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ceals in the same manner; and this robbery he continues until he is disturbed, or till the day-light would discover his depredations. He takes hares, rabbits, and game of different kinds; and, when those are not to be had, he will seize almost any kind of bird or animal that he can get hold of. When pressed by hunger, he will eat roots or insects. Mr. Bingley says, "that the foxes near the sea-coast will eat crabs, shrimps, or shell-fish. In France and Italy, these animals do incredible mischief, by feeding on grapes, of which they are excessively fond." He is said, too, to be so fond of honey that he will attack bee-hives, where, however, he sometimes meets with so rough a reception, that he is obliged to retire, and roll himself on the ground to destroy the bees that are stinging him. The fox lies concealed in his hole during the greater part of the day; and, like other robbers, pursues his work in the night.-The same.


WHEN any attempts are made towards getting rid of wakes, and feasts, and holiday fairs, it is said by some, that this is all a scheme to put down the pleasures and amusements of the poor. Now, if we thought that these things did really contribute to the happiness of the poor, we should be very sorry to see them checked; but, on the contrary, should be glad to uphold and encourage them. But, when we see how much real misery is often produced by them-when the drunkenness and extravagance, the quarrellings and fightings, bring months and often years of after misery, we consider ourselves the best friends of the poor, where we try to prevent these dangers. When the magistrates tell us that the most dreadful cases which are brought before them, are at the times of the wakes and fairs; when the miseries brought on young women may generally be dated from the same time; and when we know, that, during the days of these riotous meetings, all religious and moral restraint seems to be set aside, we cannot wonder that the best friends of the poor should wish to see an end to these annual temptations to wickedness and misery; and we cannot think that those who wish to continue them, have calmly



considered the consequences of them; or they would not have so mistaken the way to benefit their poor neighbours. Annual wakes and feasts were first instituted for religious purposes. They made a holy feast in remembrance of some departed saint; but this has become altogether forgotten, or dreadfully perverted. Some fairs were originally held for purposes of trade; but the use of those has for the most part vanished. We fear that the following description from a newspaper, is too faithful an account of the present effect of such festivities:V.



"At the Beddoes Green Sunday Wake, held on the last Sabbath, no less than five pitched battles took place between the blackguards assembled there. The persons participating in these disgraceful violations of decency and humanity were thieves, poachers, and women of the worst character, amongst whom spirits were publicly sold. In the course of the day, a fight took place between two men named Green and Harper, about an infamous woman, who urged them to fight, telling Harper he was no man if he did not kill Green. They fought in the most furious manner, amidst the yells and shouts of 500 ruffians; at length Harper was thrown heavily, and appeared almost lifeless, when Green, retreating a step or two, raised his leg and kicked his fallen antagonist in the most savage manner in the stomach. The savages, notwithstanding the man's condition, called on his backers to bring him up again; but, upon his being pulled up, they perceived that life was fast ebbing; upon which the miscreants threw the dying man on the ground, leaving him to his fate, and ran away. Some persons, who had no concern in the fight, came to the poor creature's assistance, and afforded every help in their power for the few hours of his life. The woman who caused the fight ran off with the victim's clothes, but was stopped."-Worcester Journal.


WHEN the fashion was so strong in England, that James I. could get no one to preach against it, his own royal hand

took the pen and wrote a treatise, which he denominates "a Counterblast to tobacco." The strength of his princely antidote may be gathered from the following closing paragraph of his royal counterblast. "It is a custom loathsome to the eye, hateful to the nose, harmful to the brain, and dangerous to the lungs."

Experienced people tell us that the habit of using tobacco, in any shape, will, after a time, render you emaciated and consumptive, your nerves shattered, your spirits low and moody, your throat dry and demanding stimulating drinks, your person filthy, and your habits those of a swine.

Mr. Editor, The preceding extract is from the "Student's Guide,' by the Rev. J. Todd, of America. Do you not think it bears upon the nasty custom which has lately sprung up among ourselves of smoking cigars?

Your constant reader,


J. C. W.

THE following letter was sent, by the children of a Deaf and Dumb school, to a lady who has given her time and most valuable exertions for several years, to the promotion of the education of those unfortunate children, who are without the blessings of speech or of hearing. These efforts have been eminently successful, as appears from the following letter, and from the whole contents of the little volume, written and published by those children, to which volume this letter is prefixed as a dedication.




I and my dear schoolfellows desire to put your great name in this little book, to give to you.

