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" DICTIONARIES has long been felt by the younger students in schools, and by the classical scholar who requires a book that may be carried in the pocket ; and it is believed that the present is the first attempt which has been made to offer a complete Lexicon... "
The Rudiments of Civil Engineering - Halaman 4
oleh Henry Law - 1852
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Examples and Solutions in the Differential Calculus

James Haddon - 1851 - 198 halaman
...Language in so small a compass. In the volumes on ENGLAND, GREECE and ROME, it is intended to treat o: History as a Science, and to present in a connected...preceding Series on the pure and applied Sciences amongst student?, practical mechanics, and others, affords conclusive evidence of the desire of our industrious...
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Principles and Practice of Statics and Dynamics: Embracing a Clear ...

Thomas Baker - 1851 - 188 halaman
...Language in so small a compass. In the volumes on ENGLAND, GREECE and ROME, it is intended to trffi History as a Science, and to present in a connected view an analysis of the 1* and expensive works of the most highly valued historical writers. The ex:e:-- circulation of the...
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Outlines of the history of Greece, in connexion with the rise of ..., Volume 1

William Douglas Hamilton - 1853 - 240 halaman
...GREECE and ROUE, it is intended to treat of History as a Science, and to present in a connected viewran analysis of the large and expensive works of the most...preceding Series on the pure and applied Sciences amongst student*, practical mechanics, and others, affords conclusive evidence of the desire of our industrious...
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Rudimentary Treatise on the Power of Water: As Applied to Drive Flour Mills ...

Joseph Glynn - 1853 - 210 halaman
...Language in so small a compass. In the volumes on ENGLAND, GREECE and ROME, it is intended to treat o( History as a Science, and to present in a connected...large and expensive works of the most highly valued historiaal writers. The extensive circulation of the preceding Series on the pure and applied Sciences...
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A Grammar of the English Tongue: Spoken and Written, for Self-teaching and ...

Hyde Clarke - 1853 - 180 halaman
...GREECE and КОМЕ, it is intended to treat of History as a Seienee, and to present in a eonneeted view an analysis of the large and expensive works of the most highly valued historieal writers. The extensive eireulation of the preeeding Series on the pure and applied Seienees...
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The art of photography, with practical hints by F. Schubert, tr. by G.L. Strauss

G C Hermann Halleur - 1854 - 154 halaman
...different in character, but which, it is hoped, may be found equally serviceable. The DICTIONARIES of the MODERN LANGUAGES are arranged for facility...large and expensive works of the most highly valued historiaal writers. The extensive circulation of the preceding Series on the pure and applied Sciences...
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A Grammar of the Greek Language ...

Hans Claude Hamilton - 1854 - 220 halaman
...may be carried in the pocket ; and it is believed that the present is the first attempt which lias been made to offer a complete Lexicon of the Greek...large and expensive works of the most highly valued historieal writers. The extensive circulation of the preceding Series on the pure and applied Sciences...
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A practical grammar of the Latin tongue

Thomas Goodwin (headmaster.) - 1854 - 176 halaman
...may be carried in the pocket ; and it is believed that the present is the first attempt which lias been made to offer a complete Lexicon of the Greek...large and expensive works of the most highly valued historian! writers. The extensive circulation of the preceding Series on the pure and applied Sciences...
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Rudimentary Treatise on Cottage Building, Or, Hints for Improving the ...

Charles Bruce Allen - 1854 - 168 halaman
...Language in so small a compass. In the volumes on ENGLAND, GREECE and ROME, it is intended to treat History as a Science, and to present in a connected view an analysis of the lai and expensive works of the most highly valued historical writers. The extensi circulation of the...
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On the Use of Field Artillery on Service: With Special Reference to that of ...

A. Taubert (captain.) - 1856 - 262 halaman
...different in character, but which, it is hoped, may be found equally serviceable. The DICTIONARIES of the MODERN LANGUAGES are arranged for facility...their reach ; and this has induced the hope that the volflmes on History will be found profitable not only in an intellectual point of view, but, which...
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