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A Message by John White & John Drake wth ye gd Bill Concerning ye Court of Small Causes amended, & a bill for ye repealing of an act formerly made for regulateing of ordinances, & raiseing an Excise upon Strong liquors, both past that hous, for ye Concurrance of this board

A Message by Sam Dennes & James Dundas desireing a generall Conference of ye house of Deputyes presently, about ye e bill of Supply &c, Seeing they had returned no answer to ye two last Messages, and being meet, ye Gover' did press ye dispatch of ye bill for Supply &c for ye reasons afores". The Speaker did answer that they had Considered yt bussinese, & yt they thought they had made a great offer, & that Considering their own poverty 20 men is a great matter, & at their own Charge is as much as they Can well do & as farr as they Can well go

Att A Committie of two of this board viz Andrew Bowne & Sam Dennes & four of ye house of Deputyes, to witt John pike John Lyon John Drake & John Fitzrandolph appointed to debate ye reasons of repealing ye act Concerning regulateing of ordinaries, upon full debate it was found that bill had proceeded upon a Mistake & therefore was set aside.

Adjourned till to morrow morning 8 a Clock

Att A Councill held at perth Amboy 28 Octr i693

Gover Hamilton
Andrew Bowne

John Jnians

present David Mudie

Sam Dennes

James Dundas

of ye Councill

A Message by Richard Hartshorn John pike Sam11 Dennes & John Reid wth ye bill Concerning ye Court of small Causes amended & past that house, weh was read here & past this board, and they did also Inform this board that their house had fully debated and Considered ye bill of Supply &c, And ye poverty of ye Country in Generall & of every County & town in particulare, & found 20 men, on their own Charge, ye uttermost that they Could go

A Message by Thomas Gordon desireing a General Conference of ye house of Deputyes presently, to Show some solid reasons why they Can do no more &c, wch they desired time to Consider upon & give their Answers.

Adjourned to 2 a Clock afternoon


Post meridiem

Both houses being meet at ye General Conference, Mr Speaker did still Insist upon ye poverty of ye Country, And long and much debate ye Gover & Councill aggreed to ye levying of 20 men, to be sent to albany to Joyn in ye Common defence of ye frontiers, & to be maintained for one whole year from & after ye first of may next

Adjourned till 8 a Clock on Moonday Morning.

Att A Councill held at perth Amboy 30th octr 1693

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A Message from ye house of Deputyes wth two bills past ye house, one Intitled a bill for setling a School & School Master in every town in & throughout ye province, the other a bill for regulation of ordinaries

A Message by Thomas Gordon, wth two bills past this board to ye house of Deputyes for their Concurrance, the one a bill for regulateing ye proceedings of ye Court of Common Right the other a bill for Establishing a Court of Oyer & terminer, also wth ye bill Concerning ye Court of Small Causes past this board, and also desireing they would appoint a Comittie to debate wth some of ye members of this board about ye bill Concerning School Masters & yt about ordinaires. Andrew Bowne & David Mudie were named by this board to meet John Reid John Pike John Lyon & John Drake.

Adjourned to 2 a Clock afternoon


A Message by John Barclay Thomas Fitzrandolph & Elias Michielson, wth a bill past that house for divideing each County into Townships, & desireing this board would appoint some of their number to meet Six of that house to debate upon ye bill for ye Court of Common Right, & ye bill for a Court of Oyer & Terminer. Andrew Bowne John Bishop & James Dundas were appointed by this board to meet John Reid Sam" Dennes


Henry Norris John Lyon, Thomas Cooke & John Drake of ye house of Deputyes to Conferr as afores

A Message by Thomas Gordon to ye house of Deputyes wth 3 bills past this board, viz: one Concerning selling strong drink to ye Indians, one for establishing School masters wthin this province, & one for regulate of Lycences for publick houses & marriages & take off ye Excise &c.

