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Att a Councill held at Elz: Towne 5th Dec 1683

p'sent The Deputy Governor

Maior Berry

Maior Sandford
Benja Price

of the Counc:

A Bill sent from the Deputyes Entituled An Act for Defraying the Publicke Charges of the province-read and ordered that the Governor for Concurrence signe the same

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The Petic'on of John Gillman setting forth that hee was one of the first setlers in piscataway, brought in severall heads has not his Land laid out According to the Concessions-vpon Inquirey made it appeares by the bookes of Record that the 8th April 1676-a warrt was issued out to the surveyor Generall then to survey and layout unto him 200 acres, some part thereof is Alledged to bee Allready Surveyed to him but not any Retorne thereof—It is therefore Ordered that the Land formerly laid out to him bee againe surveyed and somuch more as will make up the 200 Acres, all in the bounds of Piscataway-And that a warrt bee issued forth to the Deputy Surveyor for that purpose

A Bill Entituled an Act to p'vent vexatious Delayes in Law sent from the Deputyes read and agreed that the same bee signed by the Governor for Concurrence

An Accompt of p'sons and sumes of money to bee paid by Henry Lyon out of the moneys raised by the Bill Entituled an Act for Defraying the publicke Charges of the province, wch being read-ordered that the Governor signe the


vpon Debate and Considerac❜on of the Rangers ffees to bee paid and allowed by the Respective p'sons Concerned or to bee Concerned in the Execution of the Bill Entituled an Act for the Regulateing abuses in takeing up horses,

That these Respective ffees and no other shall bee taken by the Chiefe Rangers in this province-vizt

ffor every horse Mare or gelding or other beast Landed in this province, or to be Conveyed or Carryed through this province to west Jersey, for the Tolling and Certificate one shilling in silver money or the full value thereof

ffor the examining of a Certificate att piscataway, or in those parts or the supposed last place in the province when any horses Mares or geldings or other Cattle may bee Ridd Driven or Carryed, for every horse Mare gelding or other beast in silver one shilling or the value thereof


ffor the Tolling and Entring the marke of every horse &c to be marked by any p'son 3d in money

A Bill Entituled an Act for the Regulac'on of markeing Cattle read and agreed to bee signed by the Governor and sent vp to the Deputyes by Benja Price

The Bill Entituled an Act for the Regulation of markeing of Cattle Delivered by the Deputyes wth their Concurrence

Ordered that a Com'ssion bee issued for holding a Towne Court in Bergen-Justices or Members Clais Arentson Toures p'sedent, Hans Dedricke & Enock Machielson--or Two of them




Att a Councill held at Eliz Towne in the County of Essex 28th Day of ffebruary 1683|

p'sent The Deputy Governor

Maior Berry

Maior Sandford
Benja Price

of the Counc.

Garven Lawrie Esq' one of the Lords proprietors of the said province p❜duced his Com'ission to bee Deputy Governor under Robert Berkley Esqr one other of the proprieto's thereof and Governor of the said province, weh being read it was agreed and Ordered that the same Com'ission bee Entered on Record and bee this Day published in the Court of Com'on Right and hee is hereby Recognized Deputy Governor of the province of East New Jersey

The Governor then Declared in Councill that as to the Members of Councill here p'sent, vizt Major Berry, Major Sandford and Benja Price, that hee heareing soe good a Carrecter of their Integrity to the Goverment & province it was his will and Desire that they should Continue as Councillo's-And further that Captn Palmer of the late Councill by reason of his Public Employ in the province of New Yorke has Desired a Discharge from the service of this board-And that Coll Morris being also mostly Absent and Liveing in the province of New Yorke and Lawrence Andress mostly absent, it was necessary to appoint others as Addic'on to the former Councill viz Richard Hartshorne of Middletowne in the County of Monmouth Sam Dennis of Woodbridge, Henry Lyon of Elizabeth

Elizabeth Towne and Captn Thomas Codrington of Racawackhacca on the Raritan River and that a Čom'ission bee forthwith made for the Eight Members of Councill to Continue vizt for Coll: Morris, Major Berry Major Sandford, Captn Codrington Benja Price Richard Hartshorne Sam Dennis and Henry Lyon

It's agreed and Ordered that there bee made a new Com'ission for the Justices of the Court of Com'on Right and therein inserted all the Members of the Councill together with David Barclay, Thomas Warne, Lievetenant John Ward and Tho. Johnson

Ordered and Agreed that a Declaration bee Drawne up setting forth the new Governor's Com'ission wth a Confirmac'on of all Com'issions-Magistrates and officers, Civill and Millitary in the province vntill further Order

