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5.-Loved temperately.

6. Played a little.

7.-Bettered the world by having lived and contributed to liberty, the freedoms, humanitarianism, social justice, equity and progress.

8.-Approval of his own conscience.

Tentative Final Conclusions

Finally this compilation and its resulting half-century of study of the intricacies of LEADERSHIP seem to indicate that

1. Many of those in the "seats of the mighty" provided poor and narrow leadership. So few leaders had an understanding of the inexorable, divine forces of evolution and progress or of humanitarianism and social justice or of the supreme value of the individual human dignity of each follower!

2. All the defunct cultures and civilizations and those decaying nowadays seem to have rotted from the inevitable corruptions of vested interests and special privilege. Temptations seem to have overwhelmed weak, selfish and egotistic individuals and groups that were so fortunate as to have acquired or to have been entrusted with power and authority. Universally, entrenched vested interests and special privilege always contain the seeds of their own eventual destruction.

After several generations, how few enterprises and businesses are controlled by the descendants of the founders? Since the fall of Rome, where are the descendants of the feudal lords and all other European nobility? In 1949, how many direct male descendants of the signers of Magna Charta are there in the British House of Lords? How futile is primogeniture! and all the other crafty designs of those strong leaders who tried so strenuously but ingloriously to transmit in perpetuity their earned power and authority to their decadent descendants!

3. Every person is a leader, if only of himself or herself. 4. To succeed, good leadership entails the creation and the inculcating of a superiority complex in leaders and its respect amongst the followers; then this must be fostered continuously.

5. Whether in the family, agriculture, seafaring, business

and industry, the armed forces, the civil service, politics, government, etc., all individuals so fortunate as to be chosen for places of power and authority should never forget that selfishness, pride of position, overweening egotism transcending one's own self-respect and the disregarding of social justice, humanitarianism and human dignity are abuses, cheating and actual embezzlements of temporary and fragile trusteeships.

6. On whatever level, all leaders should feel charged with personnel management, the development of the latent capacities in their following and the inspiring of cooperative emotional responses to the doctrines and plans that might contribute to the successes of the chosen objectives of the groups to which followers belong and owe loyalties.

7. Good leadership embodies more of the spiritual values than it does of mental, ethical, religious, intellectual and material elements.

8. Let the rewards fall where they may! The main thing is to get the mission to a successful conclusion. Satisfying one's own conscience is the principal reward of effort and the few successes that fate allows to honorable men and women.

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As did Madison, Adams and Hamilton, leadership must put history to work.

In all human relations, individuals, people and tribes must be taken as is inadequately informed, fickle and emotional. As yet, rules are few; even these are seldom accurately definedand then poorly. Herein arise the interminable conflicts between democracy and their bitter antagonists, absolutists and totalitarians. Liberty, the freedoms and the dignity of man are always in peril. The "naïve, innocent (the inadequately informed) or the smugly righteous" must beware!

Throughout 55 years of studies of LEADERSHIP, the effort has been to emphasize its essentials to aspirants to that elusive


1.-Jesus Christ never compromised with evil. Regardless of unpopularity or apparent expediency, good leaders try to emulate Him.

2. Regardless of age, racial origins or religious affiliations and the social, educational, economic or power levels of associ ates, always respect each and every individual's human dignity.

3.-Talents and aptitudes, temperament and personality must be discovered and trained. Then, an agreeable and congenial calling or career should be chosen wherein are the possibilities of achievements.

4.-Cultivate showmanship and salesmanship of one's knowledge, skills and experience.

5. Maintain non-pompous personal dignity. Never pose, - strut or boast! Avoid undue selfishness, superiority complexes, false pride and snobbery. Excessive egotism incites disgust and enmity even against proved capacity and ability.

6. Freely, give more or less unselfish service to one's family, associates, community and tribe and to mankind. All individuals are interdependent, being on the same ship of state and in the same world.

7. Criticisms should be impersonal, temperate, instructive and constructive.

8. At every opportunity, for each and every success, accord quickly, generously and publicly, if not blatantly, all possible credit, praise and rewards to one's assistants and subordinates. 9. Be and feel modest in claiming personal credit for one's own or the group's achievements.

10.-Unless strictly accountable to superior power, few human beings can be trusted in positions of leadership!

Disregard of spiritual values, violations of the trusteeships of power, undue selfishness and the lack of vision, imagination and initiative make continuing good leadership hopeless.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Crusades, 347

Crusades, Results, 350

Greek Church, 337

Inquisition, 346
Monasticism, 344

Papacy's Decline, 352
Papacy's Growth, 329
Protestantism, 363
Reformation, 357
Civilization, 760

Civilization Patterns, 765
Civil Service, 1822

Civil Service Essentials, 1828
Civil Service, U.S.A., 1829
Clairvoyance, 1177

Cleanliness, 1587

Climate, 765

Colonies, 1819

Combativeness, 885

Commands, 2155

Common Sense, 1137

Communism, 412

Competition, 1274

Conclusions, cultures and civilizations,

Conclusions, tentative and final, 2226
Conduct, 1505

Definition, 1507
Difficulties, 1507
History, 1506
Patterns, 1509
Quotations, 1505
Recommendations, 1510
Conferences, 2145
Confessions, 1215
Confidence, 1558, 2073
Confiscations, 1618, 1721
Confucianism, 326
Conscience, 1214
Conservatism, 1546

Conservatives, 1909

Consistency, 1001

Constitution, U.S.A., 1874

Conversation, 1272

[blocks in formation]

Compiler's Aim, xxxii

Complaints, 2076

[blocks in formation]

Dash, 1440

[blocks in formation]


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