Gambar halaman

delphia.. May 14, and difsolved.. Sept. 17, 1787, which formed the Constitution of the United States. Boston, 1819. 8°

14 SECOND annual Report of the Comptrollers of the Public Schools, of the first school district of the State of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 1820. 8vo.

15 HOUSE of Refuge. [Resolution respecting one, Nov. 20, 1826.] 8vo. 16 AN ADDRESS from the managers of the House of Refuge to their fellow citizens, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1826. 8vo.

17 PHILADELPHIA in 1830-1: or, a brief account of the various institutions and public objects in this metropolis, etc. Philadel. 1830. 12°

18 THE JOURNAL of the Free Trade Convention, held in Philadelphia, . . Sept. 30 to Oct. 7, 1831; and their addrefs to the people of the United States. To which is added, a sketch of the debates in the convention. Philadelphia, 1831. 8°

19 FRIENDS of Education in Greece. [Begins] Fellow citizens. [A circular inviting subscriptions, etc. for the establishment of an American seminary in Athens.] Philadelphia, 1831. sh. fol.


20 HISTORY of the Orphan Asylum in Philadelphia. Philadelphia [1831].


21 REPORT of the Committee to whom was referred sundry memorials against lighting the city with Gas. Philadelphia, 1833. 80

22 PROCEEDINGS of the Association for establishing a School for the education of the Blind in Philadelphia and Pennsylvania, under J. R. Friedlander. Philadelphia [1833]. 8°

23 REPORT on the Debtors' Apartment of the Arch Street Prison, Philadelphia. Harrisburg, 1833. 8°

24 THE PHILADELPHIA Book, or specimens of metropolitan literature. Philadelphia, 1836. 12mo.

25 REPORTS of the Trustees of the Philadelphia gas works to the select

and common councils of the city of Philadelphia. To which are added, 1. The reports of committees of councils prior to the establishment of the Philadelphia gas works. 2. The report of S. V. Merrick on the gas works of Europe. 3. The ordinances of the select and common councils in relation to the works, etc. 9 parts. Philadelphia, 1838. 8°

26 THE ANNUAL Report of the Committee on Legacies and Trusts, made in common council, May 24, 1838. To which is appended a statement of all the devises, bequests, and grants made to the corporation of the city of Philadelphia, in trust. Philadelphia, 1838. 8vo.

27 A DESCRIPTIVE Catalogue of the Chinese collection in Philadelphia, with miscellaneous remarks upon the manners, customs, trade and governments of the Celestial Empire. Philadelphia, 1839. 8vo.

28 CHARTER and By-laws of the Society of the Sons of St. George. Together with an historical sketch of the reign and progrefs of the society, etc. Philadelphia, 1840. 8°

29 PERSECUTION of the Jews in the East; containing the proceedings of a meeting held at the Synagogue Mikveh Israel, Philadelphia, 27th of Aug. 1840. Philadel. 1840. 8°

30 REPORT of the special committee appointed by the common council on a communication from the board of trustees of the Girard College.. Read August 27, 1840. Philadelphia, 1840. 8°

31 THE MERCANTILE Register, or business man's guide; containing a list of the principal business establishments, including hotels and public institutions, in Philadelphia. Philadelphia, 1846. 8vo.

32 PROCEEDINGS of the National Convention of the friends of public education, held in Philadelphia, Oct. 17, 18, and 19, 1849. Philadelphia, 1849. 8°

33 THIRTY-SEVENTH annual Report

of "The Controllers of the public schools of the first school district of Pennsylvania," comprising the city and county of Philadelphia for the year ending Dec. 31, 1855, with their accounts. Philadel. 1856. 8vo.

PHILADELPHIA DIRECTORY. Stephens's Philadelphia Directory for 1796. Philadelphia [1796]. 12°

2 THE PHILADELPHIA Directory, city and county register, for 1802. To which is added an almanack by A. Shoemaker. By J. Robinson. Philadelphia [1802]. 12°

3 THE PHILADELPHIA Directory for 1805-(1811). By J. Robinson. Phi ladelphia [1805-11]. 12°

4 CENSUS Directory for 1811... To which is annexed an appendix. . and a perpetual calendar. Philadelphia, 1811. 12°

5 THE PHILADELPHIA Directory for 1816. By J. Robinson. Philadelphia [1816]. 12°

6 ROBINSON'S Directory for 1817, being an alphabetical list of merchants, etc. of Philadelphia. [Philadelphia, 1817.] 12°

