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ON THE SENSES, INSTINCTS, AND INTELLIGENCE OF ANIMALS.* -This interesting work is, as its author states in the Preface, a collection of notes made, as it were, by the way, rather than a complete and independent treatise. It is not for that reason, however, devoid of attractiveness or value; though the technical nature of the greater part of it will probably prevent it from becoming as popular as others of Sir John Lubbock's works. The first one hundred and seventy-five pages are somewhat minutely descriptive of the anatomy of the organs of sense. Rather singularly, the author jumps the great gap between man and the lowest of the animals in his comparative presentation of the subject. This gives a fragmentary character to the treatment. But the jump over the great gap in the structure of the physical organisms is scarcely as significant as the jump which has to be made in the psychological inference. Of "senses" (the author even speaks of "perceptions ")" and intelligence," as belonging to the insect, as those words describe human psychical activities,―states of consciousness, we know little or nothing whatever. That the movement and the development of these animals are conditioned upon and directed by the activity of organs of sense more or less analogous to those of man, there can be no doubt; but this does not necessarily (or even probably) imply tasting, seeing, or hearing, much less understanding, and reasoning, in any meaning which our conscious experience can give to these words.


In the later chapters of the book the author recites some of the result of his experiment with insects, especially with ants and bees, and defends his conclusions against certain modifications and strictures brought to bear, by other experts, against them. This is the part which will most interest the average reader.

In general we are again reminded of the extreme difficulty, not to say absolute impossibility, of drawing any safe conclusions in comparative psychology touching animals, both structurally and functionally, so unlike man are the insects. Moreover we note that as to the bare facts of habitual or occasional action, on which all attempts at such a psychology must be based, there is still a very wide divergence of findings among the acknowledged experts.

*On the Senses, Instincts, and Intelligence of Animals, with Special references to Insects. By Sir JOHN LUBBOCK, Bart. New York: D. Appleton & Co.


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A TREATISE OF HUMAN NATURE.*-In spite of Hume's attempt to withdraw these earlier volumes from the public, and his insisting that his philosophical views should be judged only by such selections from them as he himself chose, with modifications, to preserve, it is probably true that they constitute the best exposition of their author's system of thought. They certainly contain the germs of all that he taught of "Understanding," of "the Passions," and of "Morals." Moreover, they have the freshness, clearness, and decision, which belonged to the young philosopher, -"dreaming the dream of his philosophy," while not yet thirty years of age, in solitude, in La Flèche in France. Hume's thought will never cease to gain and hold consideration, and to evoke warm espousal or rejection.

We are exceedingly glad to welcome this new edition of the "Treatise of Human Nature. It is attractive in form, moderate in price, admirably edited. Its value is enhanced by an extended analytical index (covering more than fifty pages), which Mr. Selby-Bigge has prepared with great care. Students of Hume who cannot afford the four volumed edition of Green and Grosse should by all means possess themselves of this work.

THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE INTELLECT.†-We have already commended the first part of Professor Preyer's treatise on the Mind of the Child, especially to all teachers and parents. This second part of the same general treatise is more strictly technical and less popular than its predecessor. But it contains an abundance of interesting and instructive material. The first principal thesis which the book maintains is admitted by its author to be of all the facts which he has established touching the early life of the child, "most opposed to the traditional doctrines." This thesis is that of "the formation of concepts without language." By "language" Preyer here understands all sign-making support of ideation whatever; but by "concepts" he seems to understand only those collective ideas, or "recepts," as Mr. Romanes would call them, which are to be distinguished from concepts, more strictly so called.

* A Treatise of Human Nature. By DAVID HUME. Reprinted, from the Original edition in three volumes, and edited, with an analytical index, by L. A. SELBYBIGGE, M.A. New York, Macmillan & Co.

The Mind of the Child. Part II. The Development of the Intellect. Observations concerning the Mental Development of the Human Being in the First Years of Life. By W. PREYER. Translated from the original German by H. W. BROWN. New York. D. Appleton & Co. 1889.

Several chapters of the work treat in a very interesting way of the development of the child's intellect as connected with its learning the use of language. Expert students will find very suggestive the parallelism which Preyer draws between the various defects and inaccuracies of the child's speech and those which originate in connection with the different forms of aphasia. Only the aphasic patient has lost some one or more of the several cerebral and psychical processes which enter into full and complete speech, whereas the child has not yet gained them.

The chapter on the "Development of the Feeling of Self" in the mind of the child is interesting, but seems to be scarcely so full and satisfactory as we have reason to expect from the treatment of other subjects, even less important. Two of the three Appendices give cases of the psychical development of acephalic or microcephalic children, and reports of the experiments to determine the first perceptions of those early blind persons whose eyes have been successfully couched.

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On the whole, the publishers of this "International Education Series have done no better service through any of the series than through these two volumes of Professor Preyer on the mind of the child.

