The Rudiments of Civil EngineeringJ. Weale, 1852 |
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Halaman 27
... be kept at such a height as to cover the top of the fire - box c , a small tube J , fig . 50 , is placed vertically at the end of the boiler , being connected with it at each extremity by a short C 2 CIVIL ENGINEERING . 27.
... be kept at such a height as to cover the top of the fire - box c , a small tube J , fig . 50 , is placed vertically at the end of the boiler , being connected with it at each extremity by a short C 2 CIVIL ENGINEERING . 27.
Halaman 28
... tube there are three cocks m , n , o , placed one above the other , the heights of which are so arranged that when the water in the boiler is at its usual level , the cock m shall be in the steam , and the two lower ones , n and o , in ...
... tube there are three cocks m , n , o , placed one above the other , the heights of which are so arranged that when the water in the boiler is at its usual level , the cock m shall be in the steam , and the two lower ones , n and o , in ...
Halaman 32
... tubes c , c , by the peculiar form of the ash - pan w , by which the air is forced or blown through the fire ; and also by allowing the waste steam from the cylinders to escape into the chimney H , by means of the pipe x , the effect of ...
... tubes c , c , by the peculiar form of the ash - pan w , by which the air is forced or blown through the fire ; and also by allowing the waste steam from the cylinders to escape into the chimney H , by means of the pipe x , the effect of ...
Halaman 33
... tubes c , c ; but when it is desired to damp the fire , by simply depressing this frame , the plates are caused to close upon each other , similar to a Venetian blind , when the laths are placed so as to exclude as much light as ...
... tubes c , c ; but when it is desired to damp the fire , by simply depressing this frame , the plates are caused to close upon each other , similar to a Venetian blind , when the laths are placed so as to exclude as much light as ...
Halaman 39
... tube about 18 inches in diameter ( the size , however , depending on the amount and description of the traffic ) , is laid along the center of the railway , between the two rails , extending the whole length of the line . In this tube a ...
... tube about 18 inches in diameter ( the size , however , depending on the amount and description of the traffic ) , is laid along the center of the railway , between the two rails , extending the whole length of the line . In this tube a ...
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Istilah dan frasa umum
abutment angle of resistance arch beam boat body boiler bricks canal locks carriage cast iron center of gravity center of percussion chains Civil Engineer column construction cube curve cylinder deflexion depth Diagram diameter dimensions direction distance docks Dora Riparia elevation embankments equal equilibrium exposed extrados feet figure flanges force friction gates ground HENRY LAW horizontal Idem inclination inclined planes joint key-stone length lime limestone line of pressure load lock chamber Longitudinal section manner masonry material metals motion move multiplied parallel pass piers piston Plan plane plates portion principal proportional radius rails Railway represent ribs river road rope section of ditto sectional area shown in fig side square inch steam stone strain strength strength of materials supported surface suspension bridges termed timber tion Transverse Section Treatise tube upper canal valve velocity vertical vessels vis viva vols voussoirs wall Weight in lbs wheels
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