7 THE PHILADELPHIA Directory and Register for 1813-1819. By J. A. Paxton. [Philadel. 1813-19.] 12°

8 THE PHILADELPHIA Directory and Register for 1820. By E. Whitely. [Philadelphia, 1820.] 12°

9 THE PHILADELPHIA Index or Directory for 1823. By R. Desilver. [Philadelphia, 1823.] 12°

10 THE PHILADELPHIA Directory and Stranger's Guide for 1825. T. Wilson, editor. Philadel. 1825. 8°

II DESILVER'S Philadelphia Directory and Stranger's Guide for 1828 to 1831, 1833, 1835, and '36. Philadelphia, 1828-35. 8°

12 A. M'ELROY's Philadelphia Directory. 1837, 1839-1845. 8 vol. Philadelphia, 1837-45. 8°

13 MCELROY'S Philadelphia Directory. 1853. Philadelphia, 1853. 8° 14 See PHILADELPHIA, No 31. PHILADELPHIA MEDICAL


AND PHYSICAL JOURNAL. Collected and arranged by B. S. Barton. Vol. 1, Pt. 1, 2. Vol. 2. Pt. 1. Philadel. 1805. 8vo.

PHILADELPHIA MEDICAL SOCIETY. First Report of the Committee.. on quack medicines. . . Extracted from the North American Jan. 1828. Philadelphia, 1828. 8° Medical and Surgical Journal, . . for

PHILADELPHIA REGISTER and National Recorder (The). Jan. 1819, to June, 1821. 5 vol. [After vol. 1, the title: "Philadelphia Register" is dropped, and that of "National Recorder" alone retained.] Philadelphia [1819-21]. 8°

PHILADELPHIAD (THE); or new picture of the City [in verse]. Interspersed with a candid review and display of some first-rate modern characters. . delineated in a friendly and satirical manner, etc. Vol. 1. Philadelphia, 1784. 8°

PHILADELPHIAN, Pseud. [i. e. W. WILLIAMS]. A Hand-book for the stranger in Philadelphia, etc. By a Philadelphian. Philadel. 1849. 16°

PHILADELPHUS, Pseud. Letters addrefsed to Caleb Strong, Esq. late Governor of Massachusetts, showing that retaliation, capital punishments, and war, are prohibited by the Gospel; .. not necefsary to the safety of individuals or nations; but, incompatible with their welfare; inconsistent with the Christian character; and contrary to the laws of Christ. New York, 1816. 8°

PHILANTHROPOS, Pseud. The Universal Peace-maker, or modern author's instructor. By Philanthropos. [A political tract.] Philadelphia, 1764. 8°

2 A LETTER to Aaron Burr ...on the barbarous origin, the criminal nature, and the baneful effects of duels; occasioned by his late fatal interview

with the deceased . . . General Alexander Hamilton. By Philanthropos. New York, 1804. 8°

3 A DISSERTATION on a Congress of Nations. By Philanthropos. Published by order of the American Peace Society. [New York?] 1832. 8°

PHILENIA, a lady of Boston. Pseud. [i. e. Mrs. Sarah Wentworth Apthorp Morton]. Ouâbi; or the virtues of nature. An Indian tale, in four cantos. By Philenia, a lady of Boston. Boston, 1790. 8°

PHILIP, UNCLE, Pseud. [i. e. Francis L. Hawks]. History of the United States: N° 1; or Uncle Philip's Conversations with the children about Virginia. New York, 1840. 12°

2 HISTORY of the United States: No 2; or Uncle Philip's Conversations with the Children about New York. New York, 1844. 12o

3 HISTORY of the United States: No 3; or, Uncle Philip's Conversations with the children about Mafsachusetts. 2 vol. N. York, 1844. 12°

4 HISTORY of the United States: No 6; or Uncle Philip's Conversations with the children about New Hampshire. 2 vol. New York, 1844. 12°

5 EVIDENCES of Christianity; or Uncle Philip's Conversations with the Children about the truth of the Christian religion. N. York, 1844.


6 THE LOST Greenland; or, Uncle Philip's Conversations with the children about the lost colonies of Greenland. New York, 1844. 120

7 NATURAL History; or, Uncle Philip's Conversations with the children about tools and trades among inferior animals. New York, 1844.


