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exertion of their hands or brains.

The Democratic party won its repeated victories from 1800 to 1860, and its victories of 1876, 1884, and 1892, because it advocated those conservative policies which lay at the foundation of party doctrine in the time of Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe, and which inspired in the country the conviction that a Democratic administration meant strict adherence to the Constitution, careful economy in public expenditures, and the administration of laws regarding taxation and privilege which would conform most nearly to the theory of equal rights and privileges for all and the greatest good to the greatest number. Among those policies, a return to which at the present time would bring strength to the party, these may be enumerated:

"1. A moderate tariff for revenue, without prejudice to domestic industries.

2. A sound currency.

"3. Moderation in public expenditures.

4. The restriction of the federal government to its legitimate functions, and opposition to the further extension of its powers over the acts and industries of the people of the States."

On the question of the tariff, Mr. Ryan has no more radical a proposition to make than this,that the Democratic policy "should have due regard to the reasonable needs of American manufactures, but should not prostitute Congress to the contemptible part of acting as the pliant tool of special interests." The question of absolute free trade, in this writer's opinion, may be eliminated. No Democratic Congress, he says, will ever " wipe out protection, or reduce it upon highly finished products below a reasonable protective point."


What Mr. Ryan has to say about the currency is more interesting, because more at variance with recent official Democratic utterances. He begins with a rehearsal of the party's record on the money question while in power:

"The Democratic party was the first champion of the gold standard in the United States, and its leaders have been among the foremost in advocating an intelligent reform of the bank-note currency. When the gold standard first became law in 1834, it was largely by the efforts of Thomas Benton and Andrew Jackson, both Southern men, one of whom earned the epithet of Old Bullion' by his firm devotion to that standard. At a later date, after the country had been plunged into the abyss of depreciated paper, against the advice of the conservative bankers of New York, and when faltering steps were being taken to restore gold payments, it

was Southern men, like Bayard of Delaware, Hill of Georgia, Lamar of Mississippi, and Garland of Arkansas, who lent their votes in critical emergencies in support of the return to specie payments and sound money and in saving the Republican party in Congress from its own worst elements.

"It is needless to recite the history of the resolute fight made by the last two Democratic administrations for the gold standard and against the debasement of the currency. While Democratic Secretaries of the Treasury, like Daniel Manning, Charles S. Fairchild, and John G. Carlisle, were struggling to counteract the effects of Republican silver legislation, Republican Presidents, Secretaries, and Senators were denoun cing their action and sending roving bimetallic commissions abroad to demonstrate their desire to make new concessions to the enemies of the


gold standard. It is the testimony of John Sherman that the silver law of 1890 was passed because a Republican President could not be counted upon to veto a free-coinage bill. different the record of the Democratic President who followed, who was willing to sacrifice his party, if need be, to the preservation of the gold standard and the maintenance of the national honor! Both Presidents followed the historic precedents of their parties,-the Republican, in looking to government interference with monetary laws as a means of creating value; the Democrat, in looking to the bullion in the coin as the test of value, which law might recognize but could not alter."

As a practical currency measure of urgent importance, especially to the agricultural regions of the South, Mr. Ryan cites the bank-note reform scheme advocated by Secretary Carlisle and by his Republican successors, but not yet enacted into law by a Republican Congress.


Another Democratic virtue of the past in which Mr. Ryan glories is that of frugality in the conduct of the Government:


"Moderation in public expenditures has been one of the historic policies of the Democratic party. If there has ever been a tendency to carry economy too far, it has been more than counterbalanced by Republican extravagance, and is an error which is too rare in the administration of modern governments. ordinary expenditures of the United States have increased $260,226,935 or $4.63 per capita for 1885, to $487,713,791 or $6.39 per capita for 1900, and $509,967,353 or $6.56 per capita for 1901. A part of this great increase has, no doubt, been occasioned by the growth of the

country and by the new classes of functions imposed by Republican legislation upon the federal government but the question whether these new expenditures are justified goes deeper than the mere salary roll of a new bureau, and touches the vital Democratic doctrine whether these new functions ought in any case to be imposed upon the federal government. Upon this issue of economy and the strict scrutiny of public expenditures, Mr. Tilden achieved his victory of 1876, and Mr. Cleveland commended himself to the confidence of the Democrats of New York and the nation. The South, which profits only in a limited degree by the wealth arising from new inventions, railway extension, and the economies in production obtained by improved industrial management, is less disposed, perhaps, than the North to witness with patience the lavishing of the money raised by taxation upon objects of doubtful utility or beyond the legitimate scope of federal action."


