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FLORA'S BIT (continued)

To the boys she gave one final wave,
And to herself she said,-

"What kind of a silly old fool am I,
Playin' the goat like that?—
Chuckin' of all my stock awye,
And damaging me 'at?

But them poor lads did look so thin,
I couldn't ha' slept if I 'adn't a-bin
An' gone an' done this foolish thing.
An' it done them good, an' it done me good,
So what's the odds if I does go lean,

For a day or two, till the nibs comes in?
A gell like me can always live,

An' the bit I had I had to give.

An' he called me a Daisy!-aw-'Daisy dear!' An' I-tell-you, it made me queer,—

With a lump in me throat and a swell right here. Fust time ever any one called me that,

An', I swear, it's better'n a bran new hat."


I saw one hanging on a tree,
And O his face was sad to see,-
Misery, misery me!

There were berries red upon his head,
And in his hands, and on his feet,
But when I tried to pick and eat,

They were his blood, and he was dead;-
Misery, misery me!

It broke my heart to see him there,
So lone and sad in his despair;

The nails of woe were through his hands,
And through his feet,-ah, misery me!

With beak and claws I did my best
To loose the nails and set him free,
But they were all too strong for me;-
Misery, misery me!

I picked and pulled, and did my best,
And his red blood stained all my breast;

RED BREAST (continued)

I bit the nails, I pecked the thorn,
O, never saw I thorn so worn;
But yet I could not get him free;-
Misery, misery me!

And never since have I feared man,
But ever I seek him when I can,
And let him see the wish in me
To ease him of his misery.


By the grace of God and the courage

Of the peoples far and wide,

By the toil and sweat of those who lived,

And the blood of those who died,

We have won the fight, we have saved the Right,

For the Lord was on our side.

We have come through the valley of shadows, We have won to the light again,

We have smitten to earth the evil thing,

And our sons have proved them men.
But not alone by our might have we won,
For the Lord fought in our van.

When the night was at its darkest,

And never a light could we see,—
When earth seemed like to be enslaved

In a monstrous tyranny;

Then the flaming sword of our Over-Lord
Struck home for liberty.

All the words in the world cannot tell you
What brims in our hearts for you;

OUR HEARTS FOR YOU (continued)

For the lives you gave our lives to save We offer our hearts to you;

We can never repay, we can only pray,— God fulfil our hearts for you!

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