BRIT. And wakeful Fame defend, AUGUST A. RECITATIVE. Now fhall Augufta's fons their skill impart, In marble life to fhow, What the patriot was below. Here, let a weeping Cupid ftand, And wound himself with his own dart; There place the ducal crown, the fword, the wand, The mark of Anna's truft and his command. AIR. Lofty birth and honours shining, With eternal laurel binds. BRITANNIA. RECITATIVE. Behold fair Liberty attend, 6 And in Devonia's lofs bewail a friend. Then, on his urn the goddess writes: 45 50 $5 60 "Pre "Preferve, O urn his filent duft,, AUGUSTA. RECITATIVE. Genius of Britain! give thy forrows o'er. Now, vainly weep the dead no more! BRITANNI A. RECITATIVE. I own the new arifing light, I fee paternal grandeur fhine, Defcending, through th' illuftrious line, 65 70 75 Laft DUETTO, with all the inftruments. BRIT. Gently fmooth thy flight, O time! AUG. Smoothly wing thy fight, O time! BOTH. And as thou flying growest old, Still this happy race behold In Britannia's court fublime. 80 85 BRIT. Lead along their smiling hours; In Britannia's court fublime. 90 EPI L O GUE Spoken by Mr. MILLS, At the Queen's Theatre, on his Benefit-Night, February 16, 1709; a little before the Duke of Marlborough's going for Holland. WHETHER our ftage all others does excell In ftrength of wit, we'll not presume to tell: 5 Such worth conspicuous, beauty so divine, Valour and Beauty still were Britain's claim, 15 By both the Muses live, from both they catch their flame. Then as by you, in folid glory bright, Our envy'd ifle through Europe spreads her light, 20 And mark the golden track of Anne's diftinguish'd reign ; ! So, by your prefence here, we'll strive to raise To nobler heights our action and our plays; And Poets from your favours fhall derive WRITTEN IN A WINDO W A T GREENHI THE. 25 G REAT prefident of light, and eye of day, vifual ray, As through this glafs you caft your Confefs that, in your progrefs round the sphere, ties here. THE TOASTERS. WHILE circling healths inspire your sprightly wit, And on each glafs fome 'beauty's praife is writ, And, the once nam'd, no other nymph has charms. TOFTS AND MARGARETT A. M USIC has learn'd the difcords of the state, And concerts jar with whig and tory hate. The British Tofts, and every note commend, Lull'd |