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A message from the house of Deputyes Desireing a Comittee of this Councill, to meet six of their house to Consult touching the Kings Letter or order, and also the Governor of yorkes Letter about the affaires of Albany;-wherevpon it's agreed and ordered that m' Sam" winder Capt Thomas Codrington and Major John Berry bee the p'sons appointed to meete a Comittee of the house of Deputyes att 2 Clocke afternoone, touching the p'misses and to make their Report to this Board. Adjourned till 2 Clocke afternoone

post m'idiem

Major John Berry Capt Thomas Codrington and Mr Sam11 Winder Retorned here from the Comittee and made their Report, That the house of Deputyes Desired the sense of this board, whether it was fitt and necessary for this province to allow any assistance to Governor Dongan touching the warr wth the ffrench, seing that the Kings order was not Come to hand &c;-wherevpon, Major John Berry &c gave them to vnderstand that it was the Cleare sense of this Councill, that neverthelesse assistance ought to bee given by this province, for that it was as well for the Defense and safty of vs here as them of the province of New yorke

A Message from the house of Deputyes, brought here by m' wm Haige and Mr John white, signifieing that it was Agreed in their house that a supply bee given to the Governor of New yorke ffor the affaires of Albany, and that they Desire a Comittee from this Board may bee appointed to meete six of their house to agree vpon a sume to bee Raised, and the manner thereof, It's Agreed that Mr Sam" winder, Major John Berry and Cap Codrington bee the p'sons appointed to attend the


Adjourned till 8 Clocke to morrow morneing

Att a Councill held att Amboy perth the 18th May 1688

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Major John Berry Mr Sam Winder and Capt Thomas Codrington made their Report of the Debate the had wth the


Comittee of the house of Deputyes the last night, touching the Raiseing of a supply of money for his Maties service for the affaires of Albany &c, and sayes that it was the opinion of the Deputyes, that the sume of 500lb bee a Competent supply of money to bee Raised for that service, the Country being


Adjourned till 8 Clocke to morrow morneing

Att a Councill begun and held att Amboy perth 19th May


p'sent Gov' Hamilton
Major John Berry

Capt Isaac Kingsland

Cap Tho: Codrington Councill
Cap Ric: Tormely

Mr Sam Winder &

James Emott Sec

The house of Deputyes sent here by two of their Members, viz John Parker and John Curtis, the heads of a Bill for Raiseing a supply of money for the affaires of Albany &c,wch being Read:-It's Agreed and ordered that a Message bee sent to the house of Deputyes Desireing a Comittee of both houses may Im'ediately meete to Discourse vpon the matter of the heads of the sd Bill.-The Message Carryed by m' Sam" winder and Capt Thomas Codrington to wch the Deputyes Consented and to meete 2 Clocke afternoone.

Adjourned till 2 Clocke afternoone

The house of Deputyes sent here a Message that 6 of their Number were Ready to attend a Comittee of this Councill touching the heads of the abovesd Bill, and that they intended to adjourne their house till 2 Clocke munday afternoone:-and m' Sam winder Cap Codrington and Major Berry were sent to attend the sd Comittee, and this Councill

Adjourned till 2 Clocke Munday afternoone

Att a Councill held at Amboy perth the Twenty first day of May 1688

p'sent Governor Hamilton

Major John Berry

Mr Sam Dennes
Capt Isaac Kingsland
James Emott Sec

› Councill


A Bill brought here from the house of Deputyes,-touching sumoning of Jury men by a sumons Left att their house &c, was here Read,―amended, and new Transcribed over, was sent backe to the house of Deputyes.

W ch

Another Act was brought here from the house of Deputyes -Desireing that all Errors Mistakes and Misunderstandings touching the late Acts of Generall Assembly made in the month of 8ber 1686,-and all Differances touching or Concerneing the same, may bee buried in oblivion-wch act was here Read-amended-and sent backe to the house of Depu- · tyes by m' Sam" winder,

Adjourned till 8 Clocke to morrow morneing

Att a Council held att Amboy the Twenty second day of may Anno Dni 1688

p'sent Governor Hamilon
Major John Berry
Capt Tho Codrington
Capt Isacc Kingsland
Mr Sam Winder
Capt Ric. Tormely &

James Emott Sec


The Bill for sumoning Jury men was againe brought here, and vpon further Debate, this Board see Cause to make some alterac❜ons in the sd Bill, and againe sent it backe to the house of Deputyes.