The rest of the article is mainly a protest against the undue extension of the powers of the federal government which is threatened by the anti-trust legislation now before Congress. Mr. Ryan dwells upon "the vital Democratic principle," that there shall be the least possible interference by the state with private rights, and that the citizen shall be free under equal laws to seek and welcome opportunity whenever it is found.

"The fundamental policy of the Democratic party is the policy of industrial freedom. This policy, heretofore respected by all parties within our own broad limits, if not in our relations with other peoples, is now threatened by the application of the nostrums which handicap the industry of Germany, France, and Russia. The ball and chain of government interference with manufactures, with the Bourse, and with exchanges, which they are compelled to drag along in the unequal race with America, it is now proposed that we shall fasten upon our own free limbs, in order that our industries may not reduce the cost of their products to too low a point, and may not reap too rich a reward for their economy and efficiency!

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undue favors to special interests; upon the currency, freedom for the use of credit in all forms which are useful to industry, without any further regulation than public safety and convenience require; upon public expenditures, freedom from waste and excessive taxation; upon the regulation of corporations, freedom from special favors and from any interference except such as is necessary to the maintenance of equal opportunity for all under equal laws, these doctrines, adapted to present conditions, are in harmony in each case with the fundamental teachings of the fathers of Democracy; they are in harmony. with the interests of the South; and, what is more, they are in harmony with the true interests of the nation, and the continuance of its progress in the paths marked out by the founders of the Republic and the framers of the Constitution."

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York. In the March Cosmopolitan, Mr. Dill is sketched by Mr. William J. Boies in the series of "Captains of Industry," and assuredly the title fits a man who has played so important a part in the organization of modern industrial enterprises.

The newspapers have told about the big fees that Mr. Dill receives from corporations, but they have usually neglected to tell how he paved the way for this success twenty years ago, soon after entering the profession, when by hard work he mastered the intricacies of corporation law and made himself an authority that the biggest of the corporations have been eager to consult in perfecting their organization. The man who made himself so useful in putting these concerns on their feet was found equally valuable in later years when other difficulties had to be faced by these same corporations. He has always proved to be the man for the emergency, and has earned a reputation, Mr. Boies says, for "hustle, grit, and shrewdness."


One incident related by Mr. Boies throws light on the kind of "hustle" that characterizes Mr. Dill's methods. A banking syndicate three hundred miles from New York suddenly found itself in a legal predicament that required immediate action. It was 9 o'clock at night, and it was decided to call up Mr. Dill on the longdistance telephone and ask for an opinion. Mr. Dill was at his East Orange, N. J., home.

We are

This is what the bank people said : "We want your opinion on such a provision [naming it] of the corporation law. divided here as to what ought to be done, but must reach a decision and act on it by nine o'clock to-morrow morning. I will briefly give you the facts over the telephone, and you must send us a written opinion, stating whether, in the first place, what we propose to do is covered by the provision in question; second, if we do this, whether we can be enjoined; and, third, if we are enjoined, whether we will be beaten in the fight."

"You shall have it. My man will be at your office with the document at nine o'clock to-mor row morning. Don't give yourself any anxiety, and don't ask for any more miracles to-night."

"But how will you do it? It is nearly ten o'clock now."

If I take time in discussing how,' you will not obtain the result. Give me the facts."

Mr. Dill got them, and said "Good-bye." With that, the long-distance circuit was closed, and the local telephone came into use.

A gen

tleman who was at Mr. Dill's house at the time gives this account of what happened:

"The manager of the automobile station was hurriedly called up, and Mr. Dill said, quickly : 'Send up my two machines with a man on each, and see that they are supplied with plenty of gasolene for long-distance work.'

