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repute ability and Integrity I know in the Towne and that their Com'ission was long since published and that they have not yet quallified themselves according to Act of gen'all Assembly, what ever is wanteing for Townes meetings or other matters where the people are Agrieved they takeing vpon them their office may remedy, And till then the fault lyes at their owne Dores not mine

Adjourned to 7 a Clock to morrow morneing

Att a Councill held the 19th Day of May Anno Dni 1683

p'sent The Deputy Governor

Sam Groome

Thomas Warne

Captn Berry

Captn Sandford

Benja Price &

Lawrence Andresse


of the Councill

A Message from the Deputyes in writeing

This house by their Messingers Elias Makeellson and John Curtis moves for a Coppy of the flees of the Court of Com❜on Right, And also for the Bill for setleing the Train'd Bands or Militia that was p'sented to the Governor and Councill the last Sessions of this Assembly

Eliz Towne 19th May



p. order of the house JOHN BOUND

In Answer to the Deputyes Message now sent by Elias Mekeellson and John Courtis in reference to the ffees of the Court of Com'on Right, It's the sence of this board that the Justices or Members of the said Conrt are to sett & appoint the ffees thereof according to Act of gen'all Assembly, And that the power of setleing such ffees is neither in the Governor and Councill nor the Deputyes apart but in the Court onelyAnd the members of the Councill who are part of the Judges or Justices of that Court every one here p'sent Declare they know not of any ffees yet taken or paid in that Court

The Bill for setleing the Train'd bands or the Militia read, some Additions and amendmts made thereto and orered to be Transcribed in order to be sent up to the Deputyes, sent up by Captn Sandford

The petic'on of John Marsh for the grant of 800 Acres of Land to lye on Raway River. It's ordered that the Deputy


Governor issue out a warrt to the Surveyor gen'all to lay out the same to him and make returne thereof to the Councill


The petic'on of Dedrick Corneliesson for to have a pattent of Land he has lately purchased of the Indians lyeing neere Cheesquakes, It's ordered that it be left to Sam Groome and Thomas Warne Two of the proprietors to Confur with the said Dedrick about his Indian purchase and make report thereof to the Governor and Councill for their further Consideration thereof Vpon Reading of Sam Moores petic'on, And by the inspec'on of the warrt and order of the Late Governor and Council for his takeing vp of meadow Land agst Amboy point; It is as formerly referr'd to the Surveyor gen'all who wth Thomas Warne one of the p'prieto's shall view the Land and returne whether the vpland is Capable of Improvemt and settlemt wch lyes Adjacent to the Meadow Land lately laid out or p'posed to be laid out to Sam Moore, That the Councill may make such further order therein as is Consistant to Justice and Equity

Ordered that Lawrence Andresse have Lib'ty to goe home returneing here next 2a Day morneing

A Message from the Deputyes in writeing

Considering the season of the yeare and the State of affaires at this Juncture of tyme being such That the publick busines of the p'vince seemes to be obstructed wherefore the rep'sentitives p'poses to the Governor and Councill for an Adjournmt of this Assembly vntill the Third Tuesday in October next p. order of the house

Eliz Towne

May 19th 1683

Mess: Thomas Johnson
Benja Parkis


The Governor and Councill takeing into their weighty Consideration the Message now sent from the Deputyes wherein it's Insinuated that the publick busines of the p'vince Seemes to be obstructed, vpon weh account they p'pose an Adjournm1, wee cannot but Declare our Sence that there Seemes not the Least Colour of obstruc'on to p'ceed or Arise from the Governor and Councill or by or from any in publick Authority wthin this p'vince, And in asmuch such obstrucc❜ons are seene by or in the house of Deputyes of wch wee are strangers It's the Desire of this board the Deputyes would explaine themselves, That such obstrucc'ons may be removed, It being Dishonorable


Dishonorable to the Goverm', that there should be obstruc'ons in the publick busines of the p'vince. And that the Gen'all Assembly wch is Composed of the Authority and Compact body of the peoples representitives Should Desert the publick Service of the p'vince in p'sence of obstruc'ons and not by their power and Authority remove their obstruc'ons, wch may (in the sence of this board) may most Tend to the Honour of the Goverm1, and best Answer the Duty of the peoples rep'sentitives of this p'vince. Ordered that Captn Berry and Captn Sandford Carry this Message to the Deputyes

The Request of Richard Hartshorne being here read, And the reason therein offered wherefore he would bee excused for beareing the office of Sheriffe, being Duely weiged and Considsidered, It is the sence of the governor and Councill, That the like or more weighty reasons may be offered by any p'son appointed for that office, and that noe p'son in that County is more Capable in respect of Estate or Capacity in vnderstanding fitter to vnder goe and execute the same. Therefore it's the sense of this board that according to Act of gen'all Assembly and in pursuance of his Com'ssion hee take vpon him the execuc'on of high Sheriffe of the County of Monmouth Adjourned to 7 a clock next 24 Day morneing.

