| National Board of Trade (U.S.) - 1874 - 244 halaman
...by the State of Kansas and Colorado Territory, on the east by the States of Missouri and Arkansas, on the south by the State of Texas, and on the west by Texas and New Mexico — forming the entire southern boundary of Kansas, and northern line of Texas.... | |
| 1873 - 212 halaman
...tin north by the Territory of Colorado and the State of Kan sas, on the east by the Indian country, on the south by the State of Texas, and on the west by the Territory о New-Mexico, and included between 30" 30' and 37" ol latitude and the twenty-third... | |
| United States - 1891 - 1922 halaman
...the Revised Statutes of the United States shall not apply to the Territory of Oklahoma. SBC. 29 That all that part of the United States which is bounded...on the west and north by the Territory of Oklahoma as defined in the first section of this act, shall, for the purposes of this act, be known as the Indian... | |
| Oklahoma - 1897 - 344 halaman
...by the state of Kansas, tory proper. on the east by the states of Arkansas and Missouri, a com-t! s on the south by the state of Texas, and on the west and north by the Territory of Oklahoma as defined in the first section of this act, shall for the purposes of this act, be known as the Indian... | |
| Oklahoma - 1899 - 278 halaman
...of Kansas, on the Court. € . P|S |. k v |j ]eg t a t e O f Arkansas and Missouri, on the sout 1 ! by the state of Texas, and on the west and north by the Territory of Oklahoma as defined in the first section of this act, shall tor the purposes of this act, be known as tl~e Indian... | |
| 1900 - 916 halaman
...Territory of Oklahoma, Indian Terri- SEC. '29. That all that part of the United States which '"Boundaries. is bounded on the north by the State of Kansas, on...on the west and north by the Territory of Oklahoma as denned in the tirst section of this act, shall, for the purposes of this act, be .known as ne ^dian... | |
| United States - 1900 - 302 halaman
...Territory of Oklahoma. Indian Terri- SEC. 29. That all that part of the United States which '"Boundaries- is bounded on the north by the State of Kansas, on...on the west and north by the Territory of Oklahoma as defined in the first section of 4nte,p.8i. this act, shall, for the purposes of this act, be known... | |
| United States - 1900 - 372 halaman
...Territory of Oklahoma. Indian Terri- SEC. iJD. That all that part of the United States which ""Boundaries- is bounded on the north by the State of Kansas, on...on the west and north by the Territory of Oklahoma as denned in the first section of Ante, p. si. this iy.^ Hl)iill, for the purposes of this act, be... | |
| Oklahoma - 1901 - 268 halaman
...of Kansas, on the Court> east by the state of Arkansas and Missouri, on the south of Courts, * ' ^ by the state of Texas, and on the west and north by the Territory of Oklahoma as defined in the first section of this act, shall for the purposes of this act, be known as the Indian... | |
| Oklahoma - 1901 - 276 halaman
...st^e of Kansas, on the Court ' east by the state of Arkansas and Missouri, on the south of Courts, ' by the state of Texas, and on the west and north by the Territory of Oklahoma as defined in the first section of this acr, shall for the purposes of this act, be known as the Indian... | |
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