No friendly moon or stars appear 20 Renounce the warrior's tempting praise," And buy thee, if thou might'st be fold, With gems, and purple vefts, and ftores of plunder'd gold. III. 25 But neither boundless wealth, nor guards that wait Around the conful's honour'd gate, Nor anti-chambers with attendants fill'd, The mind's unhappy tumults can abate, Or banish sullen cares, that fly Across the gilded rooms of state, And their foul nefts, like swallows, build 30 Close to the palace-roofs, and towers that pierce the sky. Nor knows the fordid luft of gain, Nor with Fear's tormenting pain 35 4.0 IV. Vain man! that in a narrow space At endless game projects the daring spear! 45 To diftant climates, and a foreign air? Fool! from thyfelf thou canst not fly, Thyself, the fource of all thy care. So flies the wounded stag, provok'd with pain, Bounds o'er the spacious downs in vain ; The feather'd torment sticks within his fide, And from the fmarting wound a purple tide Marks all his way with blood, and dyes the graffy plain. V. But fwifter far is execrable Care Than tags, or winds that through the skies 55 Nor leaves arm'd squadrons in the field, 60 And dwells alike in courts and camps, and makes all places yield. VI. Then, fince no ftaté 's compleatly bleft, And leave to fate the rest. 65 Nor Nor with vain fear of ills to come Anticipate th' appointed doom. The hero fell by fudden death; While Tithon to a tedious wafting age Drew his protracted breath. And thus old partial Time, my friend, Perhaps unafk'd to worthlefs me Thofe hours of lengthen'd life may lend, Which he'll refufe to thee. VII. 70 75 Thee fhining wealth and plenteous joys furround, 80 Thy harness'd steeds with fprightly voice Make neighbouring vales and hills rejoice, While finoothly thy gay chariot flies o'er the swift meafur'd way. To me the stars, with less profufion kind, And no untuneful Lyric vein, But a fincere contented mind, That can the vile malignant crowd difdain. THE BIRTH OF THE ROSE. FROM THE FRENCH. ONCE, on a folemn feftal day Held by th' immortals in the skies, Flora had fummon'd all the Deities That rule o'er gardens, or survey Ye fhining graces of my courtly train, O'er the gay flowery universe below; A Let me your counfel and affiftance ask, The Deities that stood around, The vileft thistle that infefts the plain Will think his tawdry painted pride Deferves the crown; and, if deny'd, Perhaps with traitor-plots moleft your reign. Vain are your fears, Flora reply'd, 'Tis fix'dand hear how I'll the caufe decide. Deep in a venerable wood, Where Oaks, with vocal skill endued, A lovely wood-nymph once did dwell. 25 30 35 She always pleas'd; for more than mortal fire Shone in her eyes, and did her charms inspire; A Dryad bore the beauteous nymph, a Sylvan was her fire. 'Chafte, wife, devout, the ftill obey'd With humble zeal heaven's dread commands, 40 To every action afk'd our aid, And oft before our altars pray'd; Pure was her heart, and undefil'd her hands. She's dead and from her fweet remains The wondrous mixture I would take, 45 This much defir'd, this perfect flower to make. Affift, and thus, with our transforming pains, We'll dignify the garden-beds, and grace our favourite plains. Th |