Adjourned to 8 A Clocke tomorrow morneing

The Governor and proprieto's of the Province of East New Jersey. To our Trusty and well beloved Collonell Lewis Morris of Shresbury in the County of Monmouth Esq' Major John Berry of the Towne and County of Bergin Esq, Major William Sandford of New Barbadoes in the County of Essex Esq, Captn Thomas Codrington of Rackawackhacca in the County of Middx Esq' Benja Price of Elizabeth Towne in the County of Essex gent, Richard Hartshorne of Middletowne in the County of Monmouth gent, Sam Dennis of Woodbridge in the County of Middx gent, and Henry Lyon of Elizabeth Towne in the County of Essex gent, send, Greeting, wee being well assured of every of yo' Capacity wisdome, prudence and integrity in the managm of the publicke affaires of the said Province, Have made Choyce off, Constituted and appointed, and by these p'sent Doe make Choyce off you the said Coll Lewis Morris, Major John Berry, Maior William Sandford Captn Thomas Codrington, Benja Price, Richard Hartshorne, Sam Dennis and Henry Lyon and every of yo" to bee of the Council for the managm of the publicke affaires of this province and to bee Assistant to the Governor or Deputy Governor of this Province in all Debates Consultac❜ons Reseluc'ons, and proceedures as well in the Councill as in the generall Assembly of this province and otherwise and in all Matters Causes Cases and things belonging to the office and place of a Councillor, you and every of you are to Doe and Act to the best of yo skill knowledge and Discretion, and According to our Instrucc'ons and the Lawes and Constituc'ons of this province, Given vnder the


seale of the said province this Eight and Twentieth Day of ffebruary, And in the xxxvjth yeare of the Reigne of King Charles the second over England &c Garven Lawrie, By order of Councill Tho: Rudyard Secret'

The subscription of the Councill this xxviijth Day of ffebruary Anno Dni 1683]

Wee and every of vs whose names are herevnder written Doe severly and each for himselfe solemnly promise to beare true allegiance to the king of England his heires and successors, and to bee true and faithfull to the Interest of the Lords Proprieto's of the said Province and to their heires Executo's and Assignes, & Endeavour the peace and wellfare of the said province and that every of vs respectively now being of the Governors Councill, shall and will to the best of our Judgm and at all tymes freely and faithfully give our Advice to the Governor for the good managem' of the publicke affaires of this province and shall not nor will not Revaile Directly or Indirectly to the Injury or p'iudice of the Governor and Lords proprieto's any matters as shall bee Debated in Councill or Com'itted by them to our Secrecy but in all things Doe and Act as true and faithfull Councillo's when thereunto Required


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Att a Councill held at Elizabeth Towne in the County of Essex 29th ffeb: 1683|

p'sent The Deputy Governor & p'pr

Tho: Rudyard Secret' & p'pr

Major John Berry

Major Wm Sandford

Lawrence Andresse

Benja Price

Sam Dennis &

Henry Lyon


The petic'on of Jonas Wood of Elizt Towne setting forth that vpon the Death of Dr Wm Taylor the Deceased was indebted to him, That he and Wm Broadwell Entred into


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bond after Taylors Death to Admi'ster his Estate-but since no Admistration granted-but that Broadwell notwithstanding Receives the effects of Taylors Estate but gives noe Accompt thereof to the petic'or and prayes Admi'stration-wch being read the petitioner and Will. Broadwell came before the board -Broadwell Denyes hee has recd anything-since Taylors Death, in his life tyme hee recd about 20s and noe more-after hearing of both p'tyes it's ordered that Admi'stration be granted to the petic'o'

The petic'on of Captn Palmer Captn Codrington John Rice & John White, setting forth that they have had severall Tracts of Land att Racawackhacca by Raritan River surveyed to them by warrt from the late Governor-Desireing pattents for the same-It's agreed and Ordered that they have their Lands att Two pence an Acre, And have pattents made by the Secretary at one halfe penny an Acre, they purchaseing at Twelve yeares purchase the Tree halfe pence an Acre for the Lands they have Respectively pattented to them, to wch the petitiots agreed

The petic'on of James Grayham, Sam Winder John White and Cornelius Corson, to have a pattent of the Lands lately surveyed to them lyeing on the Raritan River. Agreed that they have their said Lands pattented they paying Two pence an Acre-viz-purchaseing at Three halfe pence an Acre att Twelve yeares purchase and paying by pattent dp Acre

The petic'on of Mary Mitichell widd, setting forth that by Articles of Agreemt made by Arent Sonimans Deceased wth her Deceased husband, shee and her ffour young sons were by Articles Transported out of Scotland into this province at the Charge of the said Arent Sonimans, but since their Arrivall here no Care has bin taken for their Children they being all Arent Sonimans Servants wch is to her great Charge and expence-Desireing Either that some p'son for Arent Sonimans may receive them or that they may bee Discharged from their obligation; vpon Reading the Articles of Agreemt, and David Barcley one of the proprietors and agent or m'chant for Arent Sonimans being here present-It's agreed and Ordered that David Barcley reemburse the petic'or for her Charges expended in the Childrens maintenance-And that such Inhabitants of this province who will keepe the Children vnto seventeene yeares of Age & maintaine them may have them bound to them to that age

The petic'on of John Robinson Wm Pinhorne Ric: Jones and Mathew Taylor praying a Pattent for 2000 Acres of Land on the Raritan River with lib'ty to Dispose of a Considerable


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