We all love you, because you thought about us in our young life, and built this house for us, with your many friends. We look at this beautiful place and we think of you, and we think of our ignorance, and loneliness, and unhappiness before we came here, and we say we truly love you, Madam, and your name is in our hearts and in our minds, and your face is confirmed to us.




You knew me in my little years, and I was at your house for teaching; but some of my schoolfellows did not see you before, but they sign to me that they are grateful, as I am, to you. Can you see our faces thoughtful to you, Madam? But you cannot see our hearts. I read in the Bible, (1 Sam. xvi. 17.) "Man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh at the hearts." Madam, you look at our outform of gratitude, and you smile to us, and you are kind to us, and we are cheerful to see you, but if you are no more kind to us, we must love you for ever. God looks at our minds, He sees we love you, and He approves of our love to you, because He loves, and makes you do much good for Him. Madam, my schoolfellows wish to ask,-Are you happy in your existence? We hope you are happy, we hope you shall have long existence in the world, and we hope you will have no pain, or calamities, or grief, or sorrow. I read in books, that sickness and pain are good for men, but I cannot wish pain to you. Pain may come to me. I would bear it for you, because I do not like pain or sorrow to you, and I pray they will not go to you. Madam, we pray much for you. Do you like us to pray for you? Please Madam, to love us all more and more. Farewell.

We are, dearest Madam, Your affectionate Friends,


And all my Schoolfellows.


VEGETABLES intended for the use of the table should be placed in cold water for several hours before they are dressed, and allowed to thaw gradually. By observing this plan you may get the frost out of turnips or carrots intended for immediate use. Place a tub of cold water in a warm kitchen.


THE deposits in these excellent institutions last year, 1837, amounted to twenty millions, five hundred thousand pounds; being an increase of nine hundred thousand pounds over the deposits of 1836.


CIGAR SMOKING.-Two persons of very moderate age have died within a short period of each other, at Cheltenham, of internal ulcers, brought on, in the opinion of an eminent medical practitioner, by the excessive use of cigars.-Morning Herald.

TRAVELLING." If a traveller has many articles to take on a full coach, it is a good plan to tie to each packet a piece of riband of the same colour, by which he will be able to point out his luggage in a moment, without the trouble of getting up to show it to the porter."

A malignant fever of an alarming kind prevails at Ashted, in the neighbourhood of Birmingham, occasioned, it is said, by the numerous stagnant pools and ditches in that vicinity. Surely it should be the business of the surveyors of highways to mitigate, if not remove, this very prevalent cause of illness wherever it exists.-Morning Herald.

THE WHITE CARROT.-This root, which is a new variety of our common garden carrot, is not yet much known. In colour it is something whiter than the parsnep; in flavour much more delicate than the orange


PRIZE FIGHTS.-One of those disgusting exhibitions, alike disgraceful and demoralizing, a prize fight, lately took place on Hedley-common, near Newcastle. The match was for 201. a-side, between Robert Forbister and John Brown, natives of Newcastle. The fight lasted an hour and twenty-five minutes, during which time thirty-seven rounds were fought. In the last round Brown received a blow from his antagonist on the jugular and instantly fell. He was borne from the "field of blood" by the brutal rabble, and conveyed to a public-house, where he expired the same evening. An inquest was held on the body, and the jury, without retiring, returned a verdict of Manslaughter against Robert Forbister.

THE BEER SHOPS.-Without ascribing every increase of crime and misery to the beer shops, we cannot doubt, from the all but concurrent testimony of the magistrates, clergy of all denominations, manufacturers, tradespeople—all persons, in short, who have made observations on the effects of these placesthat these effects have been very mischievous on the popular morals and well-being. We cannot believe such a mass of evidence wholly unfounded, and it is such as to outweigh, in our minds, even the authority of the gentlemen who have addressed the house on the other side. In every civilized country, places of public entertainment have been deemed objects of public control. They come within the province of law and police in quite a peculiar manner; and we must add, whatever may be said of the poor man's "pleasures," the comfort of the poor man's family is little consulted, by everywhere thrusting haunts of sotttishness across his path homewards.— Globe.



We have received the communications of G. B.; a Layman; E.; Y.; M. S.; J. S.; Prin.; A. M.; L. S. R.; F.; a Second from a Layman. We hope to find room in our next number, for the interesting article sent by A Clergyman of the Church of England. We knew the lamented subject of it well.

Several articles sent by the Editor to the Printers, have been omitted for want of room.

L. S. R. did not arrive till this number was printed. Our valued Correspondent is referred to page 235.

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