Never ending, still beginning, Take the good the gods provide thee. VI. RECITATIVE. The prince, unable to conceal his pain, Gaz'd on the fair, Who caus'd his care, And figh'd and look'd, figh'd and look'd, : At length, with love and wine at once opprefs'd, The vanquish'd victor sunk upon her breast.. DUETT O. 1. Phœbus, patron of the lyre, 2. Cupid, god of foft defire, 1 & 2. How victorious are your charms? I. 2. 1 & 2, Crown'd with conquest, Full of glory, See a monarch fall'n before ye, VII. RE VII. RECITATIVE. Now ftrike the golden lyre again; A louder yet, and yet a louder strain : Rouze him, like a rattling peal of thunder. Has rais'd up his head, As awak'd from the dead, And amaz'd he ftares around! AIR [with fymphonies.] Revenge, Revenge, Alecto cries, See the furies arife! See the fnakes that they rear, And the sparkles that flash from their eyes! VIII. RECITATIVE. Behold a ghastly band, Each a torch in his hand ! Those are Grecian ghosts, that in battle were flain, Give the vengeance due To the valiant crew. Behold how they tofs their torches on high, N 2. AIR. AIR. The princes applaud with a furious joy; And the king feiz'd a flambeau, with zeal to destroy; Thais led the way, To light him to his prey, And, like another Helen, fir'd another Troy. IX. RECITATIVE. Thus, long ago, Ere heaving bellows learn'd to blow, Could fwell the foul to rage, or kindle foft defire. Inventrefs of the vocal frame; The sweet enthufiaft, from her facred store, Enlarg'd the former narrow bounds, And added length to folemn founds, With nature's mother-wit, and arts unknown before. A IR. Let old Timotheus yield the prize, Or both divide the crown; He rais'd a mortal to the skies, She drew an angel down. SONGS. S N G S. T I. HY origin's divine, I fee, Of mortal race thou can't not be; Thy purple cheek outfhines the rofe, II. ONSTANTIA, fee, thy faithful flave, Ah! gentle nymph, no longer try Thy pity to my love impart, A wedded wife if thou would'st be, III. THRICE lov'd Conftantia, heavenly fair, For thee a fervant's form I wear; ETERNAL are the chains which here The generous fouls of lovers bind, When Hymen joins our hands, we swear And when, by death, the fair are snatch'd away, ANO. |