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Nast, Thomas, 31.

Bird-Song, Studies in, 360.

Björnson, Björnstjerne, at Seventy, 222.

Blood-Serum Therapy, Present Status of the, 231.

Books, The New, 116, 246, 377, 501, 627.

Bowen, Herbert W.: An International Figure of the

Month, 43.

Brain, What Science Has Found Out About the, 610.
Breakfast-Food Industry, The Great, 613.

Brussels Sugar Convention, 227.

Buckley, J. M. The "Twenty-Million-Dollar Fund" of
the Methodist Episcopal Church, 304.

Buckley, J. M. Wesley and the Wesleyan Movement,


Business Affairs: see Industrial Conditions.

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Americans in the Canadian Northwest, 87, 479.

Canal and Railroad Projects, 405.

Power-Transmission, Long-Distance, 324.

Progress in Canada, 279, 604.

Railway, The Trans-Canada, 279, 453.

Carden, Elisabeth Weber. Friedrich Alfred Krupp-

the Essen Philanthropist, 47.

Carnegie, Andrew, Gift of, to Tuskegee Institute, 656.
Cartoons, Current History in, 157, 285, 414, 541, 669.
Castro, President Cipriano: A Latin-American Type,

Century Magazine reviewed, 103, 237, 365, 489, 616, 745.
Chambers, E. T. D. The Trans-Canada Railway, 453.
Character Sketches:

Bowen, Herbert W., 43.
Campbell, Rev. R. J., 707.
Cortelyou, George Bruce, 297.
Dawes, Henry Laurens, 301.
Hewitt, Abram S., 164.
Horne, Rev. Silvester, 710.
Krupp, Friedrich Alfred, 47.
Nast, Thomas, 31.

Palmer, Alice Freeman, 167.
Ramsey, Gov. Alexander, 674.
Reed, Thomas Brackett, 36.

Wyndham, Right Hon. George, 574.

Chicago, Centennial Celebration of the Settlement of,

Chicago's Municipal Situation, 8, 404, 434, 533, 660.

Child Labor, 4, 214, 480, 531.

Christian IX., King, of Denmark, 597.

Cincinnati, Municipal Situation in, 404, 533.

Civiltà Cattolica reviewed, 114, 500, 625.

Clark, Senator William A., Career of, 224.

Cleveland, Municipal Situation in, 404, 533.

Cloyd, David E. The Old and the New in Southern

Education, 417.

Coal Deposits of the Northwest, 186.

Coal Mines, Child Workers of the, 214.

Cochin, Augustus, a French Philanthropist, 357.

College of the City of New York and Its New Presi-

dent, 672.

Collins, A. Frederick. Wireless Telegraphy, 177.

Commerce and Labor, New Department of, 146, 267.

Commons, John R. Some Taxation Problems and Re-

forms, 202.

Conant, Charles A. The Treasury and the Money Mar-

ket, 75.

Congress After the Holidays, 143.

Cuba, Reciprocity Treaty with, 11, 139, 394.

Delay as a Fostered Method, 143.

Isthmian Canal Legislation, 140-143.

Opening of the Second Session of the Fifty-Seventh

Congress, 9.

Panama Canal Treaty Ratified, 388–390.

Philippines, Legislation Regarding the, 11, 12, 144.

Senate Methods, Reform of, 400, 401.

Senators, Some New, 401.

Statehood Contest, 9, 82, 265, 266, 398.

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Tariff Bill, New, 19.

United States, Relations with the, 132–135, 274.

Venezuela, Relations with, 20-26, 131-137, 268-271, 408.
Gids, De, reviewed, 115, 376, 626.

Gordon, J. H. South Australia's Land-Grant Railway,


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Harper's Magazine reviewed, 103, 237, 365, 489, 616, 745.

Hart, Evelyn Mae. How to Live Out of Doors, 696.

Heart Activity, Relation of Oxygen to, 98.

Heart, Post-mortem Action of the, 743.

Hedin, Sven, the Great Swedish Explorer, 356.
Hewitt, Abram S., a Great Citizen, 164.

Hewitt, Peter Cooper, Inventor, 724.

Higher Criticism, The German Emperor and the, 467.
Hooker, George E. The German Municipal Exposition,

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Canal as a Good Investment for the United States,
392, 393.

Colombia and the Canal, 141.

Legislation in the United States Congress, 140-143, 388.
Tehuantepec Railroad Project, 142, 143.