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MEMORY.* This book cannot be considered one of the most valuable in the series to which it belongs. It is indeed exceedingly painstaking. It abounds in citations from a great variety of works,—there being, according to Dr. Harris in his "Editor's Preface," more than one thousand well chosen citations from nearly two hundred authors." A considerable portion of the book is taken up with detailed descriptions of the nervous system; but most of this is not particularly pertinent to the main subject of the book; nor is the physiological treatment of memory done in the modern method. Strangely enough, not one of the "nearly two hundred authors" cited is a recognized authority in this branch of the subject.

The style of the work is, at least in places, very awkward, as the following instance may show. "But while every one must thus of necessity possess some degree of memory, there are few or none that possess it in that degree that they might and should do."

* Memory, What it is and How to Improve it. By DAVID KAY, New York: D. Appleton & Co. 1888.

THE BEGINNINGS OF ETHICS.*-This handsome volume is the product of the studies of the author in connection with his preparation for the class-room during many years. It gives abundant evidence of his fidelity in reading and thought. His standpoint is in general that of Reid and the Scotch philosophers, the most of whose distinctive positions he adopts and defends with unflinching pertinacity. The work also gives evidence of a pretty wide range of reading, and is enriched with copious and pertinent extracts and references. The practical applications and suggestions are in good taste and in a good spirit, and at the same time fresh and suggestive. The proportions of the several divisions of the treatise are well adjusted, and a good deal of matter-including valuable historical statements and criticisms-is packed in a very attractive volume. It will meet the wishes of many instructors as a principal or supplementary text book, and will interest the general reader. We commend the work most cordially to the many who are interested in this important department of philosophical research and practical application.

THE EXPOSITOR'S BIBLE.t-Attention has already been called in this Review to the plan of this series of popular, yet scholarly, expositions. The two volumes which have thus far appeared in 1889, Dr. Plummer on the Pastoral Epistles and Mr. Smith on Isaiah (Chs. I.-XXXIX)., are creditable representatives of the series. Each contains an introduction in which the critical and historical questions connected with the books to be explained, are briefly set before the reader. Dr. Plummer defends the genuineness of the Pastoral Epistles. Mr. Smith holds, we infer, the view current among critics that Chaps. XL.-XLVI. are not the work of the prophet Isaiah, but belong to the period of the Captivity. The author has based his exposition upon a careful study of the original text and an examination of the sources which have been opened in recent years for the better historical understanding of Old Testament literature. We heartily commend the volumes of this series to pastors who have not leisure for the study of more elaborate critical treatises, both as aids to interpretation and as a help to expository preaching.

* The Beginnings of Ethics. By Rev. Carroll CUTLER, D.D., formerly President of Western Reserve College. New York: A. C. Armstrong & Son. 1889. The Pastoral Epistles. By Rev. ALFRED PLUMMER, D.D. By Rev. GEO. A. SMITH, M.A. A. C. Armstrong & Son,

Isaiah, Chs. I-XXXIX. New York, 1889.

PURVES' LECTURES ON JUSTIN MARTYR* were delivered on the L. P. Stone foundation at Princeton Theological Seminary in 1888. They constitute an argument, drawn from a comprehensive survey of Justin's life and writings, for the historical character of the New Testament literature and for the acceptance by the early church of the evangelical system of doctrine. The work is characterized by candor and learning, and makes an interesting and instructive chapter in early church history as well a useful contribution to apologetics. It is provided with a full index and is presented in an attractive form by the publishers.

FINDLAY'S EXPOSITION of GALATIANS.-We have in Professor Findlay's exposition of Galatians the latest number of the series of popular commentaries to which we have already directed attention. We have examined the volumes of this series as they appeared with peculiar interest because they are prepared in pursuance of an end most desirable, but by no means easy to attain, viz the presentation of the result of scholarly and critical Biblical study in a form adapted to popular use. We regard the efforts of the various authors thus for as highly successful and none more so than Professor Findlay. His expositions combine, in excellent proportion, trustworthy and critical exegesis with popular and striking presentation. His work shows on every page that he has mastered the Epistle, but knows how to hold in reserve the processes by which he mastered it for himself, and give the reader the well considered results in an attractive and practically suggestive form. This book seems to us to closely approach the ideal of popular exposition. Not a chapter if it is too abstruse or technical to be delivered as a sermon. It would make an epoch in preaching, and in Bible-study if the ministry of to-day would vigorously take up expository preaching in the spirit and upon the methods of such volumes as this. The work would, indeed, be laborious. Much careful study would be called for before sermon preparation could begin, but great gains would be made by work of this kind in acquaintance with the Bible and in strong grasp upon evangelical truth. The tendencies of our time *The Testimony of Justin Martyr to Early Christianity. By GEORGE T. PURVES, D.D, Pastor First Presbyterian Church, Pittsburg, Pa. A. D. F. Randolph & Co. New York. pp. 302.

The Expositor's Bible. The Epistle to the Galatians. By Rev. Prof. G. G. FINDLAY, Headingley College, Leeds. A. C. Armstrong & Son, New York, 1889. pp. 461.

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