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Att a Councill held att Amboy perth in the County of Middx the Sixteenth day of Aprill Anno Dni 1686

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A Bill brought here from the house of Deputyes ffor the Tryall of all Causes and Cases in the Courts of Sessions-was here Read, amended, and sent to the Deputyes by m2 Sam11 Dennes &c-

Adjourned till 2 Clocke afternoone

post m'idiem

8 The Bill for appointing new Com'issioners for laying out of high wayes &c in the County of Monmouth againe Readand ordered to bee signed for the Concurrance of this Board-

The Bill touching the Court of Sessions being againe Read-The house of Deputyes Retoorned here the Bill of Costs, for money due to the Secretarys office for ye makeing out sundry Com'issions &c (wch was formerly sent them)--sayeing they app'hended it Did noewise Concerne them-

Adjourned till 8 Clocke to morrow morneing

Att a Councill begun and held att Amboy the seventeenth day of Aprill Anno Dni 1686

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A Bill for maintenance of prisoners that have noe visible Estate brought here from ye house of Deputyes-and Read, and being Drawne verry short and in many Cases insuffitient,a new Bill vpon the subject matter was againe Drawne up by



the Secretery, and ordered to bee sent to the house of Deputyes &c

A message from the Deputyes Desireing that the Considerac'on for Defrayeing the maintenance of the Goverm1 for the ffuture and such Charges as are by post-and a provition for the Governor and Councill &c being in service of ye Country as well as the Deputyes may bee Differ'd till next assembly.

9 A Bill from the house of Deputyes for p'hibiteing the weareing of swords daggers pistolls Dirks stilettoes &c by the Inhabitants of this province-was here Read-amended, and sent backe by m' Sam11 Dennes, and againe brought here and signed by the Governor &c

A Bill touching the Court of Com'on Right brought from the house of Deputyes, was here Read amended and sent them backe &c

10 The Bill for Maintenance of Prisoners &c, being againe brought from the house of Deputyes and signed by their speaker wthout any amendments, ordered that the same be signed by our Governor for this boards Concurrance &c-sent backe by Mr Dennes

11 Bill touching and Concerneing the taking vp of Runaway servants, was here Read, amended, and sent backe to ye Deputyes by m' Dennes, and againe brought here and signed by our Governor &c.


The Bill touching the Court of Com'on Right to bee held att Amboy onely, and that Twise in Each yeare-was againe Read, and signed by our Governor for this Boards Concurrance.

Adjourned till 4 Clocke afternoone

post m'idiem

A ffree Conferance was here held vpon the Bill for the settlem of the Secretaryes surveyors and all other office's ffees in this province, vpon the Result it was Concluded that a Comittee of Each house bee appointed to setle the sa fees and to meete vpon Munday morneing next &c

Adjourned till 8 Clocke Munday morneing


Att a Councill begun and held at Amboy the 19th April


p'sent Governor Lawrie
Major John Berry

Major wm Sandford
Mr Isaac Kingsland

Mr Benja Price


A Message from the house of Deputyes Desireing a ffree Conferance to Debate sundry affaires and in p'ticular the Bill for settlem of ffees--wch was granted them--and the house of Deputyes Coming in,

1st The Governor made Inquirey of what answer they gave touching the scheme of Govermt formerly Given them inAnswer, That they app'hended the same Did not agree with the Constitution of this province, and that they vnderstood that the same were noe wise bindeing Except past into a Lawe by the Generall Assembly

[fundamental Constitutions not agreeable &c]

2dy There Came in Debate how the Charges should bee Defraide for such publicke high wayes bridges and ferryes as are already made and to bee made,--after some Debate the house of Deputyes sayes they will take Care to Draw vp a Bill for that Ende.

3ly proposed by the Governor, how the Councillors and Secretary's Charges (who attend for the publicke servise in this Assembly) shall bee Defrai'd,--after a long Debate-the speaker sayes they see no Cause or Reason that the Country ought to Defray the same, being wthout p'sident.