Adjourned till 8 a Clock to morrow morning

Att A Councill held at perth Amboy 31 Octr 1693

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A Message by Thomas Gordon to ye house of Deputyes wth ye bill for deviding each County into townships past this board Adjourned to 2 a Clock afternoon



A Message by John Reid & Sam Dennes wth 2 bills past yr house viz: a bill for regulateing of marriages, & another for takeing off ye Excise & Impowering ye Gover" to grant lycences to ordinary keepers, & ye Bill sent yesterday returned & by this devided into two

Adjourned till 8 a Clock to morrow morning

Att a Councill held at perth amboy 1st nover' i693

[blocks in formation]

A Message by Thomas Gordon to ye house of Deputyes, wth a letter from ye proprietors in England giveing Our Gover & ye assembly, thanks for their prudent Care & Conduct in ye management of ye Goverment of ye province &c, and a bill Concerning ye Militia past. this board.

Adjourned to 2 Clock afternoon



A Message by John Drake wth a bill past yt house, for aughmenting ye Deputyes fees & fyning ye absents, wch being read here was returned again by Andrew Bowne & James Dundas, & to acquaint yt house, that seeing they pleaded so much poverty this board thought ye Salary allready allowed enuff, and that they should rather Consider ye Gentlemen of ye Govers Councill who as yet had nothing allowed to them Adjourned till 8 a Clock to morrow morning

Att a Councill held at perth Amboy 2 Nover" 1693

[blocks in formation]

A Message by John White & John Lyon wth a letter signed by ye Speaker, by order of that house, directed to ye proprietors in England, giveing them thanks for their Care over ye province & Complaining of ye hardships put upon ye Inhabitants of this province by ye Collector of New-Yorke, & Intreating their assistance for redress of ye same &c; and also a bill Conserning John pike & his father past yt house. The letter to ye prop'rs being read here, dered yt ye same be signed by Thomas Gordon Dept Secretary & Clarke of this board wch was don.

A Message by Thomas Gordon Clerk of this board to y house of Deputyes, to Informe them yt ye bill for Regulateing of marriages, & the bill for Impowering ye Gover to grant Licenses to ordinarie keepers & for takeing off ye Excise, are past this board

Adjourned to 2 a Clock afternoon

Post merediem

A Message by John Reid & John Lyon, wth a bill for Impowering Each County in and throughout ye province to make rates to defray their debts, past ye house.

A Message by Thomas Gordon to ye house of Deputyes, to know what bills sent them from this board are past yt house, who returned answere yt ye bill about Schoolmasters, ye bill


about selling strong drink to ye Indians, & ye bill about ye Militia, are all past that house, & returned ye bill about ye Court of Common Right & ye bill about ye Court of Oyer & terminer past

A Message by John White & John Reid wth a p'per signed by ye Speaker by order of yt house, recomending ye putting in practise ye former law about weights & measures, & wth them was returned ye bill Conserning John pike Elder deceased & John pike, because this board did esteem any former disgrace &c, sufficiently taken of, by his being admitted a member of yt house

A Message by John White John Reid Sam Dennes & John Drake wth ye bill for Raiseing souldiers for ye seafty of this province, & money for maintaining ye same past that house, desireing ye Concurrance of this board to ye sd bill, and also A Committie to be appointed to Conferr upon ye bill about John pike &c. Ordered that Andrew Bowne John Royse & David Mudie do Conferr wth John Reid John pike John Lyon & Sam Dennes of ye house of Deputyes upon ye sd bill Concerning John pike &c

A Message by Thomas Gordon to ye house of Deputyes Desireing a Conference of yt whole house to discourse about ye bill for raising men & money &c, for makeing some amendments of ye same, & to acquint them yt ye bill yt Impowered ye County Courts to make rates &c was past this board.

Adjourned till 8 a Clock to Morrow Morning

Att A Councill held at perth Amboy 3d Nover" 1693


Governour Hamilton
Andrew Bowne
John Inians

John Royse

of ye Councill

The Bill for raiseing men & mo'e &c, wth the amendm's, past this board & sent to ye house of Deputyes & past yt house. A Message to ye house of Deputyes by Thomas Gordon desireing all ye principall bills past both houses to be sent here, & desireing all ye members of yt house to attend ye Gover" & Councill presently, wch they did &c, Ordered that all ye bill past both houses, being nine in number, be recorded by ye Dept Secr'y in ye publick records of this province, & Copies sent to ye severall Countyes, and then ye Gover" did dissolve ye Assembly


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