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For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 Price $5.75

Issued May 1968

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This report contains papers prepared for the National Advisory Commission on Rural Poverty. These and other papers provided background information for the Commission in arriving at the recommendations submitted to the President in its report The People Left Behind. Most of the papers included here report on recently completed research. Not every facet of rural poverty is covered, but the papers nevertheless represent an important contribution to understanding problems of rural poverty and provide insights toward possible solutions.

Part I centers on rural people and their communities. Particular attention is given to the structural changes taking place in the rural areas and the interrelationships between rural and urban America.

Part II treats occupational mobility and migration. Emphasis is placed on the transfer of labor between farm and nonfarm employment with special consideration of the problems of achievement, migration, and assimilation in urban centers.

Part III is concerned with health care and family planning. Emphasis is placed upon the relative lack of medical facilities and services in rural areas and upon possible means of expanding family planning programs in rural areas.

Part IV focuses upon the developmental nature of agriculture and other natural resource industries. Special consideration is given to the employment potential of these industries.

Part V is concerned with the economics of poverty. Emphasis is placed upon problems of measuring poverty and projecting future poverty. Consideration also is given to the income distribution effects of the way in which the economy operates and to policies and programs designed to alter income distribution.

The views expressed in these papers are those of the authors, and they do not necessarily reflect the views of the Commission. In like manner, although these papers were valuable to the Commission, the authors of papers in this volume should not be held responsible for the recommendations of the Commission.

In addition to the papers in this volume, other papers prepared for the Commission, but not published, are listed in the appendix. Persons interested in these papers should contact the authors directly.

This volume of published papers has been edited by George L. Wilber and C. E. Bishop of the staff of the National Advisory Commission on Rural Poverty.

Executive Director


Associate Director

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