Att a Council held the 21st Day of May Anno Dni 1863,


The Deputy Governor
Thomas Warne

Captn Berry

Captn Sandford &
Benja Price


of the Councill

In answer to the Governor and Councill 19th 3d mo 1683, in saying (it's Insinuated) is a mistake for that wch is reall, is no Insinuac'on for we are really satisfied that the Governor and Councill have made severall offers that they would be willing to Condiscend to the Doing of those things wch appeare reasonable in answer to satisfieing the Country but there hath been much tyme spent in Debates but nothing Don but what really seemes to vs rather an obstrucc'on then satisfacc'on, And therefore this house Doth againe move for an Adjournmt as before

Eliz: Towne May 21 1683 (


p. order of the house

Messengers Thomas Johnson

John Curtis



The Governor and Councill taking into Considerac'on the Message this Day sent here from the Deputyes by Two of their Members, vizt Thomas Johnson and John Curtis-Cannot but Declare that as they have ever Endeavored so they still Desire there may bee a good vnderstanding and Correspondence kept between them and the Deputyes, And as Conduceing thereunto this board has rather Condiscended to such words and termes (in passing of Acts) wch the Deputyes have vsed, then to Contest for other words or Termes more p'per, yet we have had from the Deputyes many reflecc'ons about words and wth too small reason, of wch this last Message gives further Instance Those who vnderstand English words Know that Insinuac❜on and Intimac'on are Synanjmous Termes & Contrary to yo Centiment, what ever is reall, is p'perly said to be Insinuated or Intimated, And it's the Desire of this board that the gravity of the gen'all Assembly may not be soe Debaced as to Contest needlesly about words, The Deputyes say that the Governor and Councill have made severall offers that they would bee willing to Condiscend to the Doeing of those things weh appeare reasonable in Answer to the satisfieing of the Country, wch allegation as this board acknowledge to be a great truth so it's the sence of this board that it has bin as faithfully p'formed -And as a Demonstrac'on thereof

1 There as not one Bill bin sent from the Deputyes to the Governor and Councill this or the late Session of the Assembly but has bin by vs accorded unto or our reasonable Amendmts or excepc'ons made and returned to the Deputyes

2 Altho there are now sev'all Bills sent hence to the Deputyes for the gen'all good of the p'vince and they neither Concurr wth nor offer exceptions agst the same, There is not one such before the Governor and Councill

3 There's not any greevance gen'all or p'ticular vnder wch the people of this p'vince laboured, duering the Govermt of the late Governor Deceased, and Addressed to the p'prieto's for Redresse, but wee have either most effectually Redressed the same, or Com'issionated legall Courts according to Act of Assembly for their Reliefe

4 As the Governor and Councill are a part of the gen'all Assembly of this p'vince they Do Declare that now and at all tymes they are and shall be ready according to the accustomed Regular and Legall p'ceedings in Assembly to joyne in the


Enacting and passing any reasonable Act or Acts of Assembly for the good and welfare of this p'vince and the people thereof

5 That after the Deputyes Allegac'on that there has bin much tyme spent in Debates and nothing Don but what really seemes to the Deputyes--rather an obstruc'on than satisfacc'on It tends much to the Quiet and Satisfacc'on of the Governor and Councill that hither to, they have not bin in the least, occac'one's of such obstructions, And are fully satisfied that Justly they Merritt not the least Imputac'on of that nature but Evident Demonstrac'on to the Contrary, therefore cannot but againe recomend it to the house of Deputyes to Joyne wth the Governor and Councill in a due p'ceedure in gen'all Assembly to remove these obstrucc'ons, wch when effectually Don the season of the yeare may be taken into Considerac'on in order to an adjournm' as Desired

Therefore as wee are members of one body wee Earnestly Desire what ever passeth between vs for the future may not bee Construed to the worst sence but that we may amicably lay all misapp'henc'ons aside and what remaines yet to be Don Either for the further p'secution of the affaires of this p'vince or for Adjourmt to a future meeting may be Don wth a ffreindly Correspondoncy, Ordered That Captn Berry and Benja Price carry up this message

Adjourned to 7 A Clock tomorrow morneing

At a Councill held the 22th Day of May Anno Dni 1683

p'sent The Deputy Governor and p'pr

Capt Berry
Capt Sandford
Benja Price


of the Councill

A Bill Drawn Here Intituled an Act for the Due Regulac❜on of Executions Drawn, wch being read it's ordered that the same be Signed by the Deputy Governor and sent to the Deputyes, And that Captn Berry carry up the same

A Bill sent here from the Deputyes Entitled an Act for the Melitia wch being read, It appeares to Containe the substance of a former Bill sent here from the Deputyes Entitled an Act for the Militia, to wch wee made our amendmts, and returned the same Bill, This latter Bill excluding some part of our amendmts and altering other p't thereof wthout reasons given for the same- -This board adheres to the former Bill and amendm13, sent to the Deputyes, And agree not to the last bill


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