to any office or appointment of honor, profit or trust, within this Nation.

Sec. 14. The National Council shall have power to make all laws and regulations which they shall deem necessary and proper for the good of the Nation, which shall not be contrary to this constitution.

Sec. 15. It shall be the duty of the National Council to pass such laws as may be necessary and proper to decide differences by arbitration, to be appointed by the parties who may choose that summary mode of adjust


Sec. 16. No power of suspending the laws of this Nation shall be exercised, unless by the National Council or its authority.

Sec. 17. No retrospective law, nor any law impairing the obligation of contracts, shall be passed.

Sec. 18. The National Council shall have power to make laws for laying and collecting taxes, for the purpose of raising a revenue.

Sec. 19. All bills making appropriations shall originate in the National Committee, but the Council may propose amendments, or reject the same, All other bills may

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