4 How ye Secretaryes Bill of Charges for makeing out of writts for Elections of Deputyes Com'issions for Justices of peace &c, shal bee Defraide:-Answer that they see no Reason that the Country ought to pay for the same, for that they have not Liberty or power to Choose such officers &c

5ly Ques. who shall pay ye Kings Attorneyes ffees vpon Cryminall actions.-The speaker makeing Answer, says That the proprietors haveing all Royaltyes, waiths, strayes, and ffines ought to pay the same

6ly proposed

6ly proposed by the Governor, how they intend to Defray the Charges for the maintenance of the Governmt; the house of Deputyes Desired some tyme to Conferr amongst themselves vpon the subject matter and wthdrew.

A Message from the Deputyes in writeing as followeth &c vizt

The house of Deputyes haveing a second tyme taken into their serious Considerac'on the Bill for maintenance of the Goverm' &c Desire Lieve, first to Confer with their neighbours in Each Towne and County, and att the next meeting of the Assembly will Retorne an Answer &c

RIC: HARTSHORNE speaker. Adjourned till 2 Clocke afternoone

post meridiem

A paper was given in here by Mr John Inynons, therein setting forth that he has bin att a Considerable Expense to accommodate the Country, in makeing out a Road to the ffalls from his house vpon the Raraton, weh is six miles shorter then formerly, and hath ffurnished himselfe wth all accomodac❜on as boates Canoes &c ffitting for fferrying over the Raraton River all Travelling wth horses and Catle &c--Desireing this Board will bee pleased to order its being a publicke Road for the use of the Country, and setle the Rates for the fferry &c, wch being Read, It's Agreed and ordered that the Com'issio's appointed by Act of Generall Assembly for laying out of all High wayes Landings and fferryes, in some short tyme Repaire to the s fferry and there inspect the same and make their Retorne to the Secretaryes office; and as to the sd ffees and Rates for the fferry, the same must bee setled by Act of Generall Assembly, to weh end this Board will take Čare to Recomend the same to the house of Deputyes

A Bill brought here from the house of Deputyes for the Inhabitants in Each Towne Respectively to meete and make Rates orders &c:--wch being Read,--this Board findeing the same not well model'd,-Agreed that the Secretary Im'ediately draw vp a new Bill vpon the subject matter wch was done. accordingly and sent to the house of Deputyes &c.

13 The above s Bill was againe brought here wthout any alterations signed by their speaker, and being Read the second tyme was ordered to bee signed by our Governor for this boards Concurrance


A message from the house of Deputyes as followes


The House of Deputyes haveing in Considerac'on the season of the yeare, and the Emergency of their occas'ons Require a Respite it being planting and seede tyme, Doe propose to the Governor and Councill an adjournment of the house of Deputyes vntill the Third Tuesday in October next:--wch being Read,-Agreed and ordered that this Councill bee adjourned till the Third Tuesday in the Month of October next-and the whole house of Deputyes being p'sent agreed to the same And this Councill adjourned accordingly &c

Att a Council begun and held att Elizabeth Towne in the County of Essex the fifth day of gber Anno Dni 1686

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A Com'ission from Governor Barclay to Lord Neil Campbell for the office of Deputy Governor of this Province-was here Read; whereupon it was agreed and ordered that the same bee Recorded, and that his Lordship is Recognized by the Members of this Councill our Deputy Governor of this Province of East New Jersey, who Imediately tooke the Chaire &c.

It's Agreed and ordered that a Proclamac'on bee im'edately drawne vp and issued out into Each County in and through out this Province setting forth his Lordpps Com'ission wth a Confirmation and Continuac'on of all Com'issions Magistrates and officers both Civil and Millitary in and throughout this province, till his LordPPs pleasure bee further knowne &c


Att a Councill begun and held att Amboy perth in the County of Middx the 20th day of 8ber Anno Dni 1686

p'sent Lord Neil Campbell Gov

Capt Andrew Hamilton

Major John Berry

Mr Sam Winder
Mr David Mudy
James Emott Sec.



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