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and will erect a monument at ye place so agreed to, & after we shall have Established either ye sd trees or the said north nor' west line, then a line parallel to the Sound run from sd trees or from the northernmost End of the sd north nor'west line, that is to say that from which so ever of them shall be established as the limit & boundary as afores & running east north east thirteen miles & sixty four rods shall be so far the line of partition and division between the sd province of New York and the Colony of Connecticut & we will erect a monument at the end of the said East north east line which monument shall be deemed and esteemed to be twenty miles from Hudson's river.

In the next place, after we shall have established the end of the seast north east line as twenty miles from Hudsons river, we shall go to a point of land on the east side of Hudsons river commonly known by the name of Courtlandts point which is nearly opposite to Stony Point, or to the beginning of the Highlands & from the most westerly part of ye sd Courtlandts point, we shall run an East line according to yo Compass twenty miles, at yo end of which twenty miles we shall erect a monument, & then we shall run a straight line from y monument at yo end of the aforesaid East north East line to the monument at ye End of the East line from Courtlands point which line shall be deemed and esteemed so far a parallell line to Hudsons river & every where twenty miles from it, then from ye monument at the end of the East line from Courtlandts point, we shall run a random line to ye line of the Massachusetts Bay now established between the Colony of Connecticut & the Massachusets Bay which line shall be run by one course, except only where it shall meet with large ponds & large swamps & precipices & rocks which shall be very difficult to pass over, in which places it shall be alowed to go aside from the sd course in order to avoid the said difficulties, provided that as soon as y said difficulties shall be avoided, the Survey's who shall run the sa line, return to their first course & run the said line nearly according to yo rules of art, as if they had continued in one line as they should have done if no such difficulty had interrupted them in their course.

Then we shall continue ye line of the Massachusetts Bay to Hudsons river, and when this shall be done we will compute at what place a line running east & by south according to yo Compass from Hudsons river and twenty miles in length, shall terminate in the aforesd line of the Massachusetts Bay-& at that place we shall erect a monument which shall be deem'd and

esteem'd to be twenty miles from Hudsons river, then we shall run a straight line from the monument at the end of the East line from Courtlandts point to the afores monument, on the line of the Massachusetts Bay, which straight line between the two last mentioned monuments shall be deemed and esteem'd a line paralell to Hudsons river & every where twenty miles from it, then we covenant and mutually agree that sixty one thousand four hundred & forty acres of land shall be added to the Province of New York out of ye bounds of the Colony of Connecticut, which addition shall be made along the afores lines parallel to Hudsons river, that is to say along the line running from the monument at ye End of ye aforesaid east north east line to ye monument at ye end of the said east line from Courtlandts point & along the line running from the said last mentioned monument to the monument in the line of the Massachusets Bay, & shall be bounded to the eastward & divided from the Colony of Connecticut by two lines paralell to the s two lines along which the sd addition is made & at such bredth as that sixty one thousand four hundred, & forty acres of land may be contained between y said paralell lines on the sides of the sa addition and between ye lines of the Massachusetts Bay, and ye aforesaid east north east line continued so farr to the eastward as the bredth of ye sd addition shall extend on yo end of the sa addition, "and wheras several poor English families have lay'd out their whole substance & spent their youth in clearing tilling & improveing with great hazard and hard labour Land which it is supposed may lie near the paralell lines at twenty miles distance from Hudsons river, & whereas if the improv'd lands of the s" poor people should fall within the Equivalent of sixty one thousand four hundred & forty acres to be added out of the bounds of Connecticut, the s poor families may hope for his Majesty's favor in granting to them the said improv'd lands in such manner as lands are usually granted within the province of New York"

It is further agreed that in measureing the lines running East north East thirteen miles and sixty four rods from the end of y° sd north north west line of six miles & a half, and in measuring ye east line of twenty miles from Courtlandts point we shall only alow of strict measure in the best maner the same can be actually performed upon ye surface of the land butt that in all other lines to be measured or to be computed we shall alow at the rate of twelve rods to be added to every mile, & that one mile & twelve rods of actual measure shall be esteemed & computed in all other

places as one mile of true measure, and so proportionably for a greater or less length, takeing ye rough and smooth lands together into y computation as we shall meet with them.

