The Works of the English Poets: With Prefaces, Biographical and Critical1779 |
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Halaman 3
... those he leaves behind ! So when a father fees a careful fon Enlarge thofe coffers , which were firft his own , With joy to heaven he lifts his aged eyes , Bleffes his profperous heir , and calmly dies . } May all your fortune , like ...
... those he leaves behind ! So when a father fees a careful fon Enlarge thofe coffers , which were firft his own , With joy to heaven he lifts his aged eyes , Bleffes his profperous heir , and calmly dies . } May all your fortune , like ...
Halaman 11
... , To make thy hero's character compleat . This finish'd piece the nobleft pens commend ; And ev❜n the critics are the poet's friend . 10 4 IS 10 Led Led on by thee , those * flowery paths I TO THE MEMORY OF MR . HUGHES . It.
... , To make thy hero's character compleat . This finish'd piece the nobleft pens commend ; And ev❜n the critics are the poet's friend . 10 4 IS 10 Led Led on by thee , those * flowery paths I TO THE MEMORY OF MR . HUGHES . It.
Halaman 12
With Prefaces, Biographical and Critical Samuel Johnson. Led on by thee , those * flowery paths I view , For ever lovely , and for ever new , Where all the Graces with joint force engage , To ftem th ' impetuous follies of the age ...
With Prefaces, Biographical and Critical Samuel Johnson. Led on by thee , those * flowery paths I view , For ever lovely , and for ever new , Where all the Graces with joint force engage , To ftem th ' impetuous follies of the age ...
Halaman 34
... those from the walls defend . Red globes of fire from bellowing engines fly , And lead a sweeping blaze , like comets , through the sky . The kindled region glows ; with deafening found They burft ; their iron entrails , hurl'd around ...
... those from the walls defend . Red globes of fire from bellowing engines fly , And lead a sweeping blaze , like comets , through the sky . The kindled region glows ; with deafening found They burft ; their iron entrails , hurl'd around ...
Halaman 49
... those , Who durft thy dawning worth oppofe . The viper Spite , crush'd by thy virtue , shed Its yellow juice , and at thy feet lay dead . Thus , like the fun , did thy great Genius rife , With clouds around his facred head , Yet foon ...
... those , Who durft thy dawning worth oppofe . The viper Spite , crush'd by thy virtue , shed Its yellow juice , and at thy feet lay dead . Thus , like the fun , did thy great Genius rife , With clouds around his facred head , Yet foon ...
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Istilah dan frasa umum
Apollo APOLLO AND DAPHN arms beauteous beauty Behold Belgia bleffing bleft breaſt bright Cæfar cauſe charms courſe crouds crown'd Cupid Daphne darts defire Doft thou ELECTRA Ev'n eyes facred faid fair fame fate fcorn fecure feems ferene fhade fhall fhining fhore fide fighs fight filent fing fire firſt fkies flain flame fleeping flow flowing tears fmiling foes foft fome fong foon foul fpring ftill ftreams fuch fwain Ganimede glory goddeſs grace grove happy hear heart Heaven heavenly himſelf honours immortal inſpire itſelf laſt Love lyre maid Mufe Mufic Muſe ne'er numbers nymph o'er pain Peneus plains pleas'd pleaſure Pompey Pothinus praiſe pride purſue rais'd raiſe RECITATIVE reign rife riſe ſcene ſhall ſhe ſhine ſhore ſhould ſkies ſkill ſky ſmile ſpread ſtand ſtate ſtrains thee thefe theſe thofe thoſe thouſand tranſport triumphs Venus voice whofe whoſe