8 THE AMERICAN Forest: or, Uncle Philip's Conversations with the children about the trees of America. New York, 1845. 120

PHILLIPPO, JAMES M. Jamaica, its past and present state. Philadelphia [printed; and] N. York, 1843. 8°

An Oration,

PHILLIPS, JOHN. pronounced July 4, 1794, at . . Boston, in commemoration of the anniversary of American Independence. Boston, 1794. 8°

PHILLIPS, P. Digest of Cases decided and reported in the Supreme Court of the State of Alabama, from 1st Alabama Reports to 7th Porter inclusive; with the rules of court and practice, and a table of titles and cases; To which are appended, the Declaration of Independence; the Constitution of the United States, etc. Mobile, 1840. 8°

2 DIGEST of Cases decided by the Supreme Court of the State of Alabama, from Minor to 7 Alabama Reports inclusive. Mobile, 1846. 8°

PHILLIPS, P. and others. Report of the Commissioners appointed to examine the Bank of Mobile. Nov. 3, 1841. Tuscaloosa, 1841. 8°

PHILLIPS, STEPHEN C. of Maßachusetts. Speech. . upon the bill for the relief of the sufferers by the fire at New York; delivered in the House of Representatives, Feb. 16, 1836. Washington, 1836. 8°

PHILLIPS, W. H. Phillips's United States Patent Fire Annihilator. [Statement of its advantages, with the opinions of the prefs as to its efficacy.] New York, 1851. 8°

PHILLIPS, WILLIAM, F. L. S. etc. An Elementary Treatise on Mineralogy; . . Fifth edition, from the fourth London edition, by R. Allan; containing the latest discoveries. . With numerous additions. . . by F. Alger. Boston, 1844. 12°

PHILLIPS, WILLARD. The Inventor's Guide, comprising the rules, forms, and proceedings, for securing patent rights. Boston, 1837. 12mo.

2 THE LAW of Patents for Inventions, including the remedies and legal proceedings in relation to Patent Rights. Boston, N. York, 1837. 8vo.


3 A TREATISE on the Law of Insurance. Second edition. 2 vol. Boston, 1840. 8°

PHILLIS, a servant girl. . belonging to Mr. J. Wheatley, of Boston. An Elegiac Poem on the death of.. G. Whitefield, etc. Boston printed, Newport, Rhode Island, reprinted [1770]. 4°

PHILOSOPHY of the Plan of Salvation. A book for the times. By an American citizen. With an introductory essay by C. E. Stowe. Fourth thousand. Salem, 1845. 12°

2 PHILOSOPHY of the Plan of Salvation. A book for the times by an American Citizen [J. B. Walker]. With an introductory Essay by C. E. Stowe. Boston, 1851. 12o

PHILOSOPHY OF EVIL, showing its uses and its unavoidable necefsity; by a series of familiar illustrations drawn from a philosophical examination of the most startling evils of life; etc. Philadelphia, 1845. 12°

PHILOSOPHY OF MODERN Miracles, or the Relations of Spiritual Causes to Physical Effects; with especial reference to the mysterious developments at Bridgeport and elsewhere. By a Dweller in the Temple. New York, 1850. 8°

PHOCION, Pseud. A Letter from Phocion to the considerate citizens of

With directions to travellers visiting the island. By a Physician. Boston, 1844. 12mo.


PICKENS, FRANCIS W. Speech in the House of Representatives, Jan. 21, 1836, on the abolition question. Published from the notes of H. G. Wheeler, revised . . . by the author. Washington, 1836. 8°

PICKERING, ELLEN. The Grumbler. A novel. From the London edition. New York [1846]. 8vo.

PICKERING, JOHN. An Oration delivered.... 4 July, 1804, at St. Peter's Church, in Salem, Massachusetts; in commemoration of the Independence of the United States. Salem, 1804. 8°

2 A VOCABULARY of Words and Phrases supposed to be peculiar to the United States of America. Boston, 1816.


3 A VOCABULARY, or, collection of words and phrases which have been supposed to be peculiar to the United States of America. To which is prefixed an Essay on the present state of the English language in the United States... Now republished with . . . additions. Few MS. notes. Boston, 1816. 8vo.

4 AN ESSAY on the Pronunciation of the Greek Language. Cambridge, 1818. 4to.

New York, on the politics of the day. graphy for the Indian Languages of 5 AN Essay on a uniform OrthoNew York, 1784. 8° North America. Cambridge, 1820. 4to.