A Bill was Drawne vp by this Board, for makeing the vpper p't of both sides of the Raraton River above the Bound Brooke to bee a Distinct County &c, sent to the house of Deputyes by Major John Berry and Capt Kingsland

1 The Bill touching the sumoning of Jury men was againe brought here from the Deputyes and signed by their speaker,being Read the Governor signed the same for this Boards Concurrance


a Bill was Drawne up by the Secretary for a Court of small Causes for the out plantations in Bergen County, and also for aquickenic and New Barbadoes in the County of Essex, and was sent to the house of Deputyes by major John Berry

petic'on of Joseph ffrazey,-was here Read,-wherein hee Desires this Board and house of Deputyes will bee pleased to order that the petic'oner may bee paid, for assisting the Com'issi's in laying out and markeing the High wayes from Towne to Towne &c. Agreed the same may bee sent to the house of Deputyes to Consider of the petic'o's Request in order to his paym

2. The Bill touching a Court of small Causes in the out plantac'ons of Bergen County and Aquickanne and New Barbadoes, was signed by our Governor

Adjourned till 2 Clocke afternoone

post meridiem

3 The Bill for makeing the vpper p't of the Raraton River a Distinct County from the County of Middx, and to bee called the County of Somersett, was againe brought here from the house of Deputyes wthout any amendm1, signed by the speaker: -It's Agreed the Governor signe the same for this Boards Concurrance

A Message from the house of Deputyes Desireing a ffree Conferance touching Governor Dongans Lett' &c; wch was Consented vnto by this Board—

The house of Deputyes, Comeing here vpon the sd Conferance, The Governor ffirst made Inquirey of the house of Deputyes what they ment by Taxing all Lands in this province according to the heads of a Bill sent here from their house;wherevpon Mr Richard Hartshorne and sundry others of the house of Deputyes, Declared that their opinion were that all Lands, as well the proprietors as others wch are purchased from the Indians, should be Rated,-notwithstanding that Clause of the Concessions was Read to them that positively says, that the proprieto's Land before setlm' shall not bee subject to any Taxe The wch was fully argued and the Deputyes Retorned to their house to Consider thereof.

The house of Deputyes Againe Came here vpon the ffree Conferance touching the abovesd matter, and the Deputyes againe gave their opinione That all Lands purchased from the Indians ought to bee Equally Rated whether proprietors or planter.-vpon wch the Governor, after a Long and hott Debate, finding the Resoluc'on of the Deputyes to bee such as might if put in Execuc'on Destroy one of the ffundamentall Constituc'ons of this province, Did assume vpon his Honor to pay in behalfe of the Lords proprieto's of this province, their Equall Taxes for such of them as have p'ticular pattents for any Tract or Tracts of Land vnsettled and purchased of the Indians, but would not Consent that the same should bee past into an Act for the Reasons afores:-vpon wch the Deputyes was seemingly Contentent and went out to Consider thereof Adjourned till 8 Clocke tomorrow morneing


Att a Council held att Amboy perth in the County of Middx the 23d day of May anno Dni 1688

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A Message from the house of Deputyes brought here by m John White m' wm Haige m' Ric: Berry m' Benja Griffith & al. signifieing, that it was the vote of the house of Deputyes vpon mature Considerac'on, That the proprieto's Land wch is vnsettled should not bee Rated or Taxed for the Raiseing a supply for his maties service att Albany, and further they Desire that there might bee a Com'ittee of the house of Deputyes and this Councill im'ediately to meete to setle the Bill for Raiseing a supply as afores; to wch this house agreed -wherevpon it was ordered that major John Berry mr Sam11 winder and Capt Thomas Codrington, bee the p'sons appointed from this Board to attend the sd Com'ittee &c.

The Bill wch formerly was brought here from the house of Deputyes touching the Court of Small Causes was againe Read over, and after some amendmts made by this Board, was Transcribed over and sent backe to ye Deputyes &c

Adjourned till 2 Clocke afternoone


about seven att night, major John Berry Capt Thomas Codrington and mr Sam winter Retorned from the Com'ittee appointed this morneing to meete touching the Raiseing of a supply for his Maties service &c, and made their Reporte that the sa Com'ittee had agree vpon the method for Raiseing the same, and had also Drawne vp the sd Bill wch was here Read. Adjourned till 8 Clocke to morrow morneing

Att a Councill held att Amboy perth in East New Jersey xxiiijth May 1688

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