It is provided nevertheless that in measuring the bredth of the sd additionall land, the alowance shall not be made at ye rate of twelve rods to a mile-but that whatever alowance shall be made in measureing the lines runing from Lyons point to the rock at ye wading place and from the said rock to the three trees at the end of the north nor'west line, the same alowance shall be added to the bredth of the additional land join'd to ye lines parallel to Hudsons river, that is to say, after the trees or ye end of ye north nor'west line shall be established by the rules already agreed to, it shall be computed how far the said trees or ye end of the nor' nor'west line shall be distant from Lyons point on a straight line without any alowance in measure, and if the sd distance shall be found great'r than eight miles whatever measure shall be found to be over the s'd eight miles, the s'd overplus measure shall be accompted and alowed to be added to the bredth of the additional lands containing sixty one thousand four hundred and forty acres in such proportion as eight miles shall be to yo bredth of y° said additional lands, and when the bredth of the s'd lands to be added out of Connecticut, shall be established as above directed, we shall affix and ascertain the bounds of the same by continuing on ye south end of the s'd lands, the east north east line & erect a monument on ye end thereof when continued ye full breadth of ye s'd additionall lands, and from the sd monument run two lines parallel to the two lines which are paralell to Hudsons river. and thereby fix and ascertain the lines of partition and division between the Province of New-York & colony of Connecticut, from the last mentioned monument to the line of the Massachusetts Bay, & erect monuments in the s'd lines at all places which may be thought necessary. It is agreed by and between the Commissions & Survey's aforesd that to avoid confusion and disputes from the using of several differing instruments, we shall agree on one compass to be used on the work at this time, which compass shall appear to have either no errors, or the fewest of any, and that we shall have no reguard to the variation of the said compass from the true meridian in running the lines above described, but that they shall be runn by the sd compass without any alowance for the sd variations.

And it is further agreed that if at this our present meeting we shall not be able to goe through the whole work according to the above stipulation, that we will at any time hereafter meet & proceed thereon, at such time as shall be agreed on by his Excellency, the Governor of New York or commander in chief for the time being and his honor the governor of Connecticutt for the time being.

And in testimony that we whose names are underwritten do mutually and interchangeably firmly agree and consent to all the above articles & every clause matter and thing therein contained we have hereunto sett our hands & seals at Greenwich in the Colony of Connecticutt the day and year above written.


L. S.

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Agreement of the Commissioners establishing the boundary, in part, May 12, 1725.

In pursuance of our agreement dated at Greenwich in the Colony of Connecticut the twenty ninth day of April last We the subscribing Commissioners and Surveyors of the Province of New York & Colony of Connecticut have surveyed from Lyons point to the great stone at the wadeing place in Biram River & find that the s great stone bears north twelve degrees & forty five min: Easterly from the s point at the distance of five hundred & fifty rods.

We have likewise surveyed from the said rock to the three white oak trees supposed to have been marked by the Commissioners and Surveyors in 1684, & from the said trees west and by north to Hudsons River, and we find that the s trees are two thousand two hundred and ninety two rods from sd Great Stone on a line runing North twenty three deg and forty five min westerly; & that the s trees are Exactly seven miles & one hundred & twenty rods from Hudsons River to the said West & by North line; which line came to Hudsons River opposite to Cornelius Cuylers house in Tapan : & about one mile above Mr Philipses upper mills, We likewise plainly perceiv'd on one of the sd three white oak trees the Letters: CR & 8 which appeared to us to have been marked at some considerable distance of time. from all which and according to the rules we had layd down to ourselves we are fully Convinc'd & Satisfi'd that the s" trees are verily the same trees which were mark'd by the Commissioners & Surv's in the year 1684 & therefore we have establish'd and we do hereby Establish the s line runing at the great stone att the Wadeing place on Biram north twenty three deg & forty five minutes westerly to the said three white Oak trees, as the line of partition so far between the Province of New York and Colony or Corporation of Connecticut and for perpetuating the memory of the s line & distinguishing it to the inhabitants of the sd province & the s Corporation we have erect'd several monuments in the sd line at the following places Viz Where the s line from the great stone comes into the highway or a street near John Purdy his house, We rais'd a heap of stones round a cherry tree standing in the high way & cut the letter Y on the west side of the sd tree and the letter C on the east side thereof.

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