Treaty Between the United States and Colombia, 271,
272, 388-390.

Italy, Religion in, To-day, 92.

JAMES River, Historic Interest of the, 651, 652.
Jamestown, Tercentenary of the Settlement of, 650.
Japanese System of Writing, Reform of the, 361.
Johnson, Charles H. New York's Fight Against Tu-
berculosis, 702.

Judson, Harry Pratt. The Municipal Situation in Chi-
cago, 434.

Juvenile Courts in Several States, 532.

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Anthracite Coal Strike Commission, Award of the,

Child Labor, 4, 214, 480, 531.

Employers Organizing in Self-Defense, 645.
Foreigners as Our Common Laborers, 646.
Labor and Capital on Better Terms, 521.
Labor Unions and the Law, 200.

Labor Unions: Should They be Incorporated? 217.
Non-Union Man and the "Scab," 215.

Profit-Sharing Plan of the Steel Corporation, 326.

State, The, as Model Employer, 645.

Strikes Throughout the Country, 643-645.

Union Methods, Unskilled Labor and, 644.

Landmarks of Our History, 647.

Laws, Oldest Code of, in the World, 760.

Leading Articles of the Month, 82, 209, 339, 465, 593, 724.
Lee, Robert E., Statue of, for the Capitol at Washing-
ton, 653, 654.

Leo XIII., Pope, Twenty-five Years of, 409, 465.

Lhassa, The Sacred City of, Revealed, 363.

Lippincott's Magazine reviewed, 106, 367.
Liquor Traffic Regulation: see Temperance.
Louisiana Purchase:

Congress of Arts and Sciences at St. Louis, 593.
Development of the Territory Purchased, 519, 520.
Importance of the Purchase, 515-520.
Lewis and Clark Expedition, 517, 518.
Livingston, Edward, in Louisiana, 526.
Louisiana Purchase Exposition, 547.

St. Louis, Centennial Celebration at, 404, 520, 659.
Significance of the Louisiana Purchase, 578.
Low, A. Maurice. Labor Unions and the Law, 200.
Low, A. Maurice. Venezuela and the Powers, 39.
Lumber Industry of the Pacific Coast, 317.

Lusk, Hugh H. The First Parliament of Australia, 333.

McClure's Magazine reviewed, 105, 238, 366, 490, 617, 746.

Affairs in Macedonia, 280, 409, 536.

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Maps and Diagrams:

Africa: Route of the Proposed "Cape to Cairo" Rail-
road, 279.

Alaskan Boundary Lines, Conflicting, 276.

Alaska's Area Compared with That of the United
States, 94.

Antarctic Expeditions Now in the Field, Map to Il-
lustrate Operations of the, 486.

Australia, Proposed Railroad Across, 279.
Briquetting Plant, Working Diagram of a, 228.
Cable, All-British, Around the World, 184.
Canada, Proposed New Railroad Across, 279.
Cattle Map of the Range States, 61.

Coal in the Northwest, Map Illustrating the Known
Distribution of, 186.

Cuban Railroad System, 478.

Dickens, Charles, Map of the Country of, 359.

Hamburg Harbor, Newer Portion of, 313.

Ireland, Map Showing Congested Districts of, 191.
Isthmian Canal Routes, Proposed, 142.

La Guayra and Caracas, Railway Between, 22.
Louisiana Purchase, 516.

Louisiana Purchase Exposition, Ground Plan of the,


Pacific Cable, All-American, 184.

Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego, 683.
Somaliland, Sketch Map of, 90.

South Australian Land-Grant Railway, Proposed,


Sverdrup, Captain, Explorations of, 1898-1902, 95.
Trans-Canada Railway, Proposed, 455.

Venezuelan Coast, Diagram Showing Anglo-German
Blockade of, 136.

Marquand, Henry G., as an American Art Patron, 172.
Martin, Thomas Commerford. Long-Distance Power
Transmission in Canada, 324.

Martin, Thomas Commerford. The Cables Across the
Pacific, 183.

Marvin, Winthrop L. Germany on the Sea, 307.
Massachusetts, Legislative Affairs in, 150, 657.

Medical Science: see also Consumption.

Blood-Serum Therapy, Present Status of the, 231.

Finsen Light in America, 230.

Heart Activity, Relation of Oxygen to, 98.

Heart, Post-mortem Examination of the, 743.

Methodist Episcopal Church, "Twenty-Million-Dollar

Fund" of the, 304.

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