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Short title.

Education Board



(Assented to 20th January, 1890.)


An Act to amend the law relating to the
Professorship of Chemistry and Agricul-
tural Science, and to the Government

BE it enacted by the Governor, Council,

and Assembly of this Island, and by the authority of the same, as follows;


1. This Act may be cited as "The Professorship of Chemistry, and Government Laboratory Act, 1890."

2. The Education Board shall, whenever to appoint Profes- a vacancy occurs in the Professorship of of Chemistry Chemistry and Agricultural Science, appoint and Agricultural a duly qualified person to fill the same; and




the said Professor shall receive an annual

His Salary and salary of five hundred pounds, and shall hold himself at the disposal of the Education Board, and shall retain his office during the pleasure of the same, and shall be employed at the discretion of the Board in superintending and directing the instruction given in his department as well as himself gratuitously imparting instruction at the Government Laboratory to the pupils of the principal educational establishments of the Island, and shall gratuitously render assistance to and perform analysis for any Government Institution or officer, which or who may in the discharge of official duties. require such assistance and analysis; and the Board shall make rules and regulations for settling the instruction to be given by the said Professor to the pupils of the schools

SESSION OF 1889-90.

and colleges of the Island, and for fixing the fees demandable by the Professor for assistance rendered to or analyses made for private persons, and shall also if possible arrange for the delivery by the said Professor of courses of public lectures and the hodingof evening classes, for the benefit of young men engaged in business and others, and they shall fix the fees to be paid by attendants at such lectures and classes.

Education Board

3. The Education Board are hereby empowered to appoint a laboratory assistant may appoint a Labto the Professor of Chemistry to aid him oratory Assistant. in the discharge of the several duties imposed on him by this Act. Such assistant shall hold his office during the pleasure of the Board and shall receive during his first year of office a salary of forty pounds increasing annually thereafter by increments of ten pounds until the maximum of one hundred pounds is arrived at, after which during his continuance in office he shall receive the annual salary of one hundred pounds.

His Salary.

4. The Education Board are hereby em- Education Board powered to appoint an office messenger and may appoint ofice porter for the laboratory. Such messenger messenger for Laband porter shall be appointed on such terms oratory. as to dismissal as the Board may think tit, and shall receive a salary at the rate of twelve pounds ten shillings per annum.

Salary under this

5. The several salaries in this Act mentioned shall be paid out of the public trea- Act, how payable. sury on the warrant of the Governor-in-Executive Committee by equal monthly instalments

6. A sum not exceeding one hundred and

seventy five pounds is hereby granted to £175 granted to the Education Board out of the public trea- supply the Labora.


tory with fittings, sury for supplying the laboratory with fittings, furniture, books and apparatus.


Provision for up. keep of Laboratory.


Suspending sec


Short title.


7. The sum required to defray the cost of chemicals, of the repair of apparatus &c. of the supplying of gas and water, and the other incidental expenses of the laboratory shall be voted on the annual estimates and, paid out of the public treasury.

8. Section seventy one of "The Education Act, 1878," is hereby repealed.

9. This Act shall not come into operation unless and until the officer administering the Government notifies by proclamation that it is Her Majesty's peasure not to disallow the same, and thereafter it shall come into operation upon such day as the officer administering the Government shall notify by the same or any other proclamation.


(Assented to 30th January 1890.) BARBADOS.

An Act to provide for the refund of certain contributions to the Superannuation Fund.


E it enacted by the Governor, Council and Assembly of this Island and by the authority of the same, as follows;

1. This Act may be cited as "The Superannuation (Refund of Contributions) Act,


Contributions to 2. The amount contributed to the SuperSuperannua. annuation Fund by any tion Fund of officers to contribute prior to who ceased to con- Superannuation Act,

officer who ceased the passing of "The Amendment Act,

tribute before “The 1883," in consequence of resignation, retireSuperannuation ment from the service of this Colony after

Act, Amendment

SESSION OF 1889-'90.

having contributed for a period of less than Act, 1883," to be ten years, promotion to an office that did refunded. not fall within the scope of "The Superannuation Act, 1870," death or any cause other than dismissal from the service, or its equivalent, shall be refunded, without interest, to such officer or in case of his death, to his legal personal representative.

3. The amount contributed to the Super- Contributions of annuation Fund by any officer who, either officers who take prior to the passing of this Act or within advantage of sect. six months after the passing of this Act, 2 of that Act, to be refunded, immedishall have given to the Colonial Treasurer ately if notice given the notice specified in section two of "The before expiration of Superannuation Act, Amendment Act, 1883," 6 months after date shall be refunded to him, or in case of his of this Act; death, to his legal personal representative,

without interest.

4. Any officer, who shall fail to avail him- or on retirement or self of the provisions of section two of "The death if notice given Superannuation Act, Amendment Act, 1883," subsequently. within six months after the passing of this

Act, shall not be entitled to an immediate refund of his contributions to the Superannuation Fund if he avails himself of such provisions subsequently; such contributions shall be refunded to him without interest, on his retirement from the service, or to his legal personal representative on his death in the service.

Officers entitled

5. The officers who have contributed to the Superannuation Fund for a period of ten to a pension may, years, and are under the provisions of section within 6 months seventeen of "The Superannuation Act, 1870," after date of this entitled to a pension, may within six months Act, elect to receive a refund of their after the passing of this Act, but not after- contributions on wards, elect in writing, addressed to the condition of forfeitColonial Treasurer, to receive the amount ing their rights to contributed by them to the Superannuation a pension.

Short title.


Fund and such amount shall be refunded to them without interest, and if they so elect, they shall forfeit all right to a pension.


(Assented to 30th January 1890.)


An Act to provide for the appointment of an Assistant Harbour Master.


E it enacted by the Governor, Council and Assembly of this Island and by the authority of the same, as follows;

1. This Act may be cited as "The Assistant Harbour Master's Act, 1890."

2. It shall be lawful for the Governor to Governor may ap- appoint an Assistant Harbour Master at an point an Assistant annual salary of not exceeding one hundred and fifty pounds, payable out of the public treasury on the warrant of the Governor-in-Executive Committee, by equal monthly instalments.

Harbour Master. Salary not to exceed £150.

Duties of Assis- 3. The Assistant Harbour Master shall taut Harbour Mas- perform such of the duties of the Harbour ter to be fixed by Master, and shall assist the Harbour Master Governor-in-Execu- in such manner and to such extent, and in addition, shall perform such other duties as the Governor-in-Executive Committee may from time to time appoint.

tive Committee.

4. The Assistant Harbour Master shall, in respect of the duties imposed on him by this Act, have all the powers, authorities, rights and privileges which, and be subject to all the obligations to which, the Harbour Master by law now has and is subject, and the Harbour Master if, and so far as he is, by any rule of the Governor-in-Executive Committee excused from discharging any

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