PHYSICIAN. A View of the metaphysical and physiological arguments in favour of Materialism. By a Physician. Philadel. 1824. 12mo.

2 DESULTORY Notes on the origin, uses, and effects of ardent spirit. By a Physician. Philadelphia, 1834. 8°

3 NOTES on Cuba; containing an account of its discovery and early history; a description of the face of the country, its population, resources, and wealth its institutions, and the manners and customs of its inhabitants.


6 A LECTURE on the alleged uncertainty of the law; delivered before the Boston Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, March 5, 1830. .. From the American Jurist, for Oct. 1834. Boston, 1834. 8°

7 EULOGY on Nathaniel Bowditch, President of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, including an Analysis of his scientific publications. Delivered before the Academy, May 29, 1838. Boston, 1838. 8°

8 A COMPREHENSIVE Lexicon of the Greek Language, adapted to the use of Colleges and Schools in the United States. Third edition, greatly enlarged, and improved. Boston, 1846. 8°

9 AN EXAMINATION of the testimony of the Four Evangelists, etc. (The Trial of Jesus, etc. by M. Dupin; translated from the French by J. Pickering.) Boston, 1847. 8°

PICKERING, JOHN, and OLIVER, Daniel. A Greek and English Lexicon; adapted to the authors read in the Colleges and Schools of the United States, and to other Greek Classics. Second edition, with many additions and improvements. Boston, 1829. 8°

PICKERING, OCTAVIUS. A Digest of Pickering's Reports, vol. 2-7 ; being a supplement to the digest of the previous volumes of the Massachusetts Reports; by L. Bigelow. Boston, 1830. 8°

2 A DIGEST of Pickering's Reports, from the second to the eighth volume inclusive. By W. Phillips and others. Boston, 1831. 8vo.

3 REPORTS of Cases argued and determined in the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts. Second edition. Vol. 1, with notes and references, by E. Pickering. Vol. 2-10, with notes, etc. by J. C. Perkins. Boston, 1833-41. 8vo. Vol. 11-24, 1833-1842. 8vo.

PICKERING, THEOPHILUS. The Rev. Mr. Pickering's Letters to the Rev. N. Rogers and Mr. D. Rogers of Ipswich; with their Answer to Mr. Pickering's First Letter; as also his Letter to Mr. Davenport. . [relative to his behaviour, conduct, and doctrine]. Boston, 1742. 8vo.

PICKERING, TIMOTHY. Letter from the Hon. T. Pickering, a senator of the United States from the State of Massachusetts, exhibiting to his constituents a view of the imminent dan

[blocks in formation]

ger of an unnecessary and ruinous war, etc. Boston, 1808. 8°

2 [LETTER exhibiting to his constituents a view of the imminent danger of an unnecessary and ruinous war: addrefsed to his Excellency J. Sullivan.] [New York, 1808.] 8°

3 LETTER, exhibiting to his constituents a view of the imminent danger of an unnecessary and ruinous war: addressed to his Excellency J. Sullivan. Second edition, Bost. 1808. 8°

A REVIEW of the correspondence · between the Hon. John Adams, late President of the United States, and the late William Cunningham, Esq. beginning in 1803 and ending in 1812. (Appendix.) Salem,1824. 8vo.

5 THE SUFFERING Greeks. Το the inhabitants of the county of Essex. [An address in behalf of the Greeks.] [Salem, 1828.] 8°

positor, or American school class-book. PICKET, A. The Juvenile Exbracing radical and derivative orthoNo 4, improved and enlarged; emgraphy, etc. New York, 1827. 12°

PICKMAN, BENJAMIN. An Oration, pronounced Feb. 22, 1797, before the inhabitants of . . . Salem, in Massachusetts, afsembled to commemorate the birthday of George Washington, President of the United States of America. Salem, 1797. 8°

PICTURE BOOK for little boys and girls. American Sunday School Union, Philadelphia [1830?]. 12°

ladelphia [1832].
PICTURES of the Country. Phi-


PICTURES and Painters. Essays
upon Art: the old masters and mo-
dern artists. New York, 1849. 12°

PICTURES for the Little Ones at
Home. New York, 1855. Fol.

of De-coo-dah, and Antiquarian Re-
searches: comprising extensive ex-

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