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as belongs not to the house of Deputyes-being neither Customary nor warrented by any authority Law or p'sident, And it's the sence of this board that as either house have alwayes had the priviledge to appoint such and soe many for a Com'ittee as they see meet and as this board Lymittes not the Deputyes, Soe this house ought not to bee imposed vpon or Lymitted And this house adheres to their Last Message. In Case the Deputyes agree not to our first request of a ffree Conference as were had at our Last Sessions weh had a gen'all good effect for the Dispatch. of business then passed by vs in gen'all Assembly Ordered that Co11 Morris Captn Berry Captn Palmer & Captn Sandford carry vp this Message

Adjourned to 7 A Clock tomorrow morneing

Att a Councill held the 12th Day of May Anno Dni 1683

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A Remonstrance Delivered in here by Edward Slater and John Gillman the Deputyes of Piscattaway by order and wt the Consent of the Towne of Piscattaway,-And Edward Slater and John Gillman being here p'sent and after some Considerable Conference and Debate, they being offered to have the bound of their Towneship or Desired Towneship Survey'd, they aprov'd not thereto soe this board Could not p'ceed vpon the matter p'sented

Another petic'on from the same persons for some meadows to be layed to their Towneship read and defered to some other opp'tunity of Debate

Ordered that one Bond of Captn William Sandford bound to the King in [?] b wth Condic'on to p'secute John Johnson Dated the eight of July 1682 be Delivered vp to Captn Sandford

Ordered that one other Bond wherein John Berry is bound to the king in [?]b wth Condic'on to be of the good behaviour &c Dated the second November 1681 be Also Delivered up to Captn Berry



A Message from the Deputyes in Writing as followeth

The Com'ittee appointed by the house of Deputyes for Debateing things with a Com'ittee from the Governor and Councill namly Richard Hartshawne Sam Dennis Benja Parkis Edward Slater and John Curtis

Eliz Towne May 12th 1683 (

p order of the house JOHN BOUND

It's ordered and agreed that there may be noe Defect on the part of this house to the Dispatch of Matters lyeing before vs, That this whole board-vizt the Deputy Governor and all the Councill resolve into a Com'ittee to meete and Debate Matters wth the Com'ittee of the Deputyes and are ready to meet this afternoone at the house of the Deputy Governor, between the hours of three and ffour, And that Benj" Price carry up this Message to the Deputyes

The Matter of John Shottwells petic'on came here into Debate and the Widdow Carterett being alsoe here p'sent and in writeing gave in two papers as her Answer to the substance of the said petic'on and it being asked the said Widdow Carterett if shee Desired any tyme to offer or object anything agst the substance of the petic'on shee said shee had noe ffurther answer then what shee gave in writeing, And it appeareing that Abraham Shottwell was the possessor occupant Cleerer and improver of the Land menc'oned in the petition And that John Shottwell is the said Abraham Shottwells Sonne and heire-It's therefore agreed and ordered that the Deputy Governor issue out a Warrt to the Surveyor gen'all and his Deputy to Survey the same Lands and make returne Thereof in order that the said Shottwell may have a pattent thereof according to the Concessions

Ordered and agreed that Lawrence Andresse have Lib❜ty to goe home returning here next second Day at eight A Clocke in the moorneing

The petic'on of James Graham and Sam11 Winder for themselves and Associates read. It's ordered that the Deputy Governor make a warrt to the Surveyor gen'all to Survey the said Land in Order the same may bee pattented to the p'sons haveing right to the same and make returne thereof to the Governor and Councill

Then the Governor and Councill resolved into a Com'ittee in Order to a Debate wth sev'all Members of the house of Deputyes


A Conference wth the Com'ittee appointed by the Deputyes vpon the Bill to Enable ffreeholders to p'pose and agree Divers orders &c at wch Conference was offered the reasons and objections by vs Entered to the Bill yesterday. Their members returned saying the would reporte the Same to their house

It's ordered that p'cesse be made out in the Court of Com'on Right agst Sam" Etsall, Robert Vauquillen and Henry Greenland in pursuance of the Message sent here yesterday from the house of Deputy es

It's agreed that Captn Sandford have lib'ty to go home returneing next second Day morneing by 9 A Clocke

Agreed that Coll Morris and Captn Palmer have Lib'ty to go home this Day

Adjourn'd till next Second Day morneing 8 A Clocke

Att a Councill held the 14th Day of May Anno Dni 1683

[blocks in formation]

The petition of John Gillman and Edward Slater in behalfe of Piscattaway-for to have a parcell of meadow on the South side of the Raritan River to be laid out to the Inhabitance of Piscattaway, It's ordered and agreed that a Warrant be Issued by the Deputy Governor to the Surveyor gen'all to Survey and view the said Meadowes and Lands Adjacent and make reporte thereof to this board that such further order may be made wch may either fully Answer the petic'one's Desire, or that they may know the positive Answer of the Governor and Councill in this matter to the Contrary

