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Att a Councill begun and held att Amboy perth in the County of Middx the 6th day of Aprill Anno Dni 1686

p'sent Garuon Lawrie Esq' D Governor

Major John Berry
Major W Sandford
Mr Benja Price &
Henry Lyon

Mr Sam Dennes

of the Councill

The writts for Electing of Deputyes in Each Respective Towne in this province to serve in the generall Assembly were Retoorned here by by the Respective Sheriffes of Each County -wch Election was as followes viz1-

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The house of Deputyes all appeared here as above according to the Election, Excepting M Wm pinhorne and Wm Haige, and being called out our Governor according to the vsual manner Directed them to make Choyse of their speeker & Clerke and they wthdrew


Agreed and ordered that a new Com'ission for the Justices of the Court of Sessions for the County of Bergen bee Issued out and that Major John Berry's name be Incerted wch through a mistake was left out and omitted in yo last Com'ission-

The Councill haveing taken into Considerac'on the Removall of Thomas Rudyard Esq' to ye Island of Barbadoes and that he has Deserted the office of Secretary of this province of East new yorke [sic]-It's therefore agreed and ordered that a Com'ission bee im'ediately made out to James Emott gent for the office of Chiefe Secretary, of whose skill prudence and integrity in the managemt of the s office this Council is verry well satisfied--and that in the meane tyme hee act as such

a Coppy of the Com'ission of Coll Thomas Dongan for the office of Vice Admerall of new yorke &c was translated into English by James Emott and here Read-and also Co11 Dongans writt of Admiralty Directed to our Govenor to take the boddy of Ric: Hartshorne &c and the Considerac'on thereof Differd till next Councill

The house of Deputyes Came here and nominated Ric: Hartshorne for their speaker and Benja Griffith for their Clarke as to ye speaker this board was well satisfied but the Governor Excepted agt the Clarke as being his servant &c

Adjourned till 8 A Clocke tomorrow morneing

Att a Councill held att Amboy perth the seventh day of April Anno Dni 1686



The Deputy Governor

Major John Berry

Major wm Sandford

Benja Price

Henry Lyon &

Sam Dennes


A message from the house of Deputyes brought here by Mr Sam Edsall John Hanse John Curtis and Isaac Smally- -acquainteing this Board of their want of a Deputy for the Towne of Newarke, and also one more for the piscataway-the Councill Did propose to them to take into Considerac'on as well the want of a Deputy for this Towne of Amboy and vpon the Result of both houses to have writts issued out accordinglythe Messingers wthdrew and againe Comeing in acquainted this Board that it was the vote of their house that Two Deputy es


bee Chosen for the Towne of Amboy to serve in the generall assembly, to wch this Councill agreed

Coll Dongans Com'ission for Vice Admerall &c came againe in Debate and being Read and well considered-It's Agreed and ordered that a Letter bee Drawne vp in order to bee sent to ye Governor of new yorke vpon the subject matter of the Com'ission, and also touching an Admeralty writt formerly sent Directed to our Governor &c

Agreed and ordered that a new writt for ye electing one other Deputy to serve in this p'sent general assembly for the Towne of piscataway and out plantations bee issued out and that the Inhabitants bee summoned to meete vpon the 9th Instant in order thereto-also a writt to the sheriffe of this County to sumon the Inhabitants of this Towne for Electing of two Deputyes &c

a Bill of Costs wherein this province of East Jersey is Debtor to the Secretarys office for sundry Com'issions &c for ye Justices and other officers necessary for Govermt wherein noe p'vision is made for paym1-being here Read-Agreed and ordered that major Sandford and Benja price carry the same to the house of Deputyes to the ende they may Consider of a way of paym1.

a Bill brought here from the house of Deputyes-That the Deputyes for the Respective Townes shall bee pd by the Respective bounds where they have bin Elected-Three shillings p. day, to bee pd in money porke or Corne att money price for this p'sent yeare-wch was here Read-Considerac'on Differ'd Adjourned till 2 Clocke afternoone

post m'idiem

a Bill brought here from the house of Deputyes for the forme of an Engagemt for Jury men, who for Contience sake cannot take an oath in the forme vsed-wch being Read, after some amendmts the same was againe sent backe to the house of Deputyes