"In two minutes the familiar chug, chug' was heard under Mr. Dill's library windows. One machine procured a stenographer, and the other conveyed a brief message to a clerk, stating that he must get ready to leave for the city at once. The stenographer's hands were soon going like the piston-rod of a steam engine in the effort to jot down the short, pointed


"The opinion was finished just sixteen minutes before the New York train was scheduled to leave a station four miles from Mr. Dill's house. The automobile, with the clerk aboard, covered the distance in thirteen minutes, breaking every speed-limit ordinance known to New Jersey constables in the effort to catch that train. Another automobile was telephoned for to meet the clerk at the New York end, and when the machine got under way scarcely twenty minutes remained in which to cross the city to the Grand Central Station. The trip was made with eight minutes to spare."

The clerk caught the midnight express, delivering the opinion on time the next day. The document was immediately submitted to the op posing attorney, who on reading it abandoned the injunctory proceedings altogether.



HE last century has produced two great Scandinavian explorers-Nansen and Sven Hedin. Of the latter, there is an interesting description in the Scottish Geographical Magazine for January:

"From boyhood he showed that his natural bent lay in the direction of geographical discovery. When only fifteen or sixteen, he made a series of maps to illustrate the path of every explorer of the Arctic regions, and the drawing and execution of these maps were extremely good. Later on, he pursued a course of geographical literature, and finally completed his studies at Berlin under Baron von Richthofen. In 1887, he wrote an account of his experiences in traveling through Trans-Caucasia to Persia, Mesopotamia, and home by Turkey and Bulgaria. In 1890, he was sent by King Oscar on a mission to the Shah, and published next year an account of his journey. In 1891, he translated into Swedish

General Prjevalsky's travels in northern Asia. In the following year, he published an account of his travels in eastern Persia and through Bokhara to Kashgar, with many clever sketches by himself, as he is an accomplished draughtsman. All this was an excellent training for the infinitely more arduous journeys he was about to undertake. In February, 1894, with twelve horses and four men, Dr. Hedin began a dangerous journey across the Pamirs from Tashkend to Kashgar, in eastern Turkestan."

One great object of this expedition was to explore the glaciers of the mountain Mushtaghata, some 25,500 feet high.

"After spending the winter in Kashgar, in February, 1895, Dr. Hedin started eastward to explore the Takla-makan desert, in the hopes of finding traces of ancient civilization, and then intended to penetrate into Tibet. Unfortunately, this journey turned out disastrously, and it was almost by a miracle that the hardy traveler escaped with his life.”

In December, 1895, he left Kashgar and traversed the Takla-makan desert, being the first European to venture across it. He then made Khotan his headquarters.

"Great preparations were here made before crossing the great Kuenlun range and thence by way of Koko-nor to Peking. An idea of the hardship undergone during this long march may be gained by the fact that out of fifty-six baggage animals, no less than forty-nine died on the road. Where pasture was scarce or wanting, they died at the rate of one or two a day. The Kuenlun was crossed by a pass about 16,000 feet above the sea, and a range more to the south was traversed by a new pass 17,000 feet high. For two whole months the party wandered cross the plateau of Tibet without seeing a single living being, and the caravan had dwindled to an alarming extent.

"In January, 1897, Dr. Hedin reached Peking, and there enjoyed a well-earned repose before returning to his native country. Between 1899 and 1902, Dr. Hedin explored the Tarim River from near Yarkand to its lower extremity, and has mapped it in about one hundred sheets. This survey included a part of the desert of Gobi that had never been visited before.


first expedition to Tibet was made in the latter half of 1900. A large part of the caravan and one man perished under the incredible hardships undergone while traversing this inhospitable and lofty region, destitute of all vegetation. The longest journey through Tibet was begun in May, 1901. Two attempts to enter Lhasa proved unsuccessful owing to the hostility of the Lamas."

ACH nation has its great philanthropists.
In the Revue des Deux Mondes, there is

given an interesting account of a remarkable
Frenchman, Augustus Cochin, the most actively
beneficent of that wonderful group of liberal Ro-
man Catholics, which included Lacordaire. Co-
chin was born in 1824, and died in 1872; yet dur-
ing this comparatively short life he accomplished
an immense amount of good, and had a very real
influence on his generation. He was only nine-
teen when he founded his first workman's club,
which was at the same time a mutual aid so-

In order to carry out his scheme for the amelioration of the working classes, he entered political life, and became mayor of one of the most populous districts of Paris. With extraordinary energy, he threw himself into the difficult question of the housing of the working classes. He started an insurance society, and last, not least, he compelled the government to open a post-office savings bank. He was evidently one of those idealists who are capable of causing their ideals to come true. Not content in taking so active a part in benefiting the Paris worker of all classes and conditions, he organized several great purely charitable centers. In 1855, he found the funds which enabled the Little Sisters of the Poor to open a home for one hundred and eighty destitute old men and women. Three years later, he organized the first home for incurables in Paris. Thanks to his efforts, the first country convalescent home ever opened in France was built in the neighborhood of Paris, and every Friday he was himself at home to all those, from the very poorest beggars, who desired to ask his help.

Concerning these cases, observes his son, he preserved an absolute silence, and, further, he never allowed his name to be directly associated with any of his innumerable good works. There is something very sad in the thought that Cochin died just after the Franco-Prussian War, and before his beloved country had recovered from the terrible moments through which she had just passed.

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ances, has been that he is known rather as the son of his famous father than for his own work. "The new governor-general of the Australian Commonwealth had an exceptionally good training, from childhood upward, for the not very easy task which lies before him. He has known, and been intimately associated with, many of the great thinkers and workers of our time, from Queen Victoria-who had for him both affection and esteem-to General Gordon.


The story goes that on the occasion of the christening the historian remarked, Why not give the child your own name as well as mine? Why not call him Alfred Hallam Tennyson?' For fear,' said the deep-voiced bard, for fear he should turn out a fool! Let his name be Hallam only.'"

Educated at Marlborough and at Cambridge, Hallam Tennyson filled for many years the dif ficult post of private secretary to his father. He follows in his father's footsteps, and writes poetry. Perhaps in the future more of his work may be published.


The four years following the death of the poet-laureate were occupied in the preparation of his biography by his son. After this appeared, Lord Tennyson was quietly fitting himself for future official duties, and in 1899 received the appointment to the governorship of South Australia. At first, the South Australians regarded him with reserve, but after his arrival he soon won his way to the hearts of the majority. The fact that he allowed himself to be interviewed for Sir John Langdon Bonython's well-known paper, the Advertiser, did much to reassure the colonists as to the nature of their new governor.

On the retirement of the first governor-gen

eral, Lord Hopetoun, Lord Tennyson accepted the post for one year. Since he was one of the hardest workers for federation, it is only fitting that he should receive this honor.

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When preparing for Holy Orders. he was one of "Vaughan's men," and put himself under the moral guidance and finished scholarship of the Dean of Llandaff. As Canon Benham preached the sermon when Dr. Davidson was ordained in Croydon Church, in 1875, he has known him for a quarter of a century. Dr. Davidson became curate of Dartford after his ordination. Two years later, he became resident chaplain to Archbishop Tait, where he fell in love with Edith, the archbishop's daughter, and married her on November 12, 1878. His business capacity was tested when, as resident chaplain, he had to organize a conference of English, colonial, and American bishops at Canterbury. His honeywas interrupted by the death of his mother-in-law, who died three weeks after they were married. For four years he became the right-hand man of the widowed archbishop; he was not only chaplain and secretary, but the confidential adviser of the primate.



Canon Benham believes that it was he who convinced Dr. Tait that the Public Worship Regulation Act had proved a failure. When Dr. Tait died, Dr. Benson made Dr. Davidson his domestic chaplain, a post which he preferred to two rich canonries that were pressed upon him in vain. He became examining chaplain to Bishop Lightfoot at Durham. Queen Victoria made his acquaintance when she sent for him to tell her more about the last days of Archbishop Tait. Just then the deanery of Windsor fell vacant, and the Queen, after a conference with Mr. Gladstone, nominated Dr. Davidson to that post.

The Queen made him her confidant, and in 1891 appointed him to the See of Rochester, where he very nearly died, but pulled through

chiefly owing to what the doctor attributed to the calmness of his patient. After a time, he was appointed to Winchester, whence he has been transferred to Canterbury. He leaves his diocese at peace, and Canon Benham speaks in the warmest terms of the sympathy which he has ever shown to his colleagues.


LONDON is the real Dickens land, but he

made excursions in the home and eastern counties of England, and once traveled as far north as South Durham. The Pall Mall Magazine for February contains an interesting paper by Mr. W. Sharp, devoted to a description of the localities mentioned in Dickens' novels. Scott covered much of the Continent and all of

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