The petic'on of Jane Ogden Widd: read, the same being for 300 Acres of Land in Elizabeth Towne in right of John Ogden her late husband wch shee alledges to bee in right and pursuance of a Towne order for wch John Ogden had a warrt 29th Oct 1678,-vpon inspection of the Records wee find noe such warrt, but a warrt for 300 Acres in pursuance of the gen'all Concessions-in weh respect the petitioner is mistaken soe the Councill cannot Answer the same as Desired

The petic'on of Robert Shrevs Blacksmith, came a Servant into this province in the yeare 1675,-Desires he may have


Land laid out according to the Concessions. Vpon Consideration thereof it's agreed that the old Concessions make noe p'vision for Land for Servants in the yeare 1675,-Soe cannot order him any Land but referr him to the now Lords p'prietors and the Concessions by them published

The petic'on of Joseph Ogden for 90 Acres of Land and meadow in p'portion, whin the bounds of Elizabeth Towne, Desireing to have the same as hee has pitcht vpon formerlyIt's ordered that Joseph Ogden give an accompt to this board wherefore the late Surveyor gen'all Executed not a Warrt of this quantity of Land the 27th Oct 1676, And alsoe of the Land he pitches vpon the Councill may give their further resolution in the p❜mises

A Message from the Deputyes in writing vizt

The Answer of the house that was appointed to meet ffour or more of the Councill the 12th of this instant in a Com'itte to Debate the Bill about Enableing the Townes to make locall and prudential orders

ffirst wee say that the Bill sent before to yo" at our last sitting was Sufficiently answered, as to the second wee are willing hoggs should be excepted, To the third wee Consent that the words (and the like) should bee left out: ffourth our Bill not mentioning Lawes there is noe roome for such objections and as to Towne orders it's a thing verry Customary

Eliz Towne May 14th 1683

Sam Moore

p. order of the house JOHN BOUND

Joseph Parker



In answer to the Deputyes Message to vs now sent by Sam11 Moore and Joseph Parker, It's the sence of the Governor and Councill

1 That if the Bill sent before to vs at our last meeting be Sufficiently Answered, then noe neede of this Bill for the matters p'vided for in this Bill are all the same and noe more then in the former-for killing of woolves in each Towne or Country onely excepted, But for makeing and maintaineing good and sufficient fences and to p'vent Damages wch may bee don by horses Cattle and other Stock in the Com'on high


wayes Cornefields and meadowes and for makeing bridges laying out high wayes ånd keeping the same in repaire and for makeing Towne Rates for the Defraying of Charges that may arise vpon the aforementioned occac'ons-are all expressly p'vided for in the former Bill now Depending wth the Deputyes wch matters if they be fully answered ther's no neede for this Bill as it's now made but onely a p'vision for killing of woolves in wch particular onely the other is Defective

2 As to the Dep'tys Answer to the 2d and 3a Article of our Exceptions for leaveing out the p'vision agt hoggs and expelling the words (and the like) answers the sence of this Board

3 As to the Deputys Answer to our ffourth exception, it's the sence of this board it's not answered but onely evaded, they being Criticall upon the word Lawes for the word orders-For the Deputyes Bill instead of by lawes expressing themselves in other Terms and calling them orders Alters not the sence but orders to have the force of Lawes, and to be put in execuc'on as Lawes, and the Infringers of them to be sued at Law and punished for the breach in Courts of Justice are equally Lawes in those Townships as any Lawes of this province are to the gen'all not improp❜ly but p'perly called Lawes, And the Deputyes calling those Agreemts Orders as they Doe in their Bill is imp'per, the word orders being not p'perly appropriable to agreemts of any Towne or Incorporated body of people, but only to the Councill Board and Courts of Justice-all other Determinac❜ons in Towneshipps are called By Lawes and so are agreemts this Day of all the Corporac'ons in England, so much as the great City of London

4 Wee must againe repeate as formerly vpon the Same occac'on, that it has been vsuall for Dispatch of busines in the gen'all Assembly-if one house has p'sented a Bill the other has offered amendmts to the w ch if the other has not agreed a Conference has bin Desired and reasons offered for or agt the amendmts

5 In Case the Deputyes or Councill after a Bill p'sented by one house and amendm's offered by the other-Agree not to Conferr but Draw new Bills and lay the former aside, it will p'vent all Dispatch of Busines, and allows vs to p'sent one Bill for an other and Dispatch none

6 It's the sence of this board that such p'ceedure is Con


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