The Bill for Establishing the sallery for the Deputyes being againe Read out-amended and sent to the house of Deputyes by Mr Sam11 Dennes

Agreed and ordered that major John Berry, Major Wm Sandford and Benja Price bee appointed for the more Dispatch of businesse to meete the like number of the house of Deputyes this Evening to Conferr together about the p'sent businesse of this Assembly--and that Mr Sam Dennes Carry this message to the house of Deputyes to acquaint them therewth

(1) The

(1) The Bill from the Deputyes for the forme of an Ingagemt for such p'sons as cannot take an oath &c weh was this day here Read-amended and againe sett backe, was brought here fairly transcribed-Agreed & ordered that the Governor signe the same for this Boards Concurrance &c-wch was done accordingly

Adjourned till 8 a Clocke to morrow morneing

Att a Councill held att Amboy perth in East new Jersey the Eight day of Aprill 1686

p'sent The Dept Governor
Major wm Sandford

Major John Berry

Isaac Kingsland



Benja Price &

Henry Lyon

Councill &c

The Sheriffe of this County of Middx brought here a Returne of his writt, wch yesterday was issued out for Electing 2 Deputyes for the Towne of Amboy perth to serve in this p'sent generall Assembly, wch were John Campbell and Benja Clarke


2 Bill for the Deputyes Sallery being againe brought here, Transcribed by them according to the severall amendm formerly made by this Board being Read-agreed and ordered that the same bee signed by the Governor for this Boards Concurrence &c

A Bill being brought here from the house of Deputyes for the punishmt of Adultry and ffornication-Read and amended -and sent to the Deputyes &c

Adjourned till 2 Clocke afternoone

post m'idiem

The aboves Bill for punishm of adultery and ffornicac❜on being againe Read-Agreed and ordered that m' Sam11 Dennes and Major Berry bee appointed im'ediately to Conferr wth the like Number or Comittee of the house of Deputyes vpon the subject matter of the sd Bill

Whereas Collonell Thomas Dongan Governor of new yorke hath lately sent into this province a writt of Admeralty beareing date the 27th ffeb: last past, Thereby Comanding our


Governor, Justices and all other officers to arrest the boddy of Richard Hartshorne and him to keepe in safe Custody, that his boddy might bee brought before the Judges of the Court of Admeralty in new yorke afores the first Munday in this p'sent Month of Aprill-and this Board haveing viewed and duely Considered ye Com'ission granted to ye sd Governor Dongan for Vice Admerall &c-Doe not app'hend that the sd Com'ission doth give any power or Authority to the sd Governor Dongan thereby to Comand the Governor Justices and other officers of this Province to arrest the boddy of the s Ric. Hartshorne and him to Convey to the Citty of new yorke before the sa Judge in order to a Tryall, as in the sd writt is suggested and Comanded--and therefore doe not app'hend that the Governor Justices or other officers of this province may wth safety put the sd writt in Execution &c

A Bill brought here from the house of Deputyes that all acc'ons may bee tryed by a Jury of the Neighbourhood where the ffact Realy arises-wch Read-agreed that Two of this house meete the like number of the Deputyes to Conferr about the subject matter of the Bill-and that Mr Sam Dennes and Major Sandford attend the same

A message from the house of Deputyes for a ffree Conferance wth this house-Agreed they have the same &c

3 A Bill from the house of Deputyes for the punishmt of Adultrey and fornicac'on fairely Transcribed being againe Read-Agreed and ordered that the Governor signe the same for this Boards Concurance, weh was Done accordingly and sent backe to the house of Deputyes by m' Sam11 Dennes &c Adjourned till 8 Clocke to morrow morneing

Att a Councill begun and held att Amboy perth the Ninth day of Aprill 1686

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trying of all actions by a Jury

A message from the Deputyes Desireing a Retorne of their Bill yesterday sent here, for the of the neighborhood where the ffact realy arises--agreed the same bee Returned by m' Sam Dennes one